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The Religion of Peace

Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 13:46
by Kwacky
Tourists have been killed in a Tunisia beach resort, up to 19 dead according to initial reports.

A man has been beheaded and others injured in Grenoble.

All in the name of Islam.

It's all very well placing blame on the nutters but the truth is that the Saudis are funding these extremists. But we do business with Saudi Arabia so we can't be seen to slag them off.

We're stumbling towards World War 3.

Re: The Religion of Peace

Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 15:31
by Perkles
feckin nutters the lot of them

Re: The Religion of Peace

Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 16:11
by Kwacky
This is a good read about ISIS ... ts/384980/" onclick=";return false;

It shows how well organised they are, who is backing them and what their intentions are.

Musa Cerantonio, an Australian preacher reported to be one of the Islamic State’s most influential recruiters, believes it is foretold that the caliphate will sack Istanbul before it is beaten back by an army led by the anti-Messiah, whose eventual death— when just a few thousand jihadists remain—will usher in the apocalypse.

During the last years of the U.S. occupation of Iraq, the Islamic State’s immediate founding fathers, by contrast, saw signs of the end times everywhere. They were anticipating, within a year, the arrival of the Mahdi—a messianic figure destined to lead the Muslims to victory before the end of the world

Re: The Religion of Peace

Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 10:27
by Rossgo
What if we retaliated, we would be seen as the bad ones! If there was to be a world war 3, it wouldn't be like any other war we've seen. All they need to do is do a die hard 4, set us back go the stone age, we'd prob kill each other off!!

Re: The Religion of Peace

Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 10:42
by duke63
There is an argument that we ( and by 'we' i mean the USA who we meekly followed like sheep) started it all in the first place by marching into other countries and destabilising them.

Re: The Religion of Peace

Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 12:08
by Rossgo
Duke actually must admit I do agree with this. However, the American part is purely the now, in the past it was us. Half the world's problems are our (Britians fault)!! We destroyed, mascared whatever came in our way, if they wouldn't join, we would make sure they were ripped to shreds! No empires or head of the world has ever been squeaky clean

Now it's all about the weapon trade, making black deals with organisations and then not actually delivering - wasn't the Taliban supported by Americans and then they just pulled out, wasn't this the kick off to gulf war?! A guy from work is into all this stuff from the middle east because his dad worked in RAF, then moved to the USAF for Gulf war and then moved to Dubai to work for (the shake?). Hes pretty hot on this subject because of his dad so forgive me for not jnowjing more.

Re: The Religion of Peace

Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 15:19
by Kwacky
Al Qaeada was set up by the US and ISIS is funded by Saudi Arabia.

Can you imagine ISIS getting a foothold in Iraq if Hussein was still in power?

Re: The Religion of Peace

Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 16:30
by Rossgo
In all honesty I'm not really up to date with it all. I know we hear about all of it on the news and in the papers but to be honest the whole lot of them are just terrorists, how are they still going in the world is beyond me . It's clear that the British and Americans know a lot more somewhere along the line we are getting something out of them otherwise they wouldn't be around. This world only works on what we get out of situations. I suppose we need to have something to fight, millions of people are employed throughtout the world to be a threat against other countries but with all these satellites, cctv cameras, drones and we have access to all of it in a heart beat, I'm sure there's someone who holds the key of being able to put a hault into their crimes

Re: The Religion of Peace

Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 23:12
by StMarks
Kwacky wrote:Al Qaeada was set up by the US...
Actually we played our part in that too.

Fwiw it is the desire to impose an Ideology (religious or political) on others that is behind most conflicts IMHO.

Although I despise everything that they represent, ISIS are adopting very modern & open minded ways to develop the furtherment of their outdated & bigoted cause. These are tactics that run rings round our frameworks.

Re: The Religion of Peace

Posted: 29 Jun 2015, 07:02
by Kwacky
ISIS are very well organised and funded. Their command structure makes it hard for them to be taken out, they've got a very slick PR campaign and they know how to keep themselves going. It's all very well thought out.

Re: The Religion of Peace

Posted: 29 Jun 2015, 08:09
by duke63
The cynic in me sometimes thinks that ALL world leaders are in it together creating an environment where they cannot lose their grip on power to the masses and also keeping up an element of fear amongst us all so they make themselves appear vital to the safety and stability of their own population.

Re: The Religion of Peace

Posted: 29 Jun 2015, 08:15
by Rossgo
I don't think its the leaders duke in all honesty I don't believe they know an aweful lot, they are merely the faces and the people who can take the blame. I recogn it's the intelligence agencies where certain people keep this sort of stuff hidden away. The world is corrupt, no such thing as good causes, never has been. We need good and bad to keep the world in check!

Re: The Religion of Peace

Posted: 29 Jun 2015, 08:25
by Monty
duke63 wrote:The cynic in me sometimes thinks that ALL world leaders are in it together creating an environment where they cannot lose their grip on power to the masses and also keeping up an element of fear amongst us all so they make themselves appear vital to the safety and stability of their own population.
I'd say it's even bigger than that. I don't believe all of what this guy says but if 10% of it is true we're screwed!


Re: The Religion of Peace

Posted: 29 Jun 2015, 09:10
by Kwacky
War is a massive business. The world expenditure on making weapons to kill people is staggering.

Re: The Religion of Peace

Posted: 29 Jun 2015, 14:07
by duke63
Cheers for the link, Monty. I haven't watched it all and there is plenty of 2+2 must equal 5 in it but as you say there is no doubt some truth in parts and i didn't know there was an American business backed Nazi plot to overthrow the US government in the 30s, presumably as our 'historians' would prefer us not to know about these things.

As i have grown older, I have firmly become of the belief that we do not really live in a democracy in the true sense of the word. When it comes to elections our choices are limited to political parties so much a part of a system they would not wish to change, that the truth is you are only ever voting for the status quo.

Re: The Religion of Peace

Posted: 29 Jun 2015, 14:18
by Blade
I don't know the answer to this problem but clearly an answer is needed and quick. Human life is precious and these frequent and fatal attacks on peaceful citizens of any religion or culture cannot and must not continue.

Politicians have a difficult and challenging task but one they must act on soon and appropiately as this horrific problem cannot continue largely unchecked.

Re: The Religion of Peace

Posted: 29 Jun 2015, 19:44
by kiwikrasher
Blade wrote:I don't know the answer to this problem but clearly an answer is needed and quick. Human life is precious and these frequent and fatal attacks on peaceful citizens of any religion or culture cannot and must not continue.

Politicians have a difficult and challenging task but one they must act on soon and appropiately as this horrific problem cannot continue largely unchecked.
Unfortunately it will in some form or another Blade, it has all through human history by one group or another. It's really not all that different to the Christian Crusades just a different religion using modern tools and tactics in a bid to push their fairy tale as the correct one.

Re: The Religion of Peace

Posted: 29 Jun 2015, 20:07
by Blade
And there was me liking fairy tales as well (lol)

Re: The Religion of Peace

Posted: 29 Jun 2015, 20:18
by duke63
Human life doesn't mean jackshit to most politicians if their grip on power is threatened.

Re: The Religion of Peace

Posted: 29 Jun 2015, 20:23
by Blade
duke63 wrote:Human life doesn't mean jackshit to most politicians if their grip on power is threatened.
All too right Duke and there lies the problem unfortunately.