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by Kwacky
03 Apr 2014, 21:17
Forum: Slapper Chat
Topic: Michael Schumacher latest
Replies: 31
Views: 3665

Re: Michael Schumacher latest

... extent." I'm more inclined to go with this. Head injuries like this are serious. There's a reason why his family are building something for him at home. He's going to need 24 hour care even if he does wake up.
by Bratty
03 Apr 2014, 17:18
Forum: Biking Stuff
Topic: What did you do to your bike today ??
Replies: 12002
Views: 2145287

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

I've emailed the guy at Jesters where I got the hugger from and he's agreed to refund me so I've posted it back to him.
by Kwacky
03 Apr 2014, 12:31
Forum: Biking Stuff
Topic: 2015 Euro Track Date
Replies: 44
Views: 9618

Re: 2015 Euro Track Date

I'll see if I can get some more information from Gary at BBS. I'm at work where they've recently blocked Gmail so it's a bit hard for me to reply to him until I get home.
by bb41
03 Apr 2014, 09:03
Forum: Slapper Chat
Topic: The Europe debate
Replies: 18
Views: 2203

Re: The Europe debate

Whatever their political persuasions and as much as I didn't agree with a certain few at least they had back bones, well most of them anyway.

Ed Milliband ????? Whatever his politics are but jeez that man needs a good beating to get him to wake up a bit. i think he needs to grow a set
by Kwacky
03 Apr 2014, 08:56
Forum: Slapper Chat
Topic: The Europe debate
Replies: 18
Views: 2203

Re: The Europe debate

Tony Benn was a proper politician. Him and his ilk have left us now.
by Si.
02 Apr 2014, 23:08
Forum: Slapper Chat
Topic: The Europe debate
Replies: 18
Views: 2203

Re: The Europe debate

The last mp I had time for was the late Tony Benn.
Farage, I like him a lot.... I agree with a lot he says. As for any of the cons, labour and lib dems, they've fooked it up between them in every way possible...
by Kwacky
02 Apr 2014, 22:15
Forum: Slapper Chat
Topic: The Europe debate
Replies: 18
Views: 2203

Re: The Europe debate

You being a knob has nothing to do with your choice of political party. (giggle)

There aren't many of the old school left. I know people don't like him and think he's a bit wet, but I've got time for Michael Hague. I also like Clarke and IDS. I'm very old school when it comes to my MPs.
by Kwacky
02 Apr 2014, 22:05
Forum: Slapper Chat
Topic: The Europe debate
Replies: 18
Views: 2203

Re: The Europe debate

Clegg seemed ill prepared. Farage is a knob. I've got no time for him. He's full of middle england soundbites.

Bring back proper politicians.
by C00kiemonster
02 Apr 2014, 16:31
Forum: Slapper Chat
Topic: What you watching?
Replies: 10489
Views: 2290448

Re: What you watching?

... not seen any of this series but he is a good presenter. I loved the one he did about the brothel in the US. That one lady was determined to bed him. That was really funny :D The latest series I couldn't watch the first one as it was about euthanising doggies :(. The second one this week was ...
by D6Nutz
02 Apr 2014, 16:29
Forum: Slapper Chat
Topic: Sorry, Was busy Texting...
Replies: 23
Views: 3804

Re: Sorry, Was busy Texting...

he needs to crash and go to hospital teaches him a lesson... Trouble is, they are the sorts that will have a bad accident while on the phone, put others in the hospital and walk away from it unscathed. They will also walk away from any accident ...
by Rossgo
02 Apr 2014, 16:10
Forum: Slapper Chat
Topic: Sorry, Was busy Texting...
Replies: 23
Views: 3804

Re: Sorry, Was busy Texting...

... driving from reading and waiting at the traffic lights I saw this stupid #rick in a nice Merc racing through the lights on the other side pushing himself in past other cars...when he past me I saw him chatting on his phone...even my GF turned around and said he needs to crash and go to hospital ...
by Spudda
02 Apr 2014, 15:25
Forum: Slapper Chat
Topic: Yes - another one!
Replies: 29
Views: 4154

Re: Yes - another one!

C00kiemonster wrote:Bonjour! :)
ooo look at him going all Continental on us ;)

Welcome DaveG ... nice to have you on board

Is the Tiger one of the newer models ?
Just wondered as I was very nearly tempted with a Cat C Tiger to repair and use but like most things I never did (blush)
by hubington
02 Apr 2014, 15:22
Forum: Biking Stuff
Topic: someone wants to take the bike round the car park
Replies: 29
Views: 8646

Re: someone wants to take the bike round the car park

... yet to ask again since) I'm sticking to my guns and have come up with almost a dozen against type arguments from peoples posts which I'll throw at him one after the other should it come up again. And thanks for everyones input, even Kwackys
by Deegee
02 Apr 2014, 15:09
Forum: Biking Stuff
Topic: someone wants to take the bike round the car park
Replies: 29
Views: 8646

Re: someone wants to take the bike round the car park

If you want to politely refuse without actually being seen to say no by him, try quoting the Company rules - all the large companies I've worked for have strict rules on the use of their car parks enforceable by disciplinary action, and if they are a bit ambiguous ...
by Norfolknchance
02 Apr 2014, 12:12
Forum: Slapper Chat
Topic: What are you building?
Replies: 25
Views: 4152

Re: What are you building?

Just a flick of the wrist really, I hope he didn't stump up to much to make that thing, wonder if his mate gave him a hand.
by Cavetroll87
02 Apr 2014, 10:36
Forum: Slapper Chat
Topic: Sorry, Was busy Texting...
Replies: 23
Views: 3804

Re: Sorry, Was busy Texting...

Bloke on the M6 this morning driving with his knees and using both hands to text. I gave him the international sign of the tosser and he then started sounding his horn and flashing his lights at me. Yes mate, I'm the dickhead (facepalm) How dare you stick your nose ...
by Kwacky
02 Apr 2014, 10:31
Forum: Slapper Chat
Topic: Sorry, Was busy Texting...
Replies: 23
Views: 3804

Re: Sorry, Was busy Texting...

Bloke on the M6 this morning driving with his knees and using both hands to text. I gave him the international sign of the tosser and he then started sounding his horn and flashing his lights at me.

Yes mate, I'm the dickhead (facepalm)
by Kwacky
02 Apr 2014, 10:11
Forum: Slapper Chat
Topic: What you watching?
Replies: 10489
Views: 2290448

Re: What you watching?

I've not seen any of this series but he is a good presenter. I loved the one he did about the brothel in the US. That one lady was determined to bed him.
by Casper
02 Apr 2014, 05:17
Forum: Slapper Chat
Topic: Joke of the day
Replies: 1824
Views: 949250

Re: Joke of the day

David Beckham gets into a taxi and notices the driver looking at him in the rear-view mirror. After a couple of minutes the driver says, "OK, give me a clue." Beckham says, "I had a glittering career at Manchester United, played in America ...
by Moonie
01 Apr 2014, 22:05
Forum: Biking Stuff
Topic: someone wants to take the bike round the car park
Replies: 29
Views: 8646

Re: someone wants to take the bike round the car park

Bit late into this thread, Hubs but my take as follows...
Just stick to your guns, and explain the whys and wherefores of insurance and the ramifications of him possibly dropping it, and even hurting himself...if that fails, give him a slap!!! ;) (punch)