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Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 18 Nov 2018, 13:14
by Frankie
duke63 wrote:Blagged a ticket for Motorcycle Live so going on Tuesday. Want to. hopefully, get an Abba Skylift with a nice discount.
Are they there ? I read somewhere a few companies have been priced out of having a stand so not going this year, I am sure one of the bike stand people were one of them.

As for me I am getting the bike out for a quick potter about.... need to have a ride :)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 18 Nov 2018, 16:55
by duke63
Abba are there. Its the iJac people who are not.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 18 Nov 2018, 18:42
by D6Nutz
12 mile run this morning, picked the caravan up, cleaned it and packed it up for winter then took it back to the yard. Just finished helping James with his maths homework and am now taking 5 with a glass of wine.

Kiwi will appreciate this. You have to love autistic brain and the way the kids work. For 2 years I've been trying to persuade James to ride a bike, or at least try, but to no avail. Given up now as the weather just isn't nice enough for it. Today Mrs Nutz took them to the park, one of the friends there had a bike and apparently James just picked it up got on it and cycled off... FFS..

Needless to say, I'm chuffed to bits though. I'm looking forward to building his confidence and having some father son bike rides.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 18 Nov 2018, 21:02
by kiwikrasher
Totally appreciate that situation.

Byron was up and down with bikes. Loved his balance bike when he was young but flipped at a big bike and had to go onto training wheels even though he had the balance skills already.

Brided him with a video game at about 6 yrs old and finally got him off training wheels and bought him a bigger cooler bike.

2 weeks later he fell off it and grazed himself up and has refused to ride since then. He’s now 12.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 18 Nov 2018, 23:22
by D41
Shopping.....and witnessing the first good spirits of the upcoming holidays.

The ethic of "Fcuk Christmas/Thanksgiving is more important than yours!!" has not been lost on my fellow Americans.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 20 Nov 2018, 08:26
by D6Nutz
Wondering where my nuts have gone... Feck me it's turned cold all of a sudden...

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 20 Nov 2018, 09:14
by Kwacky
Good gig last night from an up and coming band, Pip Blom. Very geeky to look at but a really good set.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 20 Nov 2018, 13:03
by D41
I looked them up. They sound cool....remind me of a punk fashion shop in Newcastle.......they'd play stuff like that all day long.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 20 Nov 2018, 13:11
by Kwacky
They're like an old fashioned garage band. It was a really good gig last night, I suspect they won't be playing small venues like that again.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 20 Nov 2018, 20:17
by Deegee
Listened to the two tracks of theirs you put up in the other thread, very impressed!

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 24 Nov 2018, 18:29
by Deegee
Buying Crimbo goodies, coffee and cakes.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 25 Nov 2018, 18:20
by D6Nutz
Sniffing and feeling generally crap.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 26 Nov 2018, 08:38
by Itchy
Laying in bed.

It might not seem like much, but when I couple It with the fact that my replacement went to work 3 hours ago(meaning my hand-over is completed and I no longer need to go into work this year), it's quite a nice lie-in.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 26 Nov 2018, 09:28
by Kwacky
Make the most of it. It's been a tough tour, what with all that beachbabe watching and important military stuff you've been doing ;) :D

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 26 Nov 2018, 10:57
by Itchy
Don't forget the fact that the local takeaways only deliver to my room!

I have to get up off my bed and walk for at least a metre to retrieve it!

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 26 Nov 2018, 11:06
by Kwacky

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 26 Nov 2018, 16:42
by C00kiemonster
duke63 wrote:
C00kiemonster wrote:Not going anywhere today. Massive fuel protests in France. Lots of roads blocked too.

Good on the frenchies - if they are not happy they take action rather than doing nothing.

Fuel prices go up and the Frenchies revolt big time as it affects their lives a fair bit for now.

[video] ... 473672032/[/video]

Brexit happens in the UK which will effect Brits for generations to come and we let our politicians **** the whole thing up without a murmur.

Tell me who has it right?
Further to this, the French are still at it everyday protesting affecting all sorts of things now.

They have however torched every speed camera they could find too 8) 8) :D

They have also been torching toll booths and blocking the tax offices. I like the French (party)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 26 Nov 2018, 17:13
by Monty
Liberte, egalite, fraternite.

Love the French, especially when they drop half a ton of manure on Macron's door step.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 26 Nov 2018, 17:17
by Deegee
Can’t say I disagree with their rationale, from what I understand Macron is trying to push through fuel price hikes on the back of a green agenda, which is bollocks, it’s a tax hike plain and simple, he needs the cash.

So the protesters take out Government owned money generating infrastructure, Makes a perverse kind of sense, problem is the toll booths etc will still have to rebuilt using Government money (from taxes, tolls and speed cameras etc) at some point in the future. (facepalm)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 27 Nov 2018, 22:51
by Itchy
Not sleeping, apparently.

Anyone would think I was excited or something...