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Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 03 Dec 2018, 10:04
by Cav
Recovering from laying yet more bricks and blocks.

A few facts so far...:
1200+ bricks laid
100 blocks laid
3.5+ tonnes of concrete poured and leveled
2 tonne of mortar used

The workshop is coming along now and it's very nearly ready for a roof.

I'm feeling very proud of how much I've done (with a lot of help from my Father-in-Law-to-be) and it's looking pretty smart so far

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 03 Dec 2018, 11:08
by Kwacky
Trying to sneak in some revision for my taekwondo grading on Saturday.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 03 Dec 2018, 12:53
by Cavetroll87
Kwacky wrote:Trying to sneak in some revision for my taekwondo grading on Saturday.
You attacking random coworkers in the office again?

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 03 Dec 2018, 13:03
by Kwacky
don't give me ideas.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 03 Dec 2018, 16:39
by C00kiemonster
Fighting our way north to the ferry. These yellow jacket protests are everywhere. Took us 7 hours to get to Le Havre. Lying down on the boat now |-)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 03 Dec 2018, 16:51
by D41
Don't think I'm going to be doing anything is FREEZING here right now. Fcuk me it's cold.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 03 Dec 2018, 20:08
by kiwikrasher
Going to Byrons high school orientation day today. Woke at 5am and have been lying here having a mild anxiety attack about my ASD son who is just managing primary school with 100 students now having to navigating high school with nearly 1000 students.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Dec 2018, 08:16
by Cav
Good luck today Paul!! Hope everything goes well :)

My brother-in-law has severe ASD and wasn't able to go through conventional school and will never work etc. As long as we prepare him for things enough in advance it can go surprisingly smoothly. Sometimes, for very big things we won't give him any warning purely because we know we will be there with him and he will hang on to us and just cope - but we don't expect him to be happy or say anything to anyone.

Fingers are crossed for you both :)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Dec 2018, 08:18
by Cav
On the flip side of that, someone I sit next to at work has asperger's and, while he's socially awkward, he seems to gravitate to people and conversation.

Also, I work in engineering where most people are ASD.. I'm probably included in that haha.

No one knows your son like you so you'll be fine and do great! :)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Dec 2018, 08:38
by D6Nutz
kiwikrasher wrote:Going to Byrons high school orientation day today. Woke at 5am and have been lying here having a mild anxiety attack about my ASD son who is just managing primary school with 100 students now having to navigating high school with nearly 1000 students.
Hope the visit went well mate, being in the position where we may have to move James again I can understand the anxiety. That said they can surprise you.

James is on his first residential trip this week, he's never spent a night away from family before. We didn't get a call last night to come and collect him, so it can't be going too badly.

@cav working in IT I'm fairly sure most of my work colleagues (myself included) register somewhere on the spectrum.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Dec 2018, 10:23
by kiwikrasher
We are all on it somewhere, you can find a ASD trait in most people. But it’s when these traits stack up in a personality to the point it has a marked impact on someone’s life, it then becomes a diagnosis. I’m totally sure I’m at a diagnosable level, just grew up in a generation where the high functioning autistics were just labelled ‘quirky’.

The day went really well. Byron feels way more confident about it all. It’s a public school but has the highest academic results in the region. Not why he’s going, it’s just the public school he’s zoned for. The kids we talked too were kind, polite and welcoming. He had some concerns about uniform and change rooms for sports and they were all settled to his satisfaction. Although it’s a big school it still has the community feel I love about this area. I didn’t take him back to school afterwards, let him hang out with me and gave the opportunity to tackle questions he had as they came up in a relaxed environment.

Thanks for all the kind words guys, I’m very involved with my kids and in probably fret more than I should.

Good news is his year Advisor is smoking hot!! She had already said we need to organise a meeting to go over his specific needs and areas of concern. Damn shame that (lol)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Dec 2018, 10:27
by Kwacky
It could be worse, you could have a son who's response to everything at the moment is "fight me" (facepalm)

I'm sure he'll grow out of it.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Dec 2018, 10:27
by C00kiemonster
Funeral today sadly. Mrs C's Granny. 99 3/4 she was..

Still, it's a beautiful sunny calm day by the sea so a nice goodbye (y) (groupdrink)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Dec 2018, 10:36
by kiwikrasher
Kwacky wrote:It could be worse, you could have a son who's response to everything at the moment is "fight me" (facepalm)

I'm sure he'll grow out of it.
I’ve had my share of that, when he flips out he flips out. He’s tried to strangle me, threatened me with a knife and clocked me in the head with a Wii remote. I’m just lucky he doesn’t have a black belt and I have enough skill to put him on his ar$e without hurting him.

Except the knife day, I hurt him that day an it was intentional.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Dec 2018, 10:38
by Kwacky
Blimey. That's got to be really tough to deal with. Do you ever mention it or just put it in to history and leave it there?

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Dec 2018, 11:08
by kiwikrasher
Kwacky wrote:Blimey. That's got to be really tough to deal with. Do you ever mention it or just put it in to history and leave it there?
Once I’ve got him calm and well out of the meltdown (loses all congnitive ability when melting down, can’t reason so no point doing anything apart from calming him) we address it in the basic sense. What went wrong, how we got there. Then at a later stage we have a good debrief, I draw a flow chart of the steps of what happened and then of each step we discuss alternative options and reactions that are more appropriate. Then the worst events I make notes and we go over it again at his shrink appointments.

All that happens when he’s with me. When he’s with his mum I do my best to defuse him over the phone from offshore because she’s got no inclination to put that sort of effort in.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Dec 2018, 11:13
by kiwikrasher
C00kiemonster wrote:Funeral today sadly. Mrs C's Granny. 99 3/4 she was..

Still, it's a beautiful sunny calm day by the sea so a nice goodbye (y) (groupdrink)
Glad you were able to give here a nice send off Cookie, but the OCD in me is like, ripped off, so close to the ton!!!

Hope Mrs C is doing ok (bear)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Dec 2018, 11:15
by C00kiemonster
kiwikrasher wrote:
C00kiemonster wrote:Funeral today sadly. Mrs C's Granny. 99 3/4 she was..

Still, it's a beautiful sunny calm day by the sea so a nice goodbye (y) (groupdrink)
Glad you were able to give here a nice send off Cookie, but the OCD in me is like, ripped off, so close to the ton!!!

Hope Mrs C is doing ok (bear)

I expect she will be in bits in about 2 hrs time.

The kids too. They are so lucky to have had a great granny well into their twenties. I only really knew one of my grandparents and they died when I was 17.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Dec 2018, 11:26
by Cav
My condolences :(

I echo Kiwi though... so bloody close to a monkey!!

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 04 Dec 2018, 11:59
by D41
A monkey??