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We have invented a new game.

Posted: 14 Apr 2020, 11:09
by T.C.
We live adjacent to the A329(M) and so during normal times although it does not bother us, you are always aware that the Motorway is close by.

On the otherside of the Motorway is our local Railway station, and so you are constantly hearing trains passing through or stopping.

We also live on the flightpaths in and out of London Heathrow and so hearing aircraft departing and approaching London is regular, in fact we used to set our clocks by Concorde's outbound and inbound departures and arrivals.

But since lockdown, not a peep. No traffic, no trains, no aircraft.

But....... This morning I heard a train arrive at the station and the Mrs heard an aircraft departing Heathrow (y)

That was 2+ hours ago and so we have decided to try a new game.....

Count the planes and trains.

I think the game might be a bit slow and lacking excitement to catch on, so not a big seller (giggle)

Re: We have invented a new game.

Posted: 14 Apr 2020, 11:25
by duke63
But think of all that lovely clean air you are now breathing.

I do think this pandemic might quicken the agenda on air pollution.

Re: We have invented a new game.

Posted: 14 Apr 2020, 13:06
by Kwacky
I went in to the office this morning. There's still far too many cars about IMO. Around South Coventry most of the drivers seemed to be in the 60+ bracket.

The motorways had a mix but I reckon that the majority of it was commercial.

I had a twat in an Audi almost take me out not far from home - easily doing twice the speed limit he cut the corner on a blind bend and came on to my side. We both had to swerve to avoid a crash.

Re: We have invented a new game.

Posted: 15 Apr 2020, 00:18
by kiwikrasher
duke63 wrote:But think of all that lovely clean air you are now breathing.

I do think this pandemic might quicken the agenda on air pollution.

Re: We have invented a new game.

Posted: 15 Apr 2020, 00:22
by kiwikrasher
although I love the fact all this has reduced pollution and improved environmental repair, i do realise the hypocrisy of my situation, sitting on a Oil and Gas platform with a raging flare burning 24 hrs a day and I'll be flying home on a private jet next week.... |(

But I figure if you can't bet them, at least join them and do your upmost to ensure systems are being run and managed at the best optimisation as possible to minimise environmental impacts. I'ma HSE rep out here and my pet project is environmental impacts.