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Posted: 28 Nov 2016, 20:35
by Kwacky
Just a heads up, there is loads of swearing in this clip

I've known this chap online for years. I can see why he's pissed off, but if you ride every day (as he does) surely you get used to this sort of thing? Personally i wouldn't get wound up but each to their own.


Re: Roadrage

Posted: 28 Nov 2016, 21:03
by kiwikrasher
Bit of an over reaction in my opinion, you could see well in advance that the SUV was going to do that. Deserved a toot and a one finger salute at best.

Re: Roadrage

Posted: 30 Nov 2016, 20:29
by Frankie
Been there, as we all have daily, however sometimes and I am not proud, you find it hard to just let it go, something else could be on your mind, and this daily stupidity, selfishness, whatever it is, just pushes you to overreact.

I was waiting for "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM" Ronny Pickering LOLOLOLOL....

Winds you up when they have the cheek to hoot at you with a bit of verbal...

Re: Roadrage

Posted: 30 Nov 2016, 21:29
by StMarks
Sorry Kwacky, but that biker comes across as a total nob IMO.:
Just because another road user makes a dodgy manoeuvrer does not give him the grounds to spit his dummy out like that. It purely escalates any situation and reinforces those negative stereotypes that many label all bikers with,
Fwiw I would have simply ridden past that with little more than a cursory observation. If it had been a manoeuvre that had potentially endangered me (& the one in the clip didn't do so to him IMHO) then I may have resorted to my best patronising shake of the head.

Re: Roadrage

Posted: 30 Nov 2016, 22:10
by Kwacky
For me the point of riding a bike is getting away from these Muppets.

Re: Roadrage

Posted: 03 Dec 2016, 08:16
by Rossgo
Was I the only one who found this clip amusing?!

However in my personal opinion the car driver was the one to antagonise the rider by giving him the finger (rider said this is what happened) and then beeping him. There's no way the driver would of known what the rider was saying (helmet, distance, traffic noise,window, radio, car Engine noise) so to the driver it would of seemed like the rider was purely 'looking' rather than swearing his head off

Re: Roadrage

Posted: 10 Dec 2016, 21:01
by D41
Nah...I thought it was funny as fcuk as well.

They were both in the wrong, simple as that.

The rider suffers from tourettes. He was simply trying to escalate a slight mistake into an end-of-the-world scenario. M'ron. I'm guessing he was upset long before this happened.