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Not commuting

Posted: 03 Sep 2020, 19:51
by Kwacky
I know it's shitty and dangerous. I know commuting isn't for everyone. I know you have to ride in all sorts of weather, in a variety of light levels, temps and road conditions.

But I really miss it.

It was a great way to wake up in the morning and declutter my mind on the way home. It gave me a clear division between home and work, in every respect.

I'm sure my wife is happy I don't do it and I know my bank balance is better for working from home. So I suppose I should look at the positives.

Re: Not commuting

Posted: 03 Sep 2020, 20:22
by D6Nutz
I know what you mean, I've done everything from the pop round the corner to hour+ train journeys and bike commutes...

It takes a bit getting used to working from home, and not everyone finds it easy. The only things I can recommend from experience are to:

1) make a space that is the office, approach that space with the attitude of "once i get there i am at work" and don't allow yourself to be distracted with home stuff. It's not easy but once you get into it, it works.

2) you need time for you to make up for the lack of commuting.. go for a walk, a run, a drive, a very long and tedious shit.. what ever gives you time to yourself, and you need this every day

On reflection, enjoy your bank balance not going down quite so quickly from the cost of fuel and all the other bits you buy when your in the office and concentrate these additional funds on Rizoma goodies for the MV.


Re: Not commuting

Posted: 04 Sep 2020, 07:34
by Rossgo
You may miss it but I don't miss you guys clogging up our roads, so for that I salute you sir. Thank you for not having that commute so us who can't work from home can actually get to and from work fairly hassle free.

You are taking the hit so the many can have a more peaceful journey

Thank you buddy

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Re: Not commuting

Posted: 04 Sep 2020, 07:56
by Kwacky
I thought I was helping the traffic by being on two wheels.

Re: Not commuting

Posted: 04 Sep 2020, 08:02
by Kwacky
I wonder how much I'm saving? I reckon £40 a week on petrol.

New tyres roughly every 6 months so that's £250. Service every 6 months say £300. Chain and sprockets every year. Then there's the cleaning products.

I know stuff will still need replacing and the bike still needs servicing but that's going to be far less frequently now and the bigger services will take much longer to come around.

Insurance will be interesting next year. Just two bikes and an annual mileage of about 5,000.

Re: Not commuting

Posted: 04 Sep 2020, 08:05
by Rossgo
Kwacky wrote:I thought I was helping the traffic by being on two wheels.
Yes you are but regardless any traffic off the roads is better than nothing. I have been loving the roads to myself Image

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Re: Not commuting

Posted: 04 Sep 2020, 08:07
by Rossgo
Kwacky wrote:I wonder how much I'm saving? I reckon £40 a week on petrol.

New tyres roughly every 6 months so that's £250. Service every 6 months say £300. Chain and sprockets every year. Then there's the cleaning products.

I know stuff will still need replacing and the bike still needs servicing but that's going to be far less frequently now and the bigger services will take much longer to come around.

Insurance will be interesting next year. Just two bikes and an annual mileage of about 5,000.
Cash in, spend it on other things and enjoy it. Unsure how long this will be going on for. At work we have had no national office staff at work....its been amazing! They can stay at home for all I mind! Image

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Re: Not commuting

Posted: 14 Sep 2020, 13:27
by D6
Nice day to commute today.