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Guy Martin injury update

Posted: 03 Sep 2015, 18:46
by duke63
Sounds like he is a very very lucky boy to just have the injuries he did from his Ulster GP crash.

Also seems his kit saved it from a lot worse.

Message from Guy.

"I’ve had my head down for a few weeks, because I didn’t want the world knowing I spannered myself, but it turns out the world already knew. I also wanted to make sure that anything you heard was straight from the horse’s mouth.

"I’ve had over 100 cards wishing me well. I really appreciate them, I read them all and I think they’re mega. So thanks for them.

"I don’t remember anything about the crash after headbutting the ground, but the Dainese and AGV stuff I was racing in was bloody brilliant. The leathers were cut off me, but there weren’t many scuffs on them. I headbutted the ground at 130mph, then skidded into a dirt field and catapulted off a few things. The impact I hit the ground with was massive. I was knocked out, but it’s a credit to that helmet that I didn’t suffer any damage other than a badly bloodshot eye. There are no rubbish helmets any more really, but I wouldn’t have wanted to be wearing anything other than my AGV.

"I’ve broken some vertebrae, but I’ve got to say the Dainese back protector did its job. It has a honeycomb aluminium core that was crushed by the impact, which is what’s supposed to happen, and it’s making funny noise if you flex it, but I crashed on Thursday night, I was operated on Friday afternoon and walking Saturday morning. I was in the shed the following Thursday. That back protector genuinely saved my bloody life.

"I might have come around at the trackside, because the marshals told people I was spouting the usual gibberish. I properly woke up in hospital. Then it was all the usual questions, Where are you sore? Does this hurt? I was in Belfast Royal and I’ve never been more impressed by a hospital than I was by that place, all the staff were great. I broke five vertebrae, but they bolted six together, from T4 to T10, because two are unstable, meaning there’s a chance they could move and damage my spinal column. They had to rod my spine because I broke my sternum too. Normally the front will hold the back together or the back will hold the front, but I had broken both front and back. My sternum is cracked straight down the middle, but that’s only cartilage so they don’t do anything to try repair it. I broke five ribs and two metacarpals in right hand, too, and my hand’s been plated.

"I’ve been back at work a while, but I’m struggling with everything. Sharon, my other-half, thought I was an idiot for trying to go back to work so soon, but I’d spent nearly a week at home, and I had to do something. Now she admits that me going to work has moved me on loads, mentally and physically. There’s no better physio than working on trucks and I know when I’m doing too much, I’m not planning to do anything that puts the recovery back.

"The surgeon had to move my shoulder blade muscles to get the metalwork in, then fasten them all on again. That’s what’s causing the most bother, the muscle not the broken bones. A lot of my work involves having my hands above my head, in the pit working on a truck above me, but I’m alright as long as I don’t overdo it. If it gets too much Moody or Belty give me a hand and I’m getting stronger everyday.

"Having a few days off work gave me time to think about what I want to do, and realise all things that have had to go on hold. I still want to race, but I’m not going to rush into deciding what or where I’m going to race.

"So thanks again for all the best wishes and all the messages. Cheers."


Re: Guy Martin injury update

Posted: 03 Sep 2015, 19:31
by Kwacky
All the gear all the time :)

He's a lucky lad. Last year that wall would have stopped him.

Re: Guy Martin injury update

Posted: 03 Sep 2015, 20:11
by Perkles
What a star he is,always positive and getting on with things,so glad he was wearing decent kit

Re: Guy Martin injury update

Posted: 03 Sep 2015, 20:52
by StMarks
Sounds like he's keeping in with his sponsors, but fair do's IMHO.
Back at work so soon is very impressive.
Hope he recovers well from it, pretty heavy damage.

Re: Guy Martin injury update

Posted: 03 Sep 2015, 20:56
by kingfixer
I didn't realise he had hurt himself that bad.

Re: Guy Martin injury update

Posted: 03 Sep 2015, 21:48
by DaytonAndy
Fair does the boy heals quick! I'm fairly sure I wouldn't be back at work that quick. Fair play to him.

Re: Guy Martin injury update

Posted: 03 Sep 2015, 21:49
by duke63
You can see he goes head first into the tarmac if you look closely. That helmet saved his life and then some.

I often wonder if being knocked cold saves you from worse injury as you can't resist the tumble and flailing limbs at all.


Re: Guy Martin injury update

Posted: 03 Sep 2015, 21:51
by Kwacky
Conscious or not, he was only going to be a passenger once the bike spat him off. He looked like a bouncing bomb.

Re: Guy Martin injury update

Posted: 03 Sep 2015, 21:57
by kiwikrasher
It might sound like a sponsor rant, but if I was in gear that saved my life like that I'd be singing their praises too regardless of sponsorship deals.

Sounds like he might be re-evaluating his racing career, don't blame him one bit.

Re: Guy Martin injury update

Posted: 04 Sep 2015, 18:57
by Deegee
I tend to agree with Kiwi on this one, he seems more serious about his accident than he was after the Ballascary "fireball" off, I think we all realise that bikes crash - especially at their limit, sounds like Guy has had time to realise that gear saves lives - and (his) limbs, and sometimes you don't necessarily live to race another day.

Fingers crossed he makes the right decision about any further racing, I'd be sad not to see him line up at next years TT, but would prefer he wasn't trying to keep people other than himself happy if he does.

Re: Guy Martin injury update

Posted: 04 Sep 2015, 19:25
by C00kiemonster

Re: Guy Martin injury update

Posted: 04 Sep 2015, 20:51
by Blade
Hard Ba$tard (rock)

That some serious pain that is.

Total respect to Guy and can see his logic about going to work. I know a lot of people knock him for claiming he's just a humble truck mechanic, but it's clearly something he loves with a passion and not allowing life to stop you doing what you love though injury takes guts. Will be dam good phyiso too.

Fair play to him I say. Would buy him a pint or being a Guy a brew if I saw him out and about (y)

Re: Guy Martin injury update

Posted: 04 Sep 2015, 20:54
by Kwacky
I really wanted to get back to work after my off. My boss thought I was made, but I needed a distraction and some normality.

Fair play to Guy, he's getting his head around what happened. The psychological impact can be harder to deal with than the physical injury. I had some very dark days when I was recovering, thankfully I had some excellent friends around to look after me.

Re: Guy Martin injury update

Posted: 04 Sep 2015, 20:57
by Blade
Totally agree Kwacky. Getting back to normal asap and the support of good mates is always key to a successful recovery.

Re: Guy Martin injury update

Posted: 06 Sep 2015, 18:12
by Rossgo
Fair play to the fella. But Jesus that was a hard hit. Yes a very lucky guy who was wearing the right kit at the time.