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Re: 2016 biking plans

Posted: 18 Dec 2015, 20:59
by rocket
Perkles wrote:
rocket wrote:I'm penciled in for the almeria trip in May just need to get my wrist strong .
Best get wanking then
Wish I could being forced into paying for it at the moment not sure when I'll be strong enough

Re: 2016 biking plans

Posted: 18 Dec 2015, 21:16
by Frankie
Carry on riding as much as I can on the road.
Must get out to Almeria for 3 days open pit again.
A few more uk track days, I have a trailer now and a tow bar so no excuses.
Do a bit of a tour somewhere uk or Europe or if possibly the IOM. I have missed our trips out there.

Oh yeah almost forgot will be doing the Prescott hill climb again.... This time it will not be on the tiger as that's gone, but I will be on the S1000R (rock)

Re: 2016 biking plans

Posted: 18 Dec 2015, 22:09
by Kwacky
Like he needs any more encouragement.

Re: 2016 biking plans

Posted: 18 Dec 2015, 22:15
by C00kiemonster
Riding more. This year I have mainly been rubbish on the riding front.

Re: 2016 biking plans

Posted: 18 Dec 2015, 22:20
by Blade
You any closer to a new purchase Cookie ?

Re: 2016 biking plans

Posted: 18 Dec 2015, 22:29
by C00kiemonster
Blade wrote:You any closer to a new purchase Cookie ?
No as its winter I've left it as there are other things going on, but my arse will be very much in gear next year to get sorted.

The dealers over here are shite at sales, very surprising but also very French. I've walked into dealers offering to buy bikes with trade in and without and it's like pulling teeth. Emails are ignored and phone calls not returned. That's set me back in terms of getting a new one.

I'll be riding mine over and trading it in the UK at some point in the first 6 months of next year hopefully. I went and chatted with our insurance bod in France last week so have quotes for some of the favourites, so that helps.

I'm in the UK for most of March and April next year so I'll be doing the rounds and making a decision as I'm determined to do more.

Re: 2016 biking plans

Posted: 18 Dec 2015, 22:33
by Blade
Sounds like a plan.

What's on the short list ?

Re: 2016 biking plans

Posted: 18 Dec 2015, 22:42
by C00kiemonster
A Yamaha, KTM or Ducati. Time will tell :)

Re: 2016 biking plans

Posted: 18 Dec 2015, 22:44
by Kwacky
What's Jane buying for me?

Re: 2016 biking plans

Posted: 18 Dec 2015, 23:06
by Blade
C00kiemonster wrote:A Yamaha, KTM or Ducati. Time will tell :)
R1 (y) Panigale 8)

Re: 2016 biking plans

Posted: 18 Dec 2015, 23:13
by C00kiemonster
Kwacky wrote:What's Jane buying for me?
C90 ;)

Re: 2016 biking plans

Posted: 18 Dec 2015, 23:22
by Kwacky
I got concussion falling off one of those :(

Re: 2016 biking plans

Posted: 19 Dec 2015, 09:28
by C00kiemonster
Kwacky wrote:I got concussion falling off one of those :(
I'll make sure the tyres are decent on it :)

Re: 2016 biking plans

Posted: 19 Dec 2015, 09:30
by Kwacky
I think Jane would get on well with a z800..... ;)

Re: 2016 biking plans

Posted: 19 Dec 2015, 10:57
by C00kiemonster
Kwacky wrote:I think Jane would get on well with a z800..... ;)
Me too, or an MV Brutale. More work required at this point sadly..... :)

Re: 2016 biking plans

Posted: 19 Dec 2015, 11:25
by Blade
Just buy it cookie and put a ribbon on it as a surprise (happy)

Re: 2016 biking plans

Posted: 19 Dec 2015, 12:16
by duke63
Just to ride more is my only aim.

This year has been a really difficult working year and the only way to change that may well be to jack some of it in which would mean less money coming in but at least i wouldn't be under so much stress all the time. Though when i talk to others in completely different careers it seems anyone who takes their job seriously is in very much the same position - Too much expected of too few people and very few want to pay for it.

Re: 2016 biking plans

Posted: 19 Dec 2015, 12:26
by Blade
Duke. If it's too much and you can afford to step back I would do it, absolutely no shame in it and it's not going backwards it's taking your health and well being forwards. I did the same nearly 10 years ago now and have never regretted it one bit. Getting of the career ladder was the best thing i ever did in my career :? I now to go to work, to work not dig myself an early grave. Stress is not good for your health and best avoided when ever possible. Easier said than done granted, but if you and your family all benefit from the change its got to be worth serious consideration.

Good luck with what ever decision you make and I hope it works out for you. All the best for 2016 (y)