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Re: Mobile Phone Addiction

Posted: 29 May 2014, 22:33
by R34PER
Also, limiting high drain apps also helps. I keep most things off now and no batt troubles :)

Re: Mobile Phone Addiction

Posted: 29 May 2014, 23:25
by Kwacky
The new S5 is supposed to be really good on the battery. I want to read some real life reviews first before I commit myself.

Re: Mobile Phone Addiction

Posted: 30 May 2014, 01:21
by R34PER
I was thinking about an S5 myself but I'm trying to keep costs down. when my contract finished I decided to stick with the SIII and move to pay as you go as my phone did all I wanted and I could save myself £25 a month for a similar service. Last week the Mrs knocked my phone off a table and broke part of the screen though, so I'm tempted to upgrade again.

However, I have just had a look around at the offers available and for the data I use I'm looking at about £50 a month... I may give it a miss.
It pays to look around though as places like carphone warehouse chuck in freebies like currently the Samsung galaxy tab III with the same cost as getting the contract through your provider. If you didn't want it I suppose just sell it and get a couple of quid back for it to pay off a month or two contract.

Re: Mobile Phone Addiction

Posted: 30 May 2014, 06:58
by Kwacky
One year I went SIM only and it cost about £7 a month.

Re: Mobile Phone Addiction

Posted: 30 May 2014, 07:19
by C00kiemonster
I always go sim only and buy phones separately. Way cheaper, especially if you get a phone that's not the latest. Tbh Android phones are much of a muchness now unless you buy a really cheap one.

Re: Mobile Phone Addiction

Posted: 02 Jun 2014, 14:36
by R34PER
Kwacky wrote:The new S5 is supposed to be really good on the battery. I want to read some real life reviews first before I commit myself.

Well, my old phone started playing up a bit after my GF dropped it and broke the screen so I took the plunge and ordered a galaxy S5, it's just arrived now. I got it through carphone warehouse as it was the same price as from the network but came with a Galaxy tab 7" free. I'll have to get it all out and set up later but for now I need a power nap.

Re: Mobile Phone Addiction

Posted: 02 Jun 2014, 15:05
by Kwacky
I've got a Galaxy Tab. It was free with my daughter's phone. I never use it.

Re: Mobile Phone Addiction

Posted: 02 Jun 2014, 17:20
by R34PER
Kwacky wrote:I've got a Galaxy Tab. It was free with my daughter's phone. I never use it.
I figured I probably wouldn't either, but free is free. I'd expect my other half would though if I'm on the laptop.

Re: Mobile Phone Addiction

Posted: 02 Jun 2014, 20:33
by Deegee
Sim only here, I already had a phone from my previous job so it was a no-brainer, especially as I don't have a gadget fetish. It's started turning itself off for no reason recently, so it's time to look for another used phone.

Re: Mobile Phone Addiction

Posted: 02 Jun 2014, 20:40
by R34PER
I was going to keep the s3, my only upgrade reasons were it getting damaged and shiny, shiny, new, new :)

Re: Mobile Phone Addiction

Posted: 02 Jun 2014, 22:37
by Kwacky
Deegee wrote:Sim only here, I already had a phone from my previous job so it was a no-brainer, especially as I don't have a gadget fetish. It's started turning itself off for no reason recently, so it's time to look for another used phone.
Is it a Blackberry?

Re: Mobile Phone Addiction

Posted: 03 Jun 2014, 09:02
by Deegee
No, it's an old Nokia, fortunately never had to contend with Blackberrys. Mind you after the HTC PDA I had anything would look good. |(