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Calais - Migrants crisis

Posted: 24 Jun 2015, 18:29
by duke63
If it's unacceptable Mr Cameron, maybe you should be doing something about it.

Like it or not, there is obviously a very good reason they want to come here so perhaps you should find out why that is. Everyone in this whole sorry saga of refugees flooding Europe seems to want to pass the buck somewhere else.

Maybe perhaps we should stop blindly following the USA into wars you cannot ever win and causing turmoil inside Africa and the middle east??" onclick=";return false;

Re: Calais - Migrants crisis

Posted: 24 Jun 2015, 18:42
by Kwacky
Britain is still seen by most people around the world as a rich country. You can't change peoples mindsets overnight.

Re: Calais - Migrants crisis

Posted: 24 Jun 2015, 21:46
by D6Nutz
Isn't it more seen as the soft touch country that will give everyone a house, full medical care, and free cash no matter what your background and where you come from, and should they not do this then you can go crying to the EU court of human rights who will force them too....

Or am I in a very fed up and cynical mood tonight ?!?!

Re: Calais - Migrants crisis

Posted: 24 Jun 2015, 22:08
by duke63
Its the free housing and black market economy that I have read attracts them. Both of those things are easily within the power of the UK government to do something about and being in or out of the EU would make no difference either way.

Re: Calais - Migrants crisis

Posted: 24 Jun 2015, 22:16
by Kwacky
Shut all the borders and send back anyone who tries to cross them. It goes against what I believe in but the endless news showing migrants being rescued, fed and watered is an excellent advertising campaign for the smugglers.

Re: Calais - Migrants crisis

Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 11:14
by Rossgo
We are a soft touch!! Remember watching a documentary about our UK border control from Carlisle a few years back. As soon as they arrived we litterally chucked them out.of the lorry got their names, gave, a flat and food shopping and said right stay here for a week until we know what's going on. Next morning most of then had left. Hahaha!! Brilliant

Although it's not just border control that sucks, my next door neighbours pee me off badly. Live off us who work but still have the latest technology, free big fl
at and have no interest in ever working! Happening up and down the country!

This countries problems are everywhere we could let in a billion other people and no one would ever really have the balls to change anything! These people are good for one thing though - cheap Labour. Companies rule this land and love immigrants, these guys will all find jobs and pay their taxes so as long as they do that the government won't do anything about it. Leave EU or have some serious rules in place. Personally I don't think we would leave EU, think when we have our referendum the counts will get bodged so we stay part of EU.

Re: Calais - Migrants crisis

Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 11:24
by duke63
These migrants are non- EU people, Rossgo, so leaving the EU would make no difference to the problem. There would still be a queue at Calais.

Re: Calais - Migrants crisis

Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 11:29
by C00kiemonster
You have them, we dont want them ;)

In all seriousness - i think the french want it to be a UK problem and vice versa. The only way to solve this is to send them back their home country as they are scooped up in the med on those overcrowded boats.

Human rights are all well and good but you cant have all of the undeveloped world in the developed word (sadly)

A PR push to put them off and say how rubbish the UK would be to them is needed also.

Re: Calais - Migrants crisis

Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 11:48
by Rossgo
Yea I understand. What I don't understand though is after watching the news. They had interviews with these guys and they said that when stopped by police they just let them get to Calais. Clearly their under orders to let them make the border and let us take their riff raff. Although why is their such a difference on their living conditions. We would never see people living in shanties, unless their our own people living on the streets of course!! We are all part of the EU so if it's our problem it should be everyone's problem too

One of the guys who I worked with at Sainsbury was a guy who lived out on the streets a few years before. Thought he was kidding until he showed me a documentary on YouTube about homeless people. He said to me that homeless people just get turned away when the beds were all filled, leaving them to find their own places for the night. His preferred place was Reading car park because it was under shelter. If we can do this to people who ere born here why do we make ourselves open for anyone else?!

Totally unacceptable in my opinion. But like I say it doesn't matter where they come from ultimately. Companies and governments don't actually care. They are potential tax payers, therefore add to the country.