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Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 20 Oct 2018, 21:20
by D41
Should be a retest if you fcuk moving retest if you don't.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 21 Oct 2018, 09:29
by Rossgo
Couldn't agree more a retest every 1p years is doable in my opinion and would gain the government some money in the process.

Yesterday I was following a old bloke in a csr that was far too big for him in my opinion, who slammed on his brakes to a stop not once but twice at 2 different roundabouts WHEN NOONE WAS AROUND!!! It took me off gaurd as on the straights he was doing the speed limits (50 and 40MPH). I could only imagine him doing that because he couldn't take all the information in (speed, roundabout, was anyone coming around who takes priority etc).

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Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 21 Oct 2018, 09:55
by Rossgo
Getting a screw in my rear tyre yesterday! Bugger. I'll have to plug it can't leave it in there!Image

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Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 21 Oct 2018, 09:55
by Rossgo
Haven't even had it that long either!

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Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 21 Oct 2018, 15:43
by StMarks
Rossgo wrote:Getting a screw in my rear tyre yesterday!.
That's a b*tch mate. - Never seems to be an old tyre that's coming up for replacement anyway, does it.!
Looking at the pic it's a Torx headed, so it's possible that you're very lucky & it's shorter than the tyrewall thickness.?

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 21 Oct 2018, 16:01
by Rossgo
StMarks wrote:
Rossgo wrote:Getting a screw in my rear tyre yesterday!.
That's a b*tch mate. - Never seems to be an old tyre that's coming up for replacement anyway, does it.!
Looking at the pic it's a Torx headed, so it's possible that you're very lucky & it's shorter than the tyrewall thickness.?
I'm hoping it is nice and short to be honest. I'll check it over before one of my night shifts this week and see what is going on. Got so much tread left in it!

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Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 21 Oct 2018, 20:25
by Kwacky
duke63 wrote:Same here. No one could complain about a retest every ten years.
every shot driver over the age of 40 IMO

They would all complain.

But as StM has said, we've been here before.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 22 Oct 2018, 09:08
by Kwacky
Marks and Spencer sending a 63 year old 5'7" 8 stone man and mid 40s 18 stone bloke to get an 8 drawer chest of drawers up 2 flights of stairs.

It's gone back to the depot.


Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 23 Oct 2018, 13:41
by Cav
Our backwards benefit system.

Don't want to work? Don't want to own a home? Don't want to do well for yourself? - We'll give you everything.

Want to work? Want to own a home? Volunteering? - Sorry you aren't entitled to anything.

F*cks me off to see someone you love get told they're in deep sh!t because they've been claiming benefits they aren't entitled too since buying a home - yet no where does it say that's the case. When you get a phone call from your fiancé in tears and barely able to finish a sentence without 8 pauses it gets to you.

To top it off, I'm struggling in private, education and work and I can't do a bloody thing about any of it. I've had 2 breakdowns recently and she's been there for me but I'm absolutely useless while I'm at work but with the ~400 hours of sickness I've had I can't exactly turn around and say I need to go home because my fiancé is upset.

Rant over.. sorry

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 23 Oct 2018, 13:54
by Kwacky
Rant away mate, it sounds like you're both under the cosh. I really hope things turn around for both of you.

The benefits system is crap. We've got an admin here who has just had a pay rise. She's got 3 kids, her husband has just returned to work, they're both doing what they can to make their lives and their kids lives better. But the pay rise, which I about 20p an hour more, means that they lose all of their benefits. No interim stage, no assessment, just cut off. They would be better off if both of them weren't working. She's doing a legal course and having to find the tme for that plus work full time and look after her kids.

There's no reasoning with the benefits system. It's shit.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 23 Oct 2018, 14:19
by Cavetroll87
just having the exact same chat at work, got some people with benefits up to £21,000 a year, lots of people work insanely hard for no where near that sort of money, its wrong, Hoping things turn around for you Cav

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 23 Oct 2018, 16:16
by Cav
Thanks both (y)

It's abysmal.. it teaches people to have no aspirations. It's all or nothing.

I'm sure we'll sort it out but it will likely mean a couple of hard years now and no chance of bike time for another couple of years. I thought we were just about scraping through as it was.

I've already been advertising what little I have for sale.

Talking of which, anybody interested in the latest shape Xbox 360 with probably 15 games?

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 23 Oct 2018, 16:18
by Kwacky
What games and for how much? I can ask around for you.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 23 Oct 2018, 16:45
by Cav
Mostly racing but a few classics like Battlefield 2. I have Ride and MotoGP 16 as well as Forza 3/4 and Horizon 2.

I'll have a check tonight and get some photos too

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 23 Oct 2018, 18:07
by duke63
Hope you get sorted, cav. Try not to let the bastards grind you down.

My BIL has been having similar issues. It seems if you have worked once, then you are capable of doing so forever with no help.

However sit on your arse all your life, make sure you have a stick and the Govt will throw money at you.

I have a friend whose g/f has worked in the DWP much of her life. She has refused to transfer to the Universal credit team as they are judged purely on how many cases they can get through each day. Not whether they have done it correctly, but get it off your desk ASAP.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 25 Oct 2018, 19:09
by Monty
The current state of mental health support in this country. Today I sectioned my wife under the mental health act, I shouldn't need to do this to get her the treatment she needs and deserves.

Tomorrow is punch the nearest Tory B@stard in the throat day!

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 25 Oct 2018, 19:16
by StMarks
Monty wrote:The current state of mental health support in this country. Today I sectioned my wife under the mental health act, I shouldn't need to do this to get her the treatment she needs and deserves.

Tomorrow is punch the nearest Tory B@stard in the throat day!
Tough times for you Monty. :(
IMHO she's fortunate to have you there for her, those without anyone looking out for them get even less support to everyone's detriment.

GWS Mrs Monty

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 25 Oct 2018, 19:19
by D41
Scary stuff. How're the bairns handling it??

Never mind are YOU doing??

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 25 Oct 2018, 19:32
by Monty
The kids have been fantastic, really proud of them. Obviously they don't know the full extent of how Sarah is but they've not seen her for over two weeks now and for 6 year olds that's pretty good going. Just come back from parents evening with glowing reports.

I'm OK, the kids are keeping me going

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 25 Oct 2018, 19:40
by Kwacky
Look after yourself as well mate. Seek as much support as you can.