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Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 17 Jan 2018, 21:54
by Kwacky
This was tonight's set. Everything is paired up for supersets. The shrugs you do whilst seated at the lat pulldown machine. I only used 12kg dumbbells and my upper traps were screaming.


Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 17 Jan 2018, 22:39
by D6Nutz
Went to one of the clubs coached sessions for the first time in ages. The session was called 7-7-7 and involved running 7 mins at your marathon pace, followed by 7 mins at half marathon pace, and then 7 mins at park run pace. There is no recovery time!

1 - 9 min/mile
2 - 8.15 min/mile
3 - 7.15 min/mile

Happy enough with that as I haven't really been running for the last 3-4 weeks.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 18 Jan 2018, 00:05
by Itchy
Went to the physio again today.

I think there were some crossed wires last time I went. Apparently I shouldn't be doing my strength work whilst I'm under their care.


Didn't tell him I'd been deadlifting this morning.

Still, things are sort of promising. Although my abs are as weak as a kitten, my form is apparently really good with the core stuff, so at least that's a solid base to work on.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 18 Jan 2018, 00:23
by fidget
after getting the ligaments torn in my left knee (football) back in late Oct and then having a good 6 weeks on crutches, I finally started back at the gym on Monday. Took a class that involved rope work, kettlebells, sled pulls etc. 60 minute class using a tabata training technique with one 3 minute break in it.
Muscles have been having a word with me the last couple of days I can tell you.

Gotta shift some excess kgs and get my strength back up before the track time kicks in again.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 18 Jan 2018, 00:31
by D41
Went for a walk.......nowt big - 3 miles or so. Hip has been playing up lately, so trying to see if it's going to implode anytime soon, or if I'm good for another few years.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 20 Jan 2018, 15:37
by D6Nutz
14 very wet, very muddy, trail miles this morning.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 24 Jan 2018, 22:38
by D6Nutz
Coached club session tonight. Indian File training session and my first time in group 2 (out of 4).

Basically the session is, run in a line and the person at the back has to sprint to the front. This continues taking a break every so often and dropping the pace slightly. Overall, including warmup, we covered 10k (6.2 miles) in 53 minutes.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 24 Jan 2018, 23:05
by Stonesie
Gym for a PT session yestarday and we were taking it a bit easy concentrating on high reps rather than weight, we've both been off with this flu so getting back up to speed will take a day or 2.

Today was a chill out day

Tomorrow I'm back into the program and planning a nice mid morning session when it will hopefully be quiet.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 25 Jan 2018, 08:02
by Kwacky
I've cancelled tomorrow's session, I'm still getting over this cold.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 25 Jan 2018, 08:56
by Cav
Well... last nights gym session was incredible!

I'm now doing quad-sets for 3 exercises.... it went like this:

3 sets of 10 reps for everything....
Group 1:
Pull ups
Push ups
Lateral raises

Group 2:
Shoulder barbell press
Decline cable flies
Bent over row
Crunch with twist

Group 3:
Incline cable pull through
Straight bar & straight arm lat pull down
Rear delt flies
Lower ab leg lifts

I then did a random barbell row set with a guy in the gym. 10 reps/3 sets of 45kg then a drop set (45/30/15) I'm not sure of the actual name but my god it works everything. The barbell is put against a corner and you lift the opposite end while stood over the barbell.

Everything done with very strict form and slow

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 25 Jan 2018, 09:07
by Kwacky
I used to do a few exercises like that. You can do one arm press, bent over pulls, twists and overhead hand to hand pass overs

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 25 Jan 2018, 12:09
by Cav
Most of these exercised I'd like to do one arm at a time, however, I have to be aware that I'm using multiple pieces of equipment at a time and cluttering an area.

If it was quiet I'd be using two barbells, the squat rack, pull up bars and a set of dumbells at one time.. it's just not practical during peak times

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 26 Jan 2018, 11:53
by C00kiemonster
I've been back on the rowing machine, trying to up my cardio fitness and i didnt warm up properly the other day so I think i've ripped something at the back of my left leg below my bum. Sharp pains every now and then and a dull ache - it's killing me today.

I'm not one for resting it, but this is hurty :(

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 26 Jan 2018, 11:59
by Monty
That sounds like a trapped nerve

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 26 Jan 2018, 12:02
by Cav
Sounds more like tendon/muscle tenderness to me, probably jarred it.

Rowing isn't that gentle on your body especially with poor form (which the majority of people, myself included, have)

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 26 Jan 2018, 14:20
by C00kiemonster
Cav wrote:Sounds more like tendon/muscle tenderness to me, probably jarred it.

Rowing isn't that gentle on your body especially with poor form (which the majority of people, myself included, have)
Your probably right - and my form is crap at the moment, so my own fault i reckon, so RICE this afternoon. (yawn)

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 28 Jan 2018, 13:39
by D6Nutz
19 miles this morning averaging 9:41 min/mile pace.

Was going really well up until 17 when my body decided it had enough and stopped. I know I need to work on my nutrition of in going to try these kinds of distances at pace.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 29 Jan 2018, 06:24
by kiwikrasher
D6Nutz wrote:19 miles this morning averaging 9:41 min/mile pace.

Was going really well up until 17 when my body decided it had enough and stopped. I know I need to work on my nutrition of in going to try these kinds of distances at pace.
That’s a fair old pace for that distance mate (shocked)

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 29 Jan 2018, 09:47
by Kwacky
I've not trained for a couple of weeks because of this cold. I feel all flabby and yuck. I've still got a cough but I need to get back into it.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 29 Jan 2018, 12:51
by D6Nutz
kiwikrasher wrote:
D6Nutz wrote:19 miles this morning averaging 9:41 min/mile pace.

Was going really well up until 17 when my body decided it had enough and stopped. I know I need to work on my nutrition of in going to try these kinds of distances at pace.
That’s a fair old pace for that distance mate (shocked)
I have plans on getting faster than that :) I've got a fairly flat marathon in April and I want to see how far I can push my body.

I'm doing distance and speed training separately, that was the first time I tried combining them.