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Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 08 Feb 2016, 11:11
by Cav
That sounds like a wise tactic. The leg press machine is quite good for highlighting issues with your legs as you can change the position of your feet to change the impact it has on your body. It's shown me that my hamstrings and glutes are stronger than my quads so I focus on them now - I just stretch my hams and glutes.

Body weight exercises (plyometrics) are the most under-utilised exercises - you might find single leg squats help you a lot!

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 08 Feb 2016, 11:22
by Kwacky
I'm pretty decent on the leg press but as you point out it's easier to find a position that suits.

I'll have a look into those single leg squats. .

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 08 Feb 2016, 11:42
by Cav
No weights initially and focus on keeping your core engaged to keep balance. It's difficult initially but once you can do it, it works well :)

See how you get on with it and let me know what you think

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 08 Feb 2016, 16:55
by Itchy
Shoulders & traps this morning. Still on leave, so no rush, did an hours worth. Should be achy tomorrow with any luck, I find shoulders are the hardest part to feel anything afterwards.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 08 Feb 2016, 21:58
by Cav
Did back tonight and I really struggled again..

I did a variety of pull ups until failure again (4x wide, 4x wide head infront of bar, 3x chin up) and managed over 10 for my first set which is a definite improvement. I get severe forearm pump when training back though!!

Tomorrow is shoulders - I love training shoulders!! Might even do it in a vest to give everyone at the gym something good to look at 8)

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 08 Feb 2016, 22:32
by Kwacky
Cav wrote:
Tomorrow is shoulders - I love training shoulders!! Might even do it in a vest to give everyone at the gym something good to look at 8)
Ha! Gay!

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 08 Feb 2016, 22:35
by D6Nutz
Finally hauled my fat arse off the sofa tonight and managed a run.

Started to enjoy it, despite the wind, and seem to be able to hold a sensible pace. Need to get at least one more run in before Friday as I have a 10 mile race on Sunday.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 09 Feb 2016, 21:26
by Kwacky
Headache and feeling sick after 35 minutes so I came home. I'll try again tomorrow

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 09 Feb 2016, 22:47
by D6Nutz
Is there any pattern to the actual exercises you are doing when you get the headaches?

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 09 Feb 2016, 23:14
by Kwacky
It tends to be the big exercises that start to give me the warning signs, but if I back off and rest between sets I can normally prevent it.

I did leg press then dips followed by barbell shrugs. During the shrugs I got some early signs so switched to some light shoulder work but that didn't do it so I left the gym.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 10 Feb 2016, 11:14
by dogbot
Daft question, and I'm sure you've thought of this, but you're hydrating properly, right?

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 10 Feb 2016, 11:17
by Cav
I 'white-out' if I do circuits.. it's possible that my blood sugars are too low (I drink 3-5L of water a day but consume about 30g of sugar) so it's likely mine are.

I have a Dr appointment tomorrow to get bloods taken for all my vitamins and the obligatory HIV and Diabetes they insist on taking every time.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 10 Feb 2016, 11:54
by Kwacky
Loads of water before and during a workout.

Looks like yesterday's problem was caused by a bug

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 10 Feb 2016, 22:58
by D6Nutz
I found lack of food caused me to have headaches and lightheaded/sickness feelings.

Good run tonight, 5 1/2 mile fartlek session. In true firm from the club all the sprints where uphill, but the recovery was then down hill. Feeling a lot more confident now and actually looking forward to the 10 mile race on Sunday.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 18:13
by D6Nutz
10 mile race this morning, really enjoyed it as near perfect conditions for me. Completed in 1:36, which I'm quite happy with as it's my first proper run since October and my first race back after injury.

Just need to work a little on pace fit reading half in 7 weeks time. I really want to crack the 2 hour barrier.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 19:34
by Kwacky
Well done Jon (y)

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 19:36
by Kwacky
Empty gym this evening so spent longer there than I should have. Good session though, mostly back and core. I really need to work on my pull ups though.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 20:51
by Itchy
Top effort Nutz

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 09:04
by Cav
I've been a bit slack again recently so will be hard at it again this week.

What's new for me is nutrition tracking. I found that I've been under eating for a while which explain why I feel like crap every week or two.

I've been eating approximately 1600 calories most days on top of strenuous gym workouts plus swimming and football.. On football days I eat about 2900 calories with fats in the morning, proteins post football and carbs throughout the day (I feel incredible on these days). On a normal gym day I have about 1800 calories focusing on keeping carbs lower. The night before football I will have a high calorie evening meal in preparation for the next day. I feel much better for doing this already

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 10:17
by dogbot
Got up early and had a run this morning, which I NEVER do.

This week is going to be on it.