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If you could go live anywhere....

Posted: 29 Mar 2014, 21:20
by duke63
... would you live in this country?

I'm not in one of my grumpy old bastard moods but the last few months i have got decidedly pissed off with so much that goes on in this country......again. :D

I have to say I no longer really want to be a part of what it has become. We just seem to be like a little USA now, with all the very worst aspects of that country now being prevalent here.

The thing that has finally thought 'feck it' has been both my mum and now mother in law looking at their own finances and wondering whether they can afford to remain living in their own homes...yet they are both taxed on their meagre pensions of their respective husbands simply because they receive a state pension.

If i had the financial means to do it, i would be gone tomorrow.

There that's got that off my chest. :)

Re: If you could go live anywhere....

Posted: 29 Mar 2014, 21:36
by C00kiemonster


I don't like what the UK has become in terms of work ethic or commercialism, one of many reasons I don't live in the UK anymore, however the UK does have many good qualities. I do think its true of any country that they have good points and bad, France is no better overall, just different.

What France has for us is that we get left alone to live our lives without interference. One problem with France is its huge bureaucracy.

Swings and roundabouts as my mum is fond of saying.

All I can suggest is plan to move somewhere and try it, at least you are controlling your destiny somewhat. The UK will always be there if it doesn't work.

Re: If you could go live anywhere....

Posted: 29 Mar 2014, 21:48
by duke63
C00kiemonster wrote:(blush)

What France has for us is that we get left alone to live our lives without interference.
This hits the nail perfectly on the head.

Government seems to want to control every aspect of our lives here now and if some aspect of society is making a decent living (or even just a living) they want some of it.

Much as i would love to go and live in Italy, Spain or France in the future, we are at a point in our lives right now where it just is not possible with son still at school and ageing parents needing help.

Re: If you could go live anywhere....

Posted: 29 Mar 2014, 22:10
by StMarks
duke63 wrote:..Much as i would love to go and live in Italy, Spain or France in the future, we are at a point in our lives right now where it just is not possible with son still at school and ageing parents needing help.
Fwiw my parents seriously considered emigrating to Canada or NZ back in the early 70's.
They decided against, for pretty much the same reasons you've stated.
I can't help thinking that my life would have taken a very different path if they had... :?

Re: If you could go live anywhere....

Posted: 29 Mar 2014, 22:12
by D6
new zealand. the end.

Re: If you could go live anywhere....

Posted: 29 Mar 2014, 22:21
by R34PER
I'd like to go to Australia. I'm in college at the moment, hoping to go to uni to retrain and get a job that will enable me more flexibility in deciding where to settle.

Re: If you could go live anywhere....

Posted: 29 Mar 2014, 22:34
by Kwacky
The inlaws have told us they would hand over all their money to us now if we want to leave the UK. My wife wouldn't leave her parents behind.

I would leave in the blink of an eye but my wife wouldn't. She's not a great fan of change.

Where to? Germany for me. Or maybe somewhere further afield, like Vietnam.

Re: If you could go live anywhere....

Posted: 29 Mar 2014, 23:12
by Binno
I've been all around the world and seen lots of awesome places. Each one has it's own set of troubles. Oz for instance is just as anti immigration as we are. New Zealand is anti Maori. America is , well , America. Any European country is riddled with corruption and age old troubles.

The only Utopian countries I have spent time in are Sweden and Norway. However both of those have issues too, and the winters ?? Brrrr

Out of all the places I have seen, none of them matter a shit to me because the people I loved weren't there.

Re: If you could go live anywhere....

Posted: 29 Mar 2014, 23:14
by Kwacky
You soppy bastard

Re: If you could go live anywhere....

Posted: 29 Mar 2014, 23:26
by StMarks
Soppy, maybe. But also correct IMHO.

Home is always where your heart is at.

Re: If you could go live anywhere....

Posted: 29 Mar 2014, 23:28
by Kwacky
I'm a lawyer. I had mine removed some time ago.

Re: If you could go live anywhere....

Posted: 30 Mar 2014, 01:12
by Rossgo
You know what I had a massive reply to this and all I was doing was getting g myself more angrier and angrier haha!!

Simple answer no I would NOT like to move out of my country I was born and raised in.

It's just everyone else I want out of this country

Re: If you could go live anywhere....

Posted: 30 Mar 2014, 01:58
by R34PER
Binno wrote: Out of all the places I have seen, none of them matter a shit to me because the people I loved weren't there.
For me personally, myself and the mrs both have multiple family members in oz and others thinking about going over too. I think having people about is less of an issue for me than it is for her though. I think she would want her mom out there. I don't see much of my family all that often really though, more often a phone call even though we live close by since I'm always working or studying. So for me, a holiday visit would be enough but these things are all individual. My mrs was really up for it when we were out with her family over there and when we got back but its been a year on now and I think she thinks along the same lines as missing the family that is over here. I enjoy moving about and change though. Ideally id like to try out a few different countries for the best fit.

Re: If you could go live anywhere....

Posted: 30 Mar 2014, 02:54
by Stew
My mum and dad got the chance to move to Oz in the 60's when Pilkingtons were opening a factory out there, in the end they stayed here and made a life in St Helens, I left home at 16 and did 10 yrs in the forces which really opened my eyes to the world and whilst the UK isnt what it once was I'm too old to be making a move elsewhere but If i was maybe 15 yrs younger it would be Canada for me, wierdly though Ive never been there but its too late for me now.
Edit: Having said all that if I had the cash I'd love to go and live in Skiathos one day when I retire but as I'll never be in that position....... ;)

Re: If you could go live anywhere....

Posted: 30 Mar 2014, 07:59
by bb41
I wouldn't live anywhere else other than the UK, I don't have a big family and the country is far from perfect but I like it.
Yesterday a warm spring day bumbling through the countryside is hard to beat .
I'd love to move out of Oxfordshire though, preferably move up North some day.
Whenever I do go away be it on the bike or via air, it's always nice to come home