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by kiwikrasher
17 Sep 2015, 03:09
Forum: Biking Stuff
Topic: Chicken Strips
Replies: 22
Views: 2352

Re: Chicken Strips

I looked at the thread on 675cc and that pic you post Kwacky was of the front tyre, his rear loks a lot more respectable in regards to chicken strips. Also looking at the pic St Marks posted of him, he seems to have a good body position and I'd say uses less of the tyre at the same speed than I do..
by Blade
16 Sep 2015, 21:49
Forum: Biking Stuff
Topic: Chicken Strips
Replies: 22
Views: 2352

Re: Chicken Strips

... very edge with no strip remaining but I was leaning a 190/50 Supercorsa over further and still had a few mm remaining of fresh rubber which as I say I prefer. At least I know I have something in reserve. You would think the 50 profile has a less aggressive profile than the 55 profile but I guess ...
by Blade
16 Sep 2015, 21:05
Forum: Slapper Chat
Topic: What are you doing today ??
Replies: 18753
Views: 3262647

Re: What are you doing today ??

Stay postive Perks as you say big change today and probably ly just first day nerves. Good to hear they are nice people as that's at least half the battle won straight away. I m sure you will settled in and enjoy it soon as it has to better ...
by Kwacky
16 Sep 2015, 17:08
Forum: Biking Stuff
Topic: Chicken Strips
Replies: 22
Views: 2352

Re: Chicken Strips

... bike up as soon as they can to get the power down, but that still means you need to lean the bike over at some point to get around a corner. As I say, I'm probably being harsh. I'm simply surprised at how little of the tyre has been used seeing as a couple of track days have been done.
by Kwacky
16 Sep 2015, 14:01
Forum: Slapper Chat
Topic: What are you doing today ??
Replies: 18753
Views: 3262647

Re: What are you doing today ??

Arguing over a returned item on ebay. Seller is refusing to say he's got it even though he signed for it on the 3rd.

I really do hate ebay.
by Kwacky
16 Sep 2015, 11:42
Forum: Slapper Chat
Topic: Jeremy Corbyn
Replies: 27
Views: 703

Re: Jeremy Corbyn

He's got 4 years to start from scratch and have a labour party ready to present to the public. The papers and other media, run by people who refuse to pay tax to this country, will have run out of things to say about him by Christmas.
by Monty
15 Sep 2015, 13:53
Forum: Slapper Chat
Topic: What are you doing today ??
Replies: 18753
Views: 3262647

Re: What are you doing today ??

Have to say the NHS were absolutely fantastic, from the 111 phone call sorting out a late night appointment at the local cottage hospital and then them phoning ahead to the main hospital to make sure we got straight in when we ...
by Frankie
14 Sep 2015, 16:06
Forum: Photos and Videos
Topic: Fest Photo mix
Replies: 13
Views: 568 Fest Photo mix

... it was a good turn out, plenty of 675's ha ha contrary to the popular misconception that there are non on the forum any more ha ha ha.... Sad to say we did have a little incident in the afternoon where a gixer decided to inspect the wildlife without getting off the bike first. As you will see ...
by Kwacky
13 Sep 2015, 13:56
Forum: On the Track
Topic: San Marino GP
Replies: 3
Views: 246

Re: San Marino GP

What can you say?

Smith looked like he was crying. Can't say I blame him.
by kiwikrasher
13 Sep 2015, 12:13
Forum: Slapper Chat
Topic: Introductions - Say "Hello" Here
Replies: 511
Views: 261661

Re: Introductions - Say "Hello" Here

Hi ya Blue, enjoy your new found freedom!
by Blade
12 Sep 2015, 22:15
Forum: Biking Stuff
Topic: Old Skool Biking
Replies: 33
Views: 1095

Re: Old Skool Biking

Haha nice one Nutz as you say the Aprilla is still a weapon 8) The SP wont be on any IOM trips unfortunately but it could pop out to Wales for the day and its a great idea to make it a v-twin day and bring Dukes awesome 748 to join the ...
by Blade
11 Sep 2015, 22:32
Forum: Biking Stuff
Topic: Sharp Helmet Test Results
Replies: 10
Views: 12220

Re: Sharp Helmet Test Results

... in a case where their lids were to blame. He also liked the Roof lids due to the interior material they use and how much they used. He did say though that he could see why Roof aren't popular in racing because of the size. I don't think Roof do full face any more as they weren't popular, ...
by Rossgo
11 Sep 2015, 21:55
Forum: Biking Stuff
Topic: Opinions please on all bikers most favourite topic
Replies: 49
Views: 1914

Re: Opinions please on all bikers most favourite topic

Brand new pilot power on the rear and I must say it feels great. Nicely scrubbed in now with around 130 miles out onto it and more tomorrow and Sunday. Need to use that whole tyre now
by Kwacky
11 Sep 2015, 21:05
Forum: Biking Stuff
Topic: Sharp Helmet Test Results
Replies: 10
Views: 12220

Re: Sharp Helmet Test Results

... in a case where their lids were to blame. He also liked the Roof lids due to the interior material they use and how much they used. He did say though that he could see why Roof aren't popular in racing because of the size. I don't think Roof do full face any more as they weren't popular, ...
by Blade
11 Sep 2015, 20:17
Forum: Photos and Videos
Topic: H2R 206 MPH
Replies: 17
Views: 674

Re: H2R 206 MPH

Monty wrote:I had a close up look at one of them at DK the other day. The detail and quality of the components is incredible
Agree Monty. Had a good nosey at one at Oulton Park and have to say surprsingly I was impressed (y)
by Monty
11 Sep 2015, 14:34
Forum: Photos and Videos
Topic: Manx two up racing!
Replies: 3
Views: 259

Re: Manx two up racing!

Looks like he takes his foot off to say hello and then goes for a gear but changes down instead of up!
by D6
11 Sep 2015, 10:16
Forum: Photos and Videos
Topic: Want!
Replies: 149
Views: 14956

Re: Want!

A lot of bikes are developed with future regs in mind, but won't actually technically refer to them until they need to. As you say, there's no point developing bikes knowing what is upcoming if it won't pass those regs as well.
by Rossgo
11 Sep 2015, 08:16
Forum: Slapper Chat
Topic: Mr Postman
Replies: 5351
Views: 1227984

Re: Mr Postman

Was going to say very smooth non shakey footage so the adhesive mount definitely works! Think if I was to grab one I'd use the suction mount to save the paintwork a bit! Really can't decide whether too or not. It would be a good ...
by Blade
10 Sep 2015, 23:22
Forum: Slapper Chat
Topic: Introductions - Say "Hello" Here
Replies: 511
Views: 261661

Re: Introductions - Say "Hello" Here

Welcome and hope you like the site.
by TonyB
10 Sep 2015, 20:23
Forum: Slapper Chat
Topic: What are you eating ??
Replies: 7294
Views: 1389438

Re: What are you eating ??

I made a big dish of moussaka and invited my nan round for dinner. Was bloody lovely if I do say so myself.