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Kawasaki Tail Tidy NSFW

Posted: 20 Jul 2015, 19:16
by Blade

Re: Kawasaki Tail Tidy

Posted: 20 Jul 2015, 19:32
by Rossgo
I almost didn't click on this because I thought it was a for sale thread or something. So glad I did now!!

Re: Kawasaki Tail Tidy

Posted: 20 Jul 2015, 19:39
by Blade
I knew you would like it ;)

Re: Kawasaki Tail Tidy NSFW

Posted: 20 Jul 2015, 21:00
by Kwacky

some of us work in open plan offices

Re: Kawasaki Tail Tidy NSFW

Posted: 20 Jul 2015, 21:06
by Blade
Nothing wrong there mate perfectly nice picture of what I can only imagine is a very charming and polite young lady (happy)

Re: Kawasaki Tail Tidy NSFW

Posted: 20 Jul 2015, 21:08
by Kwacky
I'm pretty certain you know what my HR is like at work after I posted about the parking issue.

Trust me, if I got clocked looking at that at work they would use it as an excuse to block this site.

Re: Kawasaki Tail Tidy NSFW

Posted: 20 Jul 2015, 21:17
by Blade
Not aimed at you mate but the politically correct let's sensor everything dicks boil my p1$$. If people don't like stuff don't look at it. If its not illegal or harming anyone I don't see any problem personally. We are all individual and like different things.

HR people probably like looking at pictures of neatly stacked pencils, well what are they going to do if I tell them that offends me and it brings on my ocd trauma's.

As I say not aimed at you but me and the missus were talk about something similar at dinner this evening. I preferred it when you could speak freely without fear of offending anyone. This namby pandy world we are made to live in is not real.
When I was a kid people said sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me. What would that rhyme be today. Stick and stones will break my bones but names will land you in a lawsuit.

Worlds gone mad. Genuinely not aimed at you Kwacky as I understand what your doing and why but these PC dicks really boil my pi$$

Sorry rant over.

Re: Kawasaki Tail Tidy NSFW

Posted: 20 Jul 2015, 21:24
by Kwacky
I joined a firm a couple of weeks before Christmas. The office party was on the first friday I was there.

In the morning we had an email from HR telling us what we could and what we couldn't do.

I went to show my face, had the meal then **** off to enjoy myself.

One of my mates got a bollocking for chatting up an admin girl when they were out on a Friday after work. He pulled. HR found out and told him he was close to getting the sack because as a lawyer and senior person he was abusing his position and putting her under duress to sleep with him. She hadn't made a complaint.

Re: Kawasaki Tail Tidy NSFW

Posted: 20 Jul 2015, 21:28
by Blade
Like I say and sure you agree bunch of dicks.

Tbh I met my wife at work and the chief engineer pulled me to one side and said if this goes wrong make sure your aware I'm coming after you. I made him aware I was professional and so was Tina and if it didn't work out we were adults and would be professional about it, so until what is ever in your imagination actually happens fcuk off. Obviously the f off was worded slightly different but I didnt have much patients with the bellend all the same.

We live in a real world and its not always nice unfortunately but let's not try and wrap it all up on cotton wool. Sh1t happens at the end of the day.

Re: Kawasaki Tail Tidy NSFW

Posted: 20 Jul 2015, 21:29
by Kwacky
Remind me the next time we meet up, I'll tell you my little work related tale

Re: Kawasaki Tail Tidy NSFW

Posted: 20 Jul 2015, 21:32
by Monty
Find a new company Kwacky, recon I'd last about 10 minutes there. Actually 10 minutes might be pushing it.

I hate HR and IT with a passion, no offence meant to anyone on here I just just find most decisions are made for their own ends not the people they should be supporting. I've got around them by not using any of the IT kit I've been given, I work from my Mac on an exchange account and it backs up all my work files to my company shitetop as I work on them. Means I can do what the chuff I like and so far they appear non the wiser.

Re: Kawasaki Tail Tidy NSFW

Posted: 20 Jul 2015, 21:32
by Blade
Ok will so.

Not having a dig above mate. Just being a grumpy insomniac slapper. Sorry (blush)

Re: Kawasaki Tail Tidy NSFW

Posted: 20 Jul 2015, 21:34
by Blade
@ Monty (allhail)

Re: Kawasaki Tail Tidy NSFW

Posted: 20 Jul 2015, 21:46
by duke63
Monty wrote:Find a new company Kwacky, recon I'd last about 10 minutes there. Actually 10 minutes might be pushing it.

I hate HR and IT with a passion, no offence meant to anyone on here I just just find most decisions are made for their own ends not the people they should be supporting. I've got around them by not using any of the IT kit I've been given, I work from my Mac on an exchange account and it backs up all my work files to my company shitetop as I work on them. Means I can do what the chuff I like and so far they appear non the wiser.
So you were the admin girl? :?

Re: Kawasaki Tail Tidy NSFW

Posted: 21 Jul 2015, 01:17
by Jack
Candice has a lovely smile

Re: Kawasaki Tail Tidy NSFW

Posted: 21 Jul 2015, 08:32
by Blade
Good spot Jack.

Shows what I was looking at as only just recognised who it is (blush)

Re: Kawasaki Tail Tidy NSFW

Posted: 21 Jul 2015, 17:51
by TonyB
Jack wrote:Candice has a lovely smile
Sure does. Would like to see her gash too though.

Re: Kawasaki Tail Tidy NSFW

Posted: 21 Jul 2015, 17:58
by Frankie
Thought I recognised that lovely face :* :P (inlove)



Re: Kawasaki Tail Tidy NSFW

Posted: 21 Jul 2015, 18:05
by Frankie
Ha ha ha ha ha ha - While I was looking for the photos I found this one to x


Re: Kawasaki Tail Tidy NSFW

Posted: 21 Jul 2015, 21:30
by rocket
Frankie wrote:Ha ha ha ha ha ha - While I was looking for the photos I found this one to x


LOL that just looks like a proper dirty man look