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Quad Bikes on the road

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 12:22
by Kwacky
I've never been a fan. I know I'm an old grouch but they do seem to attract a particular type of owner.

Sadly 4 people have lost their lives after one was involved in a crash ... -bike.html" onclick=";return false;

Hopefully there will be some change in the rules. A helmet would be a good start.

Re: Quad Bikes on the road

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 13:50
by Perkles
They annoy me blasting with no helmet and a chavvy exhaust
I'm not sure you need a full licence either

Re: Quad Bikes on the road

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 14:26
by Mac
I'm shocked they're allowed on the road at all!? The pictures weren't exceptionally clear, but with 4 people killed I'm assuming it was a side-by-side type? Regardless, while some US states allow them to be registered, mine doesn't, for this very reason. Even in those states that do, helmet and motorcycle licenses typically apply. Not intended to be critical of UK laws, I'm just surprised as I would'nt have thought a European country would allow such.

Re: Quad Bikes on the road

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 14:37
by Kwacky
I think they're used under old laws which were to do more with agricultural machines, to allow farmers to drive a tractor on a public road without having to get a motorbike licence or wear a crash helmet.

Re: Quad Bikes on the road

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 16:12
by Blade
Tragic that 4 young people died and a child is without there father. Live is special and fragile.

Thoughts are with he families of the victims.

Re: Quad Bikes on the road

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 22:03
by Monty
Quad bikes full stop, you can't change the laws of physics. Shouldn't be allowed just ask Rick. Very sad for them though RIP.

Re: Quad Bikes on the road

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 22:07
by duke63
The rumour is that the quad bike was ploughed through from behind by the car.

Re: Quad Bikes on the road

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 23:53
by kiwikrasher
Sad event all round.

I don't see the need for them on the road at all, but regardless of the laws it doesn't seem they were following them anyway. No MOT, 4 on it at one time...

Re: Quad Bikes on the road

Posted: 07 Oct 2015, 15:51
by Rossgo
RIP to those people. Sad to hear anyone loosing their lives in such a way.

As for the quads, I think they are alright for off road but can't stand them on the road. During the summer you see the pikeys using them, vest, jeans trainers with a pillion racing them around acting like bikes but looking like cars! Agreed with Kwacky does seem to attract a particular type of person!

Although I'd love to have an R1 go kart...I woudlnt care what people thought I'd have one! Would love that as a project if I knew what I was doing!!