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Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 22 Sep 2016, 08:26
by Kwacky
I need another Pikachu so I can evolve this one.

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 22 Sep 2016, 20:58
by Kwacky
caught bugger all but replaced all my eggs.

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 23 Sep 2016, 06:50
by Cav
Hatched 3 eggs yesterday courtesy of being stuck in traffic - all of them were sh!t !!

I do currently have 3x 10k eggs though so potentially things are getting better

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 23 Sep 2016, 08:00
by kiwikrasher
I still haven't ever got a 10 km egg! I'm on my last 5 km eggs then I only have 2 km eggs, bloody 8 of them.

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 23 Sep 2016, 09:01
by Kwacky
What level are you?

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 23 Sep 2016, 15:27
by kiwikrasher
Just levelled up to 19 today.

Got my first Charmander and Abra today kicking around in Fremantle after finishing my training.

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 23 Sep 2016, 15:45
by Kwacky
You should be getting 10km eggs. No idea why you're not.

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 23 Sep 2016, 21:35
by Kwacky
Hatched 3 5km eggs - ekans, poliwag and paras. Pissed off.

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 24 Sep 2016, 10:53
by Kwacky
Hatched two 5km eggs, both paras. I've been cheated.

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 24 Sep 2016, 20:49
by Kwacky
Got mt magikarp as my buddy as I'm only about 50 candy away from evolving.

Got 3 x 10km eggs and 5 x 5km eggs cooking

Took the local pub during dinner.

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 25 Sep 2016, 20:27
by Kwacky
Got a 5km egg hatch into a bellsprout which gave me enough candy to evolve a weepinbell into a victreebel

Only 40 candy more needed to evolve my magikarp

10km egg hatched into a Scyther, which looks crap and has no attack at all.

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 26 Sep 2016, 19:50
by Kwacky
Caught a couple of Staryu o evolved one to get a better Starmie.

10km turned out to be an onix. 5km was a tentacool and the 2km was a Weedle.

Clefairy keeps cropping up on my sightings but I've not found where they are, I need a few to evolve it.

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 27 Sep 2016, 07:17
by Cav
I have 3x Starmie's now, really strong pokemon!

I caught a Rapidash last night but the moves were pretty crappy - ah well, up to 111 caught now!

I'm still waiting for a strong poliwag or Poliwhirl to evolve into Poliwrath - I have about 170 candys. Same with Squirtle - got 180 candys for that thing!

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 27 Sep 2016, 08:39
by Kwacky
I don't see any Squirtles. The only one I've got hatched from an egg.

Can't you use some of the candy to power up the poliwhirl you've got?

Had a Lapras appear on my sightings screen this morning, first one I've had show up in the wild.

I'm in London for a couple of days next week so I'll do some walking in the evenings and see if anything pops up.

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 27 Sep 2016, 10:18
by Cav
They're everywhere near us.. there's also 1x Bulbasaur spawn and 2x Charmander spawn but they're a while away so I can never be bothered.

I could do but they're a low IV. Also I have 240 Poliwag Candys - just checked.

Ah nice, I've caught both of mine - good pokemon to be honest.

Stock your bag up with ultra/great balls!

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 27 Sep 2016, 10:24
by Kwacky
The bulbasaur spawn near me has disappeared. It was on the dog walk route I take. It's been gone for a few weeks now.

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 27 Sep 2016, 12:39
by kiwikrasher
hatched a 576 Drowsee from a 5 km egg.

If The lad isn't too sick tomorrow planning on giving it a nudge. I'll put the kids on scooters so they don't give up after 3 km.

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 27 Sep 2016, 12:43
by Cav
Nice one - that'll be around the 1200 mark as Hypno..

I caught a Sandshrew on the way out of my office heading for lunch. Low level but first I've caught (hatched 2 from 5km eggs).

I looked at my Poliwags/whirls and the highest is 50% IV which I'm just not going to bother with. Also, I dont have much stardust so levelling it up is going to be an issue

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 27 Sep 2016, 12:48
by kiwikrasher
What's IV???

Re: Pokemon Go

Posted: 27 Sep 2016, 12:52
by Kwacky
a creeper type plant