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Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 11 May 2016, 22:15
by Kwacky
Squats, hamstring stretches, incline bench press, dips, cable rows, bent over barbell rows, barbell shrugs, rope crunches, side crunches. At which point I was close to throwing up. I'll do arms next time.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 13 May 2016, 21:47
by Kwacky
I think I'm going to give up going to the gym on a Friday. It's bring a mate. It should be called, Bring your mate so you can sit on a rack or bench, chat shit and do the wrong exercises. I could have gone postal. Bunch of timewasting wankers

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 14 May 2016, 08:13
by Perkles
went to taekwondo,my foots fooked and im getting old

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 15 May 2016, 22:08
by Itchy
Well, my deload week sort of fizzled a bit, I only got 2 sessions in. :?

However, I feel better, recharged and ready to start in earnest again tomorrow.

Since I started the new fitness drive I've definitely got stronger, I've also got heavier, I'm sitting at 84kg now, but I can feel that extra "beef" when I sit down. If I slouch I can feel the extra fat squishing up around my ribs. So, cardio has to start next week as well... (sweat) (sweat) (sweat)

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 16 May 2016, 17:42
by Itchy
Shoulders and traps.

Morning session went well, used the same weights as before I burnt out. Feel like I could go up to the next weight next week.

Lunchtime session saw me again lifting the same as I did before the burn out, but this time with the rest period cut from 90 seconds to 60.
Managed all my reps & sets apart from 1 set,
which I think was more down to not having a bench to sit on like I normally do.

Defo had a sweat on!

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 16 May 2016, 20:48
by Kwacky
Interval training follwed by sparring.

I feel sick

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 18 May 2016, 21:16
by Kwacky
Packed gym again, so a mix of stuff. I need to start going later as the place is rammed early evening.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 19 May 2016, 08:10
by Itchy
I've been getting pain this week. Monday it was my knee, which stopped me from squatting.
As the week has gone on, I've been getting it in my elbow as well.

Talking to my sports therapy friend has suggested it might be something along the lines of tendonitis.


Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 19 May 2016, 08:52
by Kwacky
That'll set you back if it is.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 19 May 2016, 10:58
by Itchy

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 19 May 2016, 20:36
by D41
Kwacky wrote:Interval training follwed by sparring.

I feel sick
Interval training is brutal...I feel sick just thinking about it.

How often are you doing it?? 'They' say not to do it more than once a week....I err on the side of caution and do it about once per lifetime.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 19 May 2016, 20:43
by Kwacky
That was at taekwondo.

I used to do interval training twice a week, then the headaches started. So I stopped doing the sessions

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 20 May 2016, 22:21
by Kwacky
Relatively quiet in the gym tonight so made the most of it.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 23 May 2016, 21:02
by Kwacky
Kicking practice tonight, My kicks are crap. One of the green belts I was working with was sending me backwards and he wasn't going for it.

I really need to work on my foot position.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 24 May 2016, 07:14
by Cav
I had 3 weeks off the gym recently due to commitments with work and Uni. I've been back at it for little over a week now.

I've started to write down everything I'm doing from exercise to reps, sets and how it feels during the set which has helped me push myself a lot harder - it's almost like having a training partner.

I'm training by progressive overload. Start with a lighter weight and do 15 reps, then 12, 10, 8, 6, 5 and the last one should be until failure (2-4 reps). All the time I'm concentrating on form and using only the correct muscles. I can see a noticeable difference in just over a week and my muscle endurance has increased already too

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 24 May 2016, 21:56
by Kwacky
Today's gym session reminded me why you don't leave legs until last. The leg press was being used until I was due to finish. I really struggled.

Sports massage afterwards though so it wasn't all bad.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 24 May 2016, 21:59
by Perkles
Taekwondo tonight ,foots still hurting from 3 weeks ago looks like I need to rest it properly for a few weeks

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 24 May 2016, 22:38
by Itchy
My week of auditing has wrapped up quicker than expected, so I tried the gym, being wary of my knee and elbow hurting.

Yesterday was chest. My elbow doesn't hurt during the pressing movements so business as usual.
And managed a sort-of-new-best bench press by working up to 3 sets of 5 reps at 100kg. Elbow was okay, shoulder felt good, OK the last rep of the last set was a bit hold your breath and arch your back a little, but it went up.
That's the strongest I've been since I buggered my shoulder, and not far off the strongest I've ever been.

Today was supposed to be legs.
I arrived at the gym to find it absolutely heaving with trainees.
Struggled to find anything free.
Can't moan about it as it's their designated mandatory PT training.
Did 5 sets of dips instead and left! |(

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 25 May 2016, 06:27
by Blade
5k run and massive bacon buttie done.

Big shot of coffee and then time for some graft for the next 12 hours. At least I'm well fueled and nicely woken up (y)

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 25 May 2016, 07:33
by Cav
I absolutely smashed back on Monday and shoulders last night. My muscle endurnace in my shoulders is getting quite insane - recovery time is dropping like nobody's business.

I got home after 1hr30 in the gym then decided to go for a run. I'm no runner so this may seem terrible to you guys but I was hurting all over. I managed 20 minutes of running covering about 2 miles in a 6.04 (Km) pace. Well chuffed with that