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Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 22 Apr 2015, 22:34
by Spudda
They did say that the fat tissue, once it's removed from the tummy will still gain weight when its reattached (pizza) (^) (beer) (y)

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 08:43
by Kwacky

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 13 May 2015, 12:27
by Kwacky
How is she getting on?

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 17 May 2015, 21:47
by Mac
My sister in law went for the both off option for the same reasons. Best to your wife and hope her strength returns soon (y)

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 18 May 2015, 09:40
by Kwacky
Sorry to hear that Mac,

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 18 May 2015, 09:58
by Blade
What Kwacky said Mac. Sorry to hear that and hope she is OK now.

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 18 May 2015, 13:23
by Mac
I'm sorry, I thought I had mentioned her earlier in this thread, but looking back I obviously didn't. She was diagnosed two years ago, went through the treatments just like Mark's wife, and has been given the 'all clear' from the doctor about six months ago (y)

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 18 May 2015, 15:23
by Blade
The all clear is fantastic news Mac and hopefully Spudda will be telling us all the same news very soon.

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 18 May 2015, 19:38
by Mac

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 18 May 2015, 22:09
by Spudda
She's now completed all of the chemo sessions although they didn't give her the 6th dose in the end.
Her immune system was low so they didn't bother and turned around and said that her body would probably not benefit from it anyway as its used to it. She was quite relieved really as it does knock her around so she hasn't got that discomfort to combat

The op was supposed to place at the QE in Birmingham but due to the Geographical location (Wolverhampton and Birmingham) they weren't accepting patients outside their area. This meant we were looking at either Oxford or Bristol. Anyway, after a lot of conversations and my size 11 up the consultants back side, we're now back at the QE

The final surgeon/consult/fun adjuster meeting takes place Wednesday this week and that's where they will talk procedures and dates.

Looks as if she's 95% certain that's she's having a double mastectomy (sweat)

Thanks again for all the well wishes and comments


Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 19 May 2015, 07:33
by C00kiemonster
Thanks for the update spuds. Good for you pushing them. Best wishes to Joanne.

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 19 May 2015, 08:27
by Blade
What cookie says. Things are moving forward and hopefully the end date for you all will arrive soon. Best wishes to everyone. How are the kids coping ???

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 19 May 2015, 20:03
by Spudda
Blade wrote: How are the kids coping ???

They've been really strong and supportive but then again we've never shown any weakness when we've been with them.

They've picked up on the odd conversation and asked the questions but we have a good circle of friends with kids the same ages and interests so they've been occupied

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 19 May 2015, 20:10
by Blade
That's good Spudda. I'm glad there OK it must be a testing time for you all.

Stay strong mate, things will improve soon I'm sure.

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 10 Jun 2015, 21:40
by Spudda
Update time and sorry for not doing it sooner :(
Spudda wrote:
The op was supposed to place at the QE in Birmingham but due to the Geographical location (Wolverhampton and Birmingham) they weren't accepting patients outside their area. This meant we were looking at either Oxford or Bristol. Anyway, after a lot of conversations and my size 11 up the consultants back side, we're now back at the QE
Ok the Op is Friday 26th of June at New Cross, Wolverhampton :@

The QE came back to us and said they couldn't do it afterall and no matter how much kicking off we did, it wasn't going to happen.
So she's now having an op done at New Cross .... Its not the op she wants but we know its the best we can get for now
So instead of the tummy tuck op, its now silicon implants with a view to getting the op she wants in 12 / 18 months time ..., not ideal but :^

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 10 Jun 2015, 22:13
by Kwacky
Fingers crossed for her.

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 11 Jun 2015, 07:10
by C00kiemonster
Thanks for the update spuds. Bloody NHS messing you about is wrong, but at least something is happening. Good luck as always :)

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 11 Jun 2015, 08:21
by bb41
Thinking of you all at such a testing time, and I hope the operation is a success as I 'm sure it will be xx

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 25 Jun 2015, 08:43
by Kwacky
Good luck for tomorrow. Let us know how she gets on (y)

Re: The Big C ......

Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 00:48
by Spudda
Thanks for all the well wishes

Yep, Friday the 26th of June is operation day .. Double Masectomy and 3 weeks of recovery (sweat)

Just sat with her for an hour or so discussing things and shes still sooooo positive, its a credit to her (inlove)

Ive got to take her in for 7am in the morning and I'll sit with her until they kick me out.

She'll be in over night and then she's spending her first week with her folks, to try and get as much relaxation and recuperation as possible before coming home on the second week

I dont know if its wrong or not but I fancy getting the bike out tomorrow whilst im off, to take my mind off things even if its a bimble to Quatt for a sarnie and a cuppa before picking the Spudlets up from school

We'll see what tomorrow brings ... to top it off, she's lost her nan today but that event was a matter of time, not if but when

Its a comfort knowing your thinking about us and I'll post tomorrow night after its done

Again, thanks for your thoughts (happy)