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Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 26 May 2016, 21:08
by Kwacky
It must be exam season, the gym is empty.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 27 May 2016, 05:55
by Blade
Quick 5k before breakfast.

Feel awake and ready for a great Friday (lol)

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 28 May 2016, 12:06
by Perkles
Managed a full Taekwondo session last night,feel confident I can pass my grading ok

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 08 Jun 2016, 21:05
by D41
Who the feck invented jogging???

Whoever it is, I fecking HATE them. Spacker.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 10 Jun 2016, 21:38
by Kwacky
Back in the gym. Too hot and I was tired so I wasn't very good. Weak on pull ups and deadlifts.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 12 Jun 2016, 14:16
by Kwacky
Empty gym this morning and despite DOMs from Friday I felt a lot more comfortable so did some v extra reps and sets.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 13 Jun 2016, 21:00
by Kwacky
Taekwondo. Got my grading in just over a week. I know my pattern and sparring but my line work is crap.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 14 Jun 2016, 21:54
by Kwacky
Had a sports massage tonight. That's the first time I've had my calf muscles worked on. And the last.

Fook me that's painful. I thought I was going to cry.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 14 Jun 2016, 22:38
by Itchy
I've been away from the gym for too long trying to give my elbow a break. I'm finding it hard to get motivated to get back in there.

I feel like I'm shrinking.

To top that off, we took the dog out on Sunday, walked a good 5k with both the kids moaning all the way. So I told them to go on for another km or so to get to a car park, I would walk back the 5k to the car and then pick them up.
Because of the loose surface and my grumpy-powered walking speed, and the fact that I don't walk that far ever, my lower shins are absolutely killing me.

Stupid body!

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 17 Jun 2016, 08:54
by Kwacky
Left the house last evening to go to the gym. By the time I got there I was soaked. The heavens had opened.

Going two days in a row isn't effective for me. I was still sore from the day before and so my deadlifts and chest press were weak.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 21 Jun 2016, 21:37
by Kwacky
The air conditioning at the gym is crap. I hate training when it's hot and humid.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 21 Jun 2016, 23:03
by Itchy

I went down today, after what's essentially been a 2-3 week lay off because of my elbow. Which still isn't really better, but not doing anything is gripping my sh*t.

So chest today. Felt good to be back in there.
About 10% weaker, and endurance sucked too, but definitely the place I needed to be.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 24 Jun 2016, 21:33
by Kwacky
Another empty gym night. Squats were strong, chest press weak.

The studio was empty so I practised my taekwondo pattern for tomorrow.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 24 Jun 2016, 21:49
by Itchy
Legs yesterday.

As with chest the other day, I appear to be about 10% weaker, but never mind. The ache in my legs is reassuringly awesome!

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 26 Jun 2016, 20:54
by Kwacky
Another empty gym but I slowed my workout down to admire the hard working Asian MILF with the fake pubs and washboard abs (inlove)

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 26 Jun 2016, 21:08
by Itchy
Good lad!

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 30 Jun 2016, 08:44
by Kwacky
The return of the screaming headaches meant I didn't get very far last night with my routine, but I stayed in the gym and did some ab work, stretches and kicking practice. I almost had the bag over with my sidekicks. Not bad for an old man :D

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 30 Jun 2016, 21:46
by D6Nutz
Been neglecting my running recently, but with a host of 10k's and a couple of half marathons booked in over the coming months I decided I needed to get my arse in gear.

Went out for what was supposed to be a 10k route tonight, ended up doing 9 miles.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 07 Jul 2016, 08:58
by Kwacky
Managed to do a session last night but had to cut out a couple of exercises due to the broken toe.

I keep meaning to add more cardio to improve my fitness, but I can't be arsed as I find it so boring :D

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 08 Jul 2016, 08:38
by Kwacky
Sports massage last night. My upper back was very knotty.