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Re: The Glorious British Summer

Posted: 21 Aug 2015, 14:10
by Blade
Last summer was pretty good if I remember rightly , wasn't it ??????

Re: The Glorious British Summer

Posted: 21 Aug 2015, 15:07
by Kwacky
It was very patchy. A few ride outs were cancelled at the last minute.

Re: The Glorious British Summer

Posted: 21 Aug 2015, 15:09
by Kwacky
August was an often unsettled month with some large daily rainfall totals in some areas. Ex-Hurricane 'Bertha' passed over the UK on 10th to 11th bringing some unseasonably windy and wet weather, before moving into the North Sea and maintaining a cool and showery regime. The second half of the month saw some notably cool days and nights with some early ground frosts, and remained unsettled resulting in a cool and wet month overall.

The UK mean temperature was 13.9 °C, 1.0 °C below the 1981-2010 long-term average. This was the coolest August for the UK since 1993, ending a sequence of eight warmer than average months. Rainfall was above average, particularly across northern Scotland which had its wettest August in a series from 1910. The UK overall received 155% of average rainfall and this was equal-eighth wettest in the series. It was a slightly sunnier than average month in the north and west with 105% of average sunshine hours for the UK overall. ... 014/august" onclick=";return false;

Re: The Glorious British Summer

Posted: 21 Aug 2015, 16:50
by duke63
Much depends where you live I think. The south and east of the England have far better summers than the rest of the country.

Re: The Glorious British Summer

Posted: 21 Aug 2015, 18:43
by Deegee
Kwacky wrote:When was the last time we had a hot and dry summer? Late 90s?
1976 iirc, hot, sticky and dry as my throat on a Friday night, that was the summer we nearly ran completely out of water in the UK. The reason I remember it is that it's the summer I left school, and had to work all the bloody way through that hot, gorgeous, torturous summer for the first time ever. It broke my heart.

Re: The Glorious British Summer

Posted: 21 Aug 2015, 22:09
by D6Nutz
The only reason I'm wearing jeans at the moment is that it doesn't fell right wearing shorts into the office. Others do though.. As soon as I get home the shorts are back on.

Re: The Glorious British Summer

Posted: 22 Aug 2015, 08:14
by Blade
Early 90's were good. I was serving my time as an apprentice and I remember when it got above 85 degrees inside they would buy us all ice creams :P

One thing I have noticed the last few years is its often wet or damp in the day and dry in the evening. It's why I bought the shoei with an internal sun visor as that ability to go from a dark visor to a clear visor very quickly proves invaluable.

Someone might be able to comment on why this fine evening theory exists but all I know is it does regardless of the science.

Re: The Glorious British Summer

Posted: 24 Aug 2015, 10:46
by Deegee
It's p*ssing down here so I must be back in the UK, just to make it even better I see we've got a weather warning for an obscene amount of rain this afternoon hereabouts. It's great to be home. (facepalm)

Re: The Glorious British Summer

Posted: 24 Aug 2015, 10:55
by Kwacky
Looking at the 5 day forecast it's supposed to rain every day this week

Re: The Glorious British Summer

Posted: 24 Aug 2015, 10:57
by D6Nutz
Enjoying my "summer" holiday so far.. Yesterday morning it hurled it down, fortunately brightening up a but in the afternoon. Today, it's raining again (dull)

Re: The Glorious British Summer

Posted: 24 Aug 2015, 10:59
by Perkles
sunday morning was good ,we managed to get out on the bikes and it was dry but you could feel in the air it was going to piss down later on

Re: The Glorious British Summer

Posted: 25 Aug 2015, 08:40
by Kwacky
Blinding sun in the morning, dark grey clouds and torrential rain in the evenings.

Re: The Glorious British Summer

Posted: 25 Aug 2015, 13:21
by D6
pretty nippy this morning.

Re: The Glorious British Summer

Posted: 25 Aug 2015, 13:24
by Kwacky
Chilly but very bright sunshine.

What I have noticed is that the ground has never really warmed up so the tyres aren't as grippy as you would expect for this time of year.

Re: The Glorious British Summer

Posted: 25 Aug 2015, 13:27
by D6
Yes, as I have been using sport touring type tyres (angel st) they are great in crappy wet conditions, but when its dry they just aren't giving enough grip or confidence.

I am considering going more sporty. Putting up with poor wet grip, but so I can enjoy the dry (even if cold) days more. And put up with the reduced longevity... although I've not really noticed a massive difference.

Re: The Glorious British Summer

Posted: 25 Aug 2015, 13:30
by Kwacky
Try the m7s

It'll be interesting to see how they do with a large torquey bike.

Or the PR4s Duke mentioned in another thread.

I have found the M5s to be sliding a bit on the SX.

Re: The Glorious British Summer

Posted: 27 Aug 2015, 08:01
by Blade
Currently on holiday in Norfolk and boy did it hammer it down here yesterday.

We are staying quite rural in a country club spa hotel so a little out in the sticks but boy did it rain hard here yesterday.

A lot of the rural roads were completely flooded and we had to Ford floods to get back to the hotel which had a car park that looked more like a torrent river.

Listening to the local news this morning apparently there was 43mm of rain in an hour here yesterday (rain) (wasntme)

Mental weather (shocked)

Re: The Glorious British Summer

Posted: 27 Aug 2015, 08:29
by Kwacky
It's never got warm. I'm walking the dog in the evening and it's almost cold. It should be a nice warm summer's stroll. Not a quick jog around the block and back home.

Re: The Glorious British Summer

Posted: 27 Aug 2015, 18:24
by Itchy
That's one of the few things I like about living in Norfolk, the weather.
As Blade said, there was a bit of a down pour the other day but I'm sat in shorts and t shirt right now.
The ice-cream man has been round almost every night during the summer holidays.

Re: The Glorious British Summer

Posted: 27 Aug 2015, 18:34
by Blade
I'm in Norfolk a lot Itchy and it's probably the best place I go in this country for sunshine and is almost always dry but when it does rain it seems to really hammer it down for some reason.

It's nice weather this evening but it's our last day of our holiday in Norfolk unfortunately.

Off to duxford ari museum tomorrow and then over night in Cambridge and on to Silverstone on Saturday for motogp