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Watchout, there's a horsebox about

Posted: 29 Sep 2015, 12:21
by Kwacky
Police officers have taken to hiding out in tractors and horseboxes in a bid to clampdown on speeding bikers on a high casualty rural road, it has emerged.

Humberside Police admitted it had employed the new tactics as part of an ongoing aim to reduce the number of motorcyclists killed or seriously injured on the B1253 in East Yorkshire.

But the move has sparked anger among motorists 'caught out' by the unusual method, with one biker critical of handheld speed cameras being used in unmarked police vehicles.

Read more: ... z3n7qvJK9A" onclick=";return false;

Nice work if you can get it. Surely the idea is to be as visible as possible if you want people to be safer on the roads>?

Re: Watchout, there's a horsebox about

Posted: 29 Sep 2015, 12:43
by Monty
Previously the scheme involved the use of marked motorcycles at the roadside but rather than continuing to invest in these the force deemed it cheaper to purchase a tractor and horsebox.
Cos bikes cost a lot more than Tractors, said nobody ever!

Re: Watchout, there's a horsebox about

Posted: 29 Sep 2015, 13:38
by D6
False plates or flip up thingies are becoming more appealing

Re: Watchout, there's a horsebox about

Posted: 29 Sep 2015, 18:04
by Blade
They should target speeding offenders not bikers (gah)

Re: Watchout, there's a horsebox about

Posted: 29 Sep 2015, 18:47
by Kwacky
what about speeding bikers?

Re: Watchout, there's a horsebox about

Posted: 29 Sep 2015, 18:50
by Blade
They would fall into the category speeding offenders I. E anyone on any vehicle not complying with the speed limit should be targeted not just speeding bikers which is what the original comments implied.

Re: Watchout, there's a horsebox about

Posted: 29 Sep 2015, 18:57
by D6
At least with more speed cameras and less traffic officers, drinking and driving is becoming easier to get away with

Re: Watchout, there's a horsebox about

Posted: 29 Sep 2015, 19:25
by Kwacky

Re: Watchout, there's a horsebox about

Posted: 29 Sep 2015, 21:48
by D6
I've never been advanced at anything before.

Re: Watchout, there's a horsebox about

Posted: 30 Sep 2015, 17:56
by StMarks
Fwiw I've passed it. (angel)

I did drop a couple of gears & give her a full twist when I was out of their line of site but well within hearing distance... Thought I'd make a little point to them.: (hi)

Re: Watchout, there's a horsebox about

Posted: 30 Sep 2015, 19:16
by Blade
Kwacky wrote::)
No body picked up on my comment about Rossgo posting "BBC videos " the other day (giggle)

Oh well I laughed at my own joke if that counts (giggle)

Re: Watchout, there's a horsebox about

Posted: 30 Sep 2015, 19:37
by Kwacky
I did. I don't think people know what it stands for.

Re: Watchout, there's a horsebox about

Posted: 30 Sep 2015, 19:40
by Blade
Kwacky wrote:I did. I don't think people know what it stands for.
We're just too advanced in our humour ;)

Re: Watchout, there's a horsebox about

Posted: 30 Sep 2015, 19:42
by Kwacky
or spend too long on the wrong sites (devil)

Re: Watchout, there's a horsebox about

Posted: 30 Sep 2015, 20:30
by Blade
Is it possible to spend too long :? After all its all educational (happy)

Re: Watchout, there's a horsebox about

Posted: 30 Sep 2015, 22:36
by hubington
for fear of bringing this back on topic (which I seem to recall is frowned upon) I did read that the police commissioner for Humberside wants to install a ton of hidden cameras (coloured covertly, concealed by bushes etc), however unlike their visible counterparts you would need to be doing double the limit to trigger them as he feels there are motorists (in this instance wasn't specifically targeting bikers) who make a hobby out of speeding and that this is endangering the general public.

now on the face of it, the proposal seems a fairly reasonable one, but you just know that once hidden cameras are accepted in principle then they will start to replace the visible ones only without the double limit requirement.

Re: Watchout, there's a horsebox about

Posted: 01 Oct 2015, 04:54
by kiwikrasher
hubington wrote:for fear of bringing this back on topic (which I seem to recall is frowned upon) I did read that the police commissioner for Humberside wants to install a ton of hidden cameras (coloured covertly, concealed by bushes etc), however unlike their visible counterparts you would need to be doing double the limit to trigger them as he feels there are motorists (in this instance wasn't specifically targeting bikers) who make a hobby out of speeding and that this is endangering the general public.

now on the face of it, the proposal seems a fairly reasonable one, but you just know that once hidden cameras are accepted in principle then they will start to replace the visible ones only without the double limit requirement.
Almost exactly what happened in NZ.When I left NZ in 2001 they had visible cameras that could get you on anything over the speed limit (although they claim they only book the top 15% of speeders) and then they had hidden cameras that could only get you if you were 30 km over the speed limit. About half way thru' my bike tour I was told they now can book you for anything over the limit with a hidden camera and nearly all transport trucks have dash cams and regularly forward recordings on to police.

It's been 6 months since I got back and nothing has turned up in the mail so I think I can relax now :D

Re: Watchout, there's a horsebox about

Posted: 01 Oct 2015, 08:33
by Kwacky
Do hidden cameras work? If people want to do silly speeds then they'll start using false plates or pass the locations around on the internet.

Sadly it doesn't stop accidents.

It seems that the only effective method are those average speed cameras

Re: Watchout, there's a horsebox about

Posted: 01 Oct 2015, 08:44
by StMarks
hubington wrote:for fear of bringing this back on topic (which I seem to recall is frowned upon) I did read that the police commissioner for Humberside wants to install a ton of hidden cameras (coloured covertly, concealed by bushes etc), however unlike their visible counterparts you would need to be doing double the limit to trigger them as he feels there are motorists (in this instance wasn't specifically targeting bikers) who make a hobby out of speeding and that this is endangering the general public.

now on the face of it, the proposal seems a fairly reasonable one, but you just know that once hidden cameras are accepted in principle then they will start to replace the visible ones only without the double limit requirement.
The road that it was parked on when I rode past it seems quite popular with motorcyclists, and there have been a few fatalities on it recently.

Re: Watchout, there's a horsebox about

Posted: 01 Oct 2015, 09:11
by kiwikrasher
Kwacky wrote:Do hidden cameras work? If people want to do silly speeds then they'll start using false plates or pass the locations around on the internet.

Sadly it doesn't stop accidents.

It seems that the only effective method are those average speed cameras
Didn't really work on me, I was gambling with the 50/50 chance they were going to be front facing :D

Overall it seemed the average speed in NZ had dropped, but I have no idea of actual statistics

We have averaging speed cams in Australia, mainly for heavy vehicles but those do make me slow down!