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Re: Bank Holiday Monday Rideout - Buxton

Posted: 26 May 2014, 22:35
by Kwacky
Fantastic write up.

I thought I was being gentle In the traffic (angel)

Re: Bank Holiday Monday Rideout - Buxton

Posted: 26 May 2014, 23:08
by Monty
Cracking write up Itchy (y)

Re: Bank Holiday Monday Rideout - Buxton

Posted: 26 May 2014, 23:13
by Monty
Blade wrote:
duke63 wrote:
Monty wrote:Cracking day out chaps and nice to meet you Rocket.

Duke the B roads were thankfully fairly clear of bank holiday traffic. Hope your mum is ok.
Must plan a summer's evening ride, Monty. Hopefully the weather will pick up soon to arrange it.
Great minds think a like Duke. Me and Monty were saying the same thing.
In fairness I have been banging on about it for about 2 years!

Can't beat it, plod has fecked off for his dinner, the caravans are all in the fields and no scammera vans.

Re: Bank Holiday Monday Rideout - Buxton

Posted: 27 May 2014, 07:25
by Bratty
Looks like I missed a great day out, sorry about your bike Kwacky been there done that but I'm sure you'll get it sorted in no time.

Re: Bank Holiday Monday Rideout - Buxton

Posted: 27 May 2014, 07:26
by rocket
Cheers itchy full of cold and feeling shite however that write up had me smiling like a Cheshire cat :)

Re: Bank Holiday Monday Rideout - Buxton

Posted: 27 May 2014, 08:20
by Itchy
Cheers for the comments fellas. I do like doing write-ups. I think it's in my head that if I write it down then I remember it for longer.

So then, my reflections...

I need to be more mobile on the bike. Took me about half the day to realise that whilst I was struggling to keep up around the corners, if I actually moved my torso into the corners I suddenly felt like I could go 20mph faster. I'll get there one day!

I spent far too much time looking in my mirrors, making sure whoever was behind me was able to keep up. A) They'll make their own way and we wait at junctions anyway, and B) As if they can't keep up with me! :D

I'm still waiting for car-sized overtaking opportunities. Many a time I saw Kwacky squeezing into/making a gap which had me holding my breath.

I'm the slowest of that group by a long shot, but that's okay. I've made my peace with not being able to hang with the big boys. The important thing is that I can recognise where I can improve without pushing myself on the day.

That's probably why I don't talk much at these meets. I like to let things sink in. I'm a reflector!

Re: Bank Holiday Monday Rideout - Buxton

Posted: 27 May 2014, 08:42
by Kwacky
You're not slow, far from it. As you've picked up, you don't have to worry about the bloke behind. Moving on the bike makes a load of difference (I don't do it enough on the road).

Don't forget I commute most days so what looks like a tight squeeze from behind is probably an aircraft hanger sized pass for me. I tend to bully the traffic a bit but i personally think you need that approach in heavy traffic. Most people are scared of damaging their cars so they tend to get out of the way (devil).

Re: Bank Holiday Monday Rideout - Buxton

Posted: 27 May 2014, 09:37
by Itchy
You're right about that. I learnt to filter on the M25, anything after that was child's play!
Haven't done it for years now though.

Re: Bank Holiday Monday Rideout - Buxton

Posted: 27 May 2014, 10:04
by Monty
Your definitely not slow Itchy, especially when you consider we where on roads you've not even seen before. Plus probably some of the trickiest in the country; off cambers, tightening bends, 100 foot drops to name but a few.

Re: Bank Holiday Monday Rideout - Buxton

Posted: 27 May 2014, 10:47
by rocket
It's not about being fast or slow its about enjoying your self if you can take your lid off and have a smile on your face and some stories to tell its what biking for me is all about. I think with the traffic yesterday and the fact its rained for a few days giving that bit of extra room on over takes was the sensible option.

Re: Bank Holiday Monday Rideout - Buxton

Posted: 27 May 2014, 11:13
by Kwacky
True dat. We all had a good day out, good company, nothing idiotic (apart from me) and we all got home safely.

What more do you want?

Re: Bank Holiday Monday Rideout - Buxton

Posted: 27 May 2014, 11:56
by Blade
Great write up itchy really enjoyed that and thanks for taking the time do it and getting some amazing photos throughout the day. Talking of the photos, it looks like someone has nicked the snake pass inn sign and put it in the back of their trailer (giggle)

As others say Itchy your not slow and who doesn't need time to reflect and analysis their riding ? Even Marquez and Rossi have too and its good we do too as its the only way for us to improve not just in speed but all areas of road craft many of which I m weak in.

Re: Bank Holiday Monday Rideout - Buxton

Posted: 27 May 2014, 12:20
by duke63
Always ride within your comfort zone on the road, Itchy. You were far from slow and regardless of who you are ( with the exception of Marquez) there will always be someone quicker than you.

I must confess that personally, and i have no idea why, but i always feel happier riding quicker when on my own that when part of a group.

Re: Bank Holiday Monday Rideout - Buxton

Posted: 27 May 2014, 12:37
by Monty
duke63 wrote:I must confess that personally, and i have no idea why, but i always feel happier riding quicker when on my own that when part of a group.
Because part of your brain has to manage the gap to the bike in front as well as all the other stuff.

Re: Bank Holiday Monday Rideout - Buxton

Posted: 27 May 2014, 12:40
by Blade
Totally agree Duke always ride at what your personally comfortable with which is great advice.

I have ridden with another forum and its always like a race. Too many middle age ego's trying to prove something that doesn't even matter. As you say unless your Marquez there will always be someone quicker.

I m like you and can always ride quicker on my own. Not sure why I think its a space thing but not sure probably just nonsense in my head of which there is a lot, haha

Re: Bank Holiday Monday Rideout - Buxton

Posted: 27 May 2014, 12:44
by Kwacky
I think you have more space when you ride alone. You don't have to worry about running up too close to the bike in front or dropping off and having the bike behind catch you up.

It depends what mood I'm in. Yesterday I was happy riding in a group.

Re: Bank Holiday Monday Rideout - Buxton

Posted: 27 May 2014, 14:42
by Itchy
Aw shucks you guys, you're making me blush!

Fast or slow, I really enjoyed yesterday's ride and at the end of the day that's pretty much all that matters.