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Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Jan 2019, 12:27
by bb41
kiwikrasher wrote:Admitted to hospital for my surgery tomorrow. Was supposed to be first up tomorrow hence coming in this evening but some poor sod with a brain tumour has bumped me (and so he should) so surgery now booked in for 10am.
All the best and hope recovery will be quick xx

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Jan 2019, 12:32
by bb41
Kwacky wrote:Jeez, that's enough to put anyone off moving again.

I hope you soon settle into your new home.
The new gaffe is very run down .. not sure if the heating works ... and down an old track so fingers crossed the weather holds out as trying to bring a horse trailer full of pigs across our field in snow will not be ideal ...but thank you.. hopefully back on the net next Thursday .

Sadly under BT again as here we have satellite broadband with vonage phone so will have all the hassle of being a BT customer again (gah)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Jan 2019, 12:52
by D41
kiwikrasher wrote:Thanks guys, just looking forward to the morphine button (lol)
Good luck.
It's been a pleasure.../

I dunno 'bout the rest of seems morphine works for you all. I could barely tell the difference when I was hooked up to that stuff. It maybe took the edge off, but nothing more. Not impressed.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Jan 2019, 13:18
by Cavetroll87
D41 wrote:
kiwikrasher wrote:Thanks guys, just looking forward to the morphine button (lol)
Good luck.
It's been a pleasure.../

I dunno 'bout the rest of seems morphine works for you all. I could barely tell the difference when I was hooked up to that stuff. It maybe took the edge off, but nothing more. Not impressed.
No I'll agree with you, I didn't think the morphine did too much when I had it, as you say took the edge off but I wouldn't say I felt as out of it as say when I take Co-codamol. Unless I was that out of it I didn't think I was.....

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Jan 2019, 13:28
by Blade
Co codamol doesn't work on me unfortunately.

Been on 30/500 on and off for years but rarely help these days. Best thing I have for back pain is my Tens Machine which is instant relief.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Jan 2019, 13:44
by kiwikrasher
When I got flown off the platform with the whole twisted testicle issue they gave me fentanyl, I was so bloody high it wasn’t funny. I kept telling the guys lifting my stretcher into the chopper to duck because I thought they were going to get hit by the rotar blades (lol) it was hilarious by all accounts

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Jan 2019, 15:40
by D41
kiwikrasher wrote:twisted testicle
Now there's some imagery I could have done without. (puke)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Jan 2019, 15:55
by Stonesie
Having a fairly quiet day off, went to the gym earlier and filled the car up on the way home, picked up the wrong nozzle and ended up with a tank of V-Power diesel at £1.39.9/Litre only 12p/l more than I thought that I was going to pay (facepalm) On the up side the car is smoother and a little more responsive so I will see if it gets better mpg.

Now looking on youtube.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Jan 2019, 15:58
by Blade
Painting the hall to look like its not painted (wasntme)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Jan 2019, 16:05
by kiwikrasher
Nerves have kicked in and I’m still wide awake at 2am. I’m getting woken up at 6am for prep. Luckily a nice man is going to drug me to sleep for 5-6 hours later today.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Jan 2019, 17:31
by Cav
Good luck Kiwi!!! :) Let us know how you get on

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Jan 2019, 17:44
by Blade
Good luck hope the operation goes well and it's all over quickly

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Jan 2019, 17:50
by Kwacky
Imagine if they get your notes mixed up and remove what they think is a twisted testicle

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Jan 2019, 18:53
by D41
Let's not forget the guy who had his leg amputated.....then it turned out it was the wrong leg.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Jan 2019, 21:49
by D6Nutz
Blade wrote:Painting the hall to look like its not painted (wasntme)
Didn't you get about 5 thousand people in to finish your house off after you move in?

Surely one of them must have got something wrong enough that you could call then back to paint for you?

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Jan 2019, 21:52
by Blade
Haha I wouldn't trust them tbh Jon.

The missus picked a colour called Just Walnut but to me it should be called unpainted plaster, as that's what colour it looks like to me (blush)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Jan 2019, 22:20
by D41
Looks quite decent to me. And yes, it does look like plaster, but not in a bad way at all.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Jan 2019, 22:31
by kiwikrasher
Blade wrote:Haha I wouldn't trust them tbh Jon.

The missus picked a colour called Just Walnut but to me it should be called unpainted plaster, as that's what colour it looks like to me (blush)
Had to google it and yup I reckon your dead on in your description.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Jan 2019, 23:15
by Cav
Started work at 7 this morning, supplier visit mid morning till after lunch, get home at 4:30 then straight onto finishing and rehearsing my Uni presentation for tomorrow.

It's now 10:15 and I've finally finished it to a point I'm happy. Also, timed myself at 10m30s which I'm pleased with as I didn't need to cut too much out!

I just hope the presentation actually goes ahead tomorrow as all the staff are off ill it seems!

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 09 Jan 2019, 23:36
by kiwikrasher
Cav wrote:Started work at 7 this morning, supplier visit mid morning till after lunch, get home at 4:30 then straight onto finishing and rehearsing my Uni presentation for tomorrow.

It's now 10:15 and I've finally finished it to a point I'm happy. Also, timed myself at 10m30s which I'm pleased with as I didn't need to cut too much out!

I just hope the presentation actually goes ahead tomorrow as all the staff are off ill it seems!
Good luck with it mate, sounds like you’ve put a lot of hard work into it, so I’m sure you’ll nail it.