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SPOILERS: Star Wars- Force Awakens

Posted: 19 Dec 2015, 15:34
by Kwacky
Great film, going back to the Saturday matinee movies Lucas was looking for when he did the first film.

This is very very similar to A New Hope. Good v evil, light sabre fights, death stars, dropping shields, the dark master and his henchman.

Very well written, the old cast blending in seamlessly with the new main characters. Effects are very good without going over the top, JJ has toned it down from Star Trek.

I'm very surprised I didn't burst into tears when one of the main characters died. But it seemed right in the film and the actor has hinted at it a few times.

So all in all it's back to back for the star wars empire m

Re: SPOILERS: Star Wars- Force Awakens

Posted: 19 Dec 2015, 17:44
by StMarks
Kwacky wrote:.....I'm very surprised I didn't burst into tears when one of the main characters died........
IMHO that is one of the curses of being "grown up"; We are indoctrinated into believing that "Big boys don't cry" FFS.
Next time relax, go with it & don't fight back the tears. You'll probably enjoy it far more, & it will be far better for you psychologically mate. (nod)

I keep getting messages from mates who have been to see it, and enjoyed it.
I may have to go myself at this rate. Like Avatar, I suspect this will have a better impact on the big screen.??

Re: SPOILERS: Star Wars- Force Awakens

Posted: 19 Dec 2015, 17:59
by Kwacky
I do cry. I don't mind having a cry. With the film I didn't feel the death, if that makes sense? I cry at the end of Gladiator because he's been through so much and he's going back to his family. I guess with Solo he's always looked after himself.

Today I watched it in 2d. Tomorrow I'll see it in 3D on an IMAX screen. It worked in 2D.

Re: SPOILERS: Star Wars- Force Awakens

Posted: 19 Dec 2015, 18:19
by StMarks
Ok, sorry, my mistake. I misunderstood what you meant by; nearly.

Please tell me if the 3D makes a substantial difference, and I'll plan accordingly.

My baby brother is coming over from Spain for Christmas & New Year. He's about the right age to have been the original target audience of the original one so maybe I'll get to see it with him & my little Spanish nephew.

Re: SPOILERS: Star Wars- Force Awakens

Posted: 21 Dec 2015, 09:44
by Kwacky
I picked up loads watching it for a second time.

The 3D is amazing but I'll stick my neck out and say it's not a film you have to watch in that format, but I'm very glad I did. Seeing it in both formats is probably the best way to go so if 3D is available go and see it.

Re: SPOILERS: Star Wars- Force Awakens

Posted: 21 Dec 2015, 10:33
by Cav
It's a good film - I'm glad they didn't go over the top with the effects. It was just a well polished, well written film that was more like the original 3 films.

I see there are various family trees flying around on the internet - is Rey Laia's daughter or Lukes?

Re: SPOILERS: Star Wars- Force Awakens

Posted: 21 Dec 2015, 10:41
by Kwacky
No one knows.

Luke seemed to recognise her. I was wondering if she was at the academy when the Knights of Ren hit? Luke managed to smuggle her away, which is why she ended up on that planet. It would also explain why her powers came on quickly.


She's the prophecy that they thought Anakin was going to be. No father and very strong in the force.

Re: SPOILERS: Star Wars- Force Awakens

Posted: 21 Dec 2015, 10:49
by Cav
Ooooh, the plot thickens....

Re: SPOILERS: Star Wars- Force Awakens

Posted: 21 Dec 2015, 12:29
by Itchy
I've been itching to read this thread. Went to watch it with my, son this morning, a nice early start for a Maccy's breakfast before a 0810 showing. We decided to go for the 3D IMAX jobber. Glad we did, it does immerse you somewhat but the 3D glasses begin to hurt after a while. The boy didn't like them that much either.

But the film.


Took me back to my childhood for sure.

Re: SPOILERS: Star Wars- Force Awakens

Posted: 22 Dec 2015, 12:14
by Cav
This is why I don't watch films in 3D, besides the bad ones making me feel sick, the glasses hurt. I have to keep taking them off to avoid headaches too so there's really no point.

I just wish the cinema projectors were better quality - they say they're 4K but I don't believe it.

Re: SPOILERS: Star Wars- Force Awakens

Posted: 22 Dec 2015, 12:58
by Perkles
im going back to watch it in 2d

Re: SPOILERS: Star Wars- Force Awakens

Posted: 22 Dec 2015, 13:46
by Monty
I've just ordered it pre-release on iTunes. Cracking film really enjoyed it and will try and go and see it again over Christmas.

Re: SPOILERS: Star Wars- Force Awakens

Posted: 23 Dec 2015, 14:22
by D6
Watched it last night in 3d at Stafford. I've only seen a couple of movies in 3d and didn't really enjoy it, but this seemed really good in 3d.

Going back to watch it on 28th at Walsall showcase. So will be interesting to see if its a better experience. Stafford is a bit dated.

Film wise I thought it was maybe the best one yet. The only gripe I would have is it is almost the exact same plot/story as a new hope, with a little return of the jedi.

I thought the main bad guy on the throne was a giant at first too, lol.

I'm glad a lot of the orginals weren't in it too much. Especially C3Po and R2d2. I'm sick of seeing them to be honest.

And Han dieing was a shame, but he looked a bit slow to be able to still be going around as a rogue fighting legions of storm troopers. Probably best to end his adventure.

Re: SPOILERS: Star Wars- Force Awakens

Posted: 23 Dec 2015, 14:31
by Kwacky
Ford wanted Solo killed off in Return of the Jedi but Lucas blocked that.

It's very much a new New Hope, I think JJ has made sure it pleases the old fans after the disasters of 1 to 3.

When Star Wars was penned the idea was to have the tale told by 2 main characters. Yep, R2D2 and C3P0 are those two. If JJ is to keep that going R2D2 and C3P0 should be in the next two films.