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Weekend Plans

Posted: 01 Apr 2016, 09:16
by Kwacky
So what's everyone up to?

Night in tonight. Try and shift this chest infection with a bath and an early night.

Wifey is working tomorrow so I'll be entertaining my son inbetween selling the zx6r plastics and doing bits and pieces around the house. Saturday night out on the beer.

Sunday nursing a hangover. The SX could do with a wash and I've got some new bolts to put on it if I can be arsed.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 01 Apr 2016, 09:20
by Blade
Chores and jobs today. Saturday is a family day out and Sunday hopefully letting Monty buy me a late breakfast (rock)

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 01 Apr 2016, 09:43
by Perkles
Tonight I have a 60th Birthday party to attend
Saturday family meal out with my Dad ,hes getting on a bit I need to spend as much time with him as possible now.I feel very guilty when I dont see him
Sunday household chores and if the weather holds out an hour or two othe bike at some point

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 01 Apr 2016, 10:07
by Deegee
Tomorrow I'm sorting out eldest sons new indicators on his CBR600FS2, the bike he's adamant he was going to sell, but after getting it ready for MOT now doesn't want to. :D

Sunday, I'm sorting out the curtain rail in Mini Gee's room that's hanging off the wall (it fell off on its own apparently) and also weather permitting I'll be trying to get out for walk, I normally exercise every day in my job so having a 10 day period doing nothing (off ill) plays hell with my fitness levels.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 01 Apr 2016, 13:45
by kingfixer
Tonight.....not a lot
Sat....getting dragged round the shops most probably :^
Sun....hopefully give the 999 a good ride out before I take the mirrors and tail lights etc off before it goes to Spain in two weeks.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 01 Apr 2016, 18:14
by D6Nutz
Tonight is all about relaxation as the rest of the weekend is going to be insane..

Tomorrow morning, taking the boy out for his first ever run. Decided to do take him to parkrun, which is a 5k event. Hoping it's not too much for him (worried) not sure what the afternoon will bring.

Sunday is race day. Reading half marathon again, pace notes set for 1:58 so really going for the sub 2 hour this time. The afternoon is a birthday party with the girl, and probably a lot of complaining about knackered legs.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 01 Apr 2016, 19:09
by Jack
Manchester Bike show on Sunday - The Navy have a stand trying to drum up some sponsorship and general PR stuff , I'm doing some promo shots for them .

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 01 Apr 2016, 22:15
by kiwikrasher
Got to the city last night, had a massive feast and a few drinks at some cool little bars.

Up this morning for the sunrise over the harbour

Adventuring around the traps today, mates 50th tonight.

Late check out Sunday and pick kids up for dad duties sometime mid arvo.