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Cinema fail

Posted: 02 Jan 2016, 14:57
by Fireblade_Ro
Went to the cinema to watch Star Wars today in my local Odeon... thought it odd you couldn't pre book your seats, but went with it anyways.

Got there, floor was sticky... meh, can live with this.

Then the adverts played, as they do. Trailers, yep... lots of rubbish cartoon films. Then the film started - but the main lights hadn't dimmed or turned off... could barely see the screen. My other half got up and went to speak to someone about it - the lights went off and then we saw the screen... and subtitles?!?!?! WTF!!!! So he missed the first 5mins while they sorted it out.

So disappointed :( They said the showing was advertised as subtitled... if you look online it has a tiny "ST" box that you can click on and it says "subtitled"

Just to rub salt in the wound it was a pay and display carpark, with a broken meter (nearest one was other side, a fair walk) and was raining... waaaaaaa :(

I got my money back... and I won't be going back. Anyone else had bad cinema experiences?!

Re: Cinema fail

Posted: 02 Jan 2016, 17:18
by Kwacky
Apart from telling the woman next to me to shut up my star wars viewing was trouble free.

Re: Cinema fail

Posted: 02 Jan 2016, 19:41
by StMarks
I usually get seated in the immediate location of an ASBO family, with assorted bags of fodder with the rustle turned up to maximum & an ability to slurp their drinks semi-continuously for an entire film & pointless conversations that they "have" to make amongst each other at full yell.
I'm not a great fan of cinemas.

Re: Cinema fail

Posted: 02 Jan 2016, 19:46
by C00kiemonster
StMarks wrote:I usually get seated in the immediate location of an ASBO family, with assorted bags of fodder with the rustle turned up to maximum & an ability to slurp their drinks semi-continuously for an entire film & pointless conversations that they "have" to make amongst each other at full yell.
I'm not a great fan of cinemas.
Ditto. I have my own home cinema setup and buy the films for less than it costs for two people to go see a film these days.

Re: Cinema fail

Posted: 02 Jan 2016, 19:55
by Kwacky
C00kiemonster wrote:
Ditto. I have my own home cinema setup and buy the films for less than it costs for two people to go see a film these days.

You can take the lad out of the Black Country....

Re: Cinema fail

Posted: 02 Jan 2016, 19:56
by C00kiemonster
Kwacky wrote:
C00kiemonster wrote:
Ditto. I have my own home cinema setup and buy the films for less than it costs for two people to go see a film these days.

You can take the lad out of the Black Country....
:) we didn't get cinema until 1992 anyway so I'm not very familiar with it anyway ;)

Re: Cinema fail

Posted: 02 Jan 2016, 20:09
by Fireblade_Ro
At least with his home cinema he won't have to put up with the mouth-breathers and people who always seem to need the loo after just 20mins of the film starting... argh!!! MOUTH BREATHERS (headbang)

Re: Cinema fail

Posted: 03 Jan 2016, 08:04
by Rossgo
Got into a fight in the cinema screen when I was younger. It was the first Harry Potter and a group of chavs were eating maccy Ds before the film in the screen.

Me and my mate walked in (school day but we skipped the last few lessons to go and see it) and we just sat down.
The group (older than us) walked over and ask to see my mates phone (I didn't have one at the time), me mate said no but they insisted. Anyway the group said if my mate lets him see his they will let him see his...of course we knew what this meant but they outnumbered by a lot easily 15 of them and only 2 of us) anyway me and my mate both were ready and knew what would happen.

My mate and the leader of the group both locked into each other's phones and the fella started to pull trying to Nick it. One of the guys tried to punch him but he ducked and I grabbed the geezers head and smashed his face. My mate then had a group of them trying punch him. He manages to pull the guy who was trying to Nick his phone over the seat and get a few hits in making him loose his grip.

Pretty much after that they tried a few other things but we put up a fight and they retreated.

We walked out the screen and said to the staff that there's a group of lads etc and they did nothing about it. So we walked back in Sat down and nothing happened after that.

Re: Cinema fail

Posted: 03 Jan 2016, 08:13
by Rossgo
That was pretty much the worst experience of a cinema I've had!

Unless you count the time when I qued up for hours to get a ticket to one of the James bond films and the cashier said I wasn't old enough, I was but what 12 year old has ID on them!? So me and my mate had to sneak into the film haha! Slough was so easy to sneak in, we could do it for the whole day buy one ticket and could walk into anything we wanted haha!! The staff were brilliant all they used to do was sit in the films and watch them too hahaha!!