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D6Nutz - Mallory Park - 26-07-2015

Posted: 26 Jul 2015, 20:09
by D6Nutz
Not the best of days, the main issue being rain...

So the day started the evening before, picked up the van and got all packed up as the day is a 05:15 start !! The start of the day was uneventful, quick cup of coffee and a shower and time to hit the road. Joys of driving so early is there is nothing on the road, and the new shape transit is really nice to drive. One quick stop for a coffee and a leak and I was up at Mallory and ready to go...

Parked in the same spot as I did with Crazypainter last time and then realised the despite having an extension lead, I still haven't bought the caravan style adapter (facepalm) strangely at this point I introduced myself to the guy next to me who had (blush)

Early on the track was dry but cold and the sky was overcast. The first session went as you would expect, slow and steady. Things got a little more interesting in the second session. The tyres where scrubbed in a bit better and had been on the warmers so had got some heat into them, grip levels where feeling good and I was starting to get back into the rhythm of the bike again. Then the fun began, about half way through the session just getting on to the start / finish I opened the throttle and POP, follow by the feeling of a wind break...... The zip went on the jacket and it popped wide open :@ Cruised the rest of the lap and pitted to try and sort it, before realising it was fooked and abandoning the session.

What I didn't know is while that was happening someone dropped their bike big style and redecorated the left hander before the hairpin with all sorts of fluids. The marshals worked overtime getting the track cleaned up, but they called an early lunch. Just as all this was happening the rain came, and fook me did it rain..

After lunch and a bit of sky watching I decided to brave a properly wet session. With some assistance I punched a few holes in the leathers and cable tied them together and put the wet suit on to hide the bodgery. Then to the track, my god was it wet and cold. Even though the warmers had been on for nearly 2 hours the tyres where basically cold by the time I got to the first corner, from then onwards it was an alternating sequence between the front sliding and the back spinning. I completed the session, but it wasn't fun. Everyone else in inters was on full wets and riding round me like I was standing still.

Back in the paddack a bit more sky watching, it never actually stopped raining, and then the heavens opened again.. Everything went back in the van and I gave up for the day.. With such little grip, fecked leathers, and a rider not connecting with the bike I decided discretion was the better part and all that and came home with a bike in one piece.

I want to say a quick thank you to who have been looking after the track bike for me and helping me out massively with servicing and setup. I also want to thank to the dude who runs the burger van at Mallory for lending me an extension lead so I could hook the power up in the afternoon (y)

It might have been a wet day, but it was still a good day. The biker spirit was there in abundance, a few cups of tea where drunk and plenty of fat was chewed. All that was missing was a bit of cake ;)

I've got some video footage, but need to stitch it together and upload it to the tube...

Now looking forward to the next track day, I want to try and squeeze another in before Spain.

Re: D6Nutz - Mallory Park - 26-07-2015

Posted: 26 Jul 2015, 20:20
by Kwacky
Shame about the weather but it's not stopped here and I'm about an hour away from Mallory.

Re: D6Nutz - Mallory Park - 26-07-2015

Posted: 26 Jul 2015, 20:30
by D6Nutz



The couple of pics I managed to grab. Surprisingly I didn't fancy wandering round the track and paddock much.

Re: D6Nutz - Mallory Park - 26-07-2015

Posted: 26 Jul 2015, 20:31
by Blade
Glad you had a good day despite the problems and for what its worth I think you made the right decision to stop as if you went on with all those slides and wheel spins the bike could have been trolled and you seriously hurt with the leathers not holding out. Good call Nutz, it's so easy to carry on and it all go Peter tong I think you did the right thing and you still had a great day anyway by the sounds of it. Nice one mate.

Can the leathers be repaired ?

Re: D6Nutz - Mallory Park - 26-07-2015

Posted: 26 Jul 2015, 20:34
by Blade
Just seen the pics. Bike looks good but that weather doesn't. Hopefully drier at your next outing, fingers crossed.

Re: D6Nutz - Mallory Park - 26-07-2015

Posted: 26 Jul 2015, 20:47
by D6Nutz
Blade wrote:Can the leathers be repaired ?
I was going to try last year, but now I think I'll have to shell out for a new set.. They're 12+ years old and have survived at least two accidents, many miles, and a few trackdays.. Probably due for a new pair..
Blade wrote:Just seen the pics. Bike looks good but that weather doesn't. Hopefully drier at your next outing, fingers crossed.
You would have hoped that the end of July would be dry !!! Fecking british summer !!

Re: D6Nutz - Mallory Park - 26-07-2015

Posted: 26 Jul 2015, 20:49
by D6Nutz
One of the plus points for me from the day though was that I didn't feel out of my depth in inters while it was dry..

So maybe it's time to grow a pair and keep it in inters from now on.

Re: D6Nutz - Mallory Park - 26-07-2015

Posted: 26 Jul 2015, 20:51
by Blade
Nice one Nutz. Sounds like you have really gelled with the cbr6.

Re: D6Nutz - Mallory Park - 26-07-2015

Posted: 26 Jul 2015, 21:24
by Blade
D6Nutz wrote:
Blade wrote:Can the leathers be repaired ?
I was going to try last year, but now I think I'll have to shell out for a new set.. They're 12+ years old and have survived at least two accidents, many miles, and a few trackdays.. Probably due for a new pair..
Blade wrote:Just seen the pics. Bike looks good but that weather doesn't. Hopefully drier at your next outing, fingers crossed.
You would have hoped that the end of July would be dry !!! Fecking british summer !!
If it helps there is an extra 10% off already discounted prices Nutz." onclick=";return false;

Re: D6Nutz - Mallory Park - 26-07-2015

Posted: 26 Jul 2015, 21:31
by D6Nutz
Appreciated mate, but it runs out tomorrow... I need to go out and try some leathers on to see how they fit me these days, and I also need to save up some wedge. The last few months have been very very expensive and I've now been out of work for a month so spending is a little restricted!!

Re: D6Nutz - Mallory Park - 26-07-2015

Posted: 26 Jul 2015, 21:35
by Blade
No worries Nutz forgot you had just moved house. What about just getting a cheap second hand set for trackdays when funds allow ? I ve seen some absolute bargains come up on ebay of barely used top quality kit.

Re: D6Nutz - Mallory Park - 26-07-2015

Posted: 27 Jul 2015, 12:10
by D6Nutz
I might do that at some point, new leathers for the road have to come first though or I'm not going to get any riding in this year...

Videos below from the first two sessions, I'm really quite impressed with the camera not only are the videos good quality but it survived the soaking it got under the rear fairing. Think I might need to swap it over to the other side of the bike as the exhaust noise might be a tad much for the mic..

Video of the first session:


Video of the second session:


Then the battery on the camera went flat. Note to self, turn it off between session and especially over a long lunch (facepalm)

Re: D6Nutz - Mallory Park - 26-07-2015

Posted: 27 Jul 2015, 15:45
by Kwacky
We've all done it.

Good quality.

Re: D6Nutz - Mallory Park - 26-07-2015

Posted: 27 Jul 2015, 17:21
by Blade
Good quality video Nutz. You faired lucky with the weather in the morning as was horrible here all day.

Re: D6Nutz - Mallory Park - 26-07-2015

Posted: 27 Jul 2015, 20:02
by rocket
Nice riding nutz shame about the changeable weather but looks like you still enjoyed it

Re: D6Nutz - Mallory Park - 26-07-2015

Posted: 28 Jul 2015, 09:31
by D6Nutz
Any bike time is good, especially s I've been so busy and not had much time for myself.

I even enjoyed the wet session after lunch, such a shame the battery went flat on the camera.