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Stella Artois

Posted: 19 Oct 2015, 20:21
by Spudda
I seem to have found a taste for Stella

The lager in most of the pubs around here seems to be a little hit and miss and although I do enjoy a pint of real ale, I always prefer the Stella

I sound like a piss head but I only drink on a Friday or Saturday, depending on which night I go out and even then I dont go out until after 10pm ... I go out when people are coming home but a couple of pints putting the World to rights with a couple of like minded people floats my boat (beer)

Re: Stella Artois

Posted: 19 Oct 2015, 20:23
by Monty
I haven't had a drink for 19 days, 19 DAYS!!!

Re: Stella Artois

Posted: 19 Oct 2015, 20:32
by C00kiemonster
Stella is better than some I suppose. I'm not a lager man meself. Real Ale is where it's at :)

I don't drink much at all these days, just for the taste occasionally.

A couple of pints now and then never hurt anyone.

Re: Stella Artois

Posted: 19 Oct 2015, 20:33
by Spudda
Monty wrote:I haven't had a drink for 19 days, 19 DAYS!!!
You on this Stoptober then Monty ?

Re: Stella Artois

Posted: 19 Oct 2015, 20:38
by Monty

To be fair, no one has died in this experiment

Re: Stella Artois

Posted: 19 Oct 2015, 20:39
by C00kiemonster
Monty wrote:YES!!!

To be fair, no one has died in this experiment
Yet. I had a nice pint tonight ;). Really nice ;) just imagine..... ;)

Re: Stella Artois

Posted: 19 Oct 2015, 21:00
by Kwacky
I ended up drinking Stella on Saturday because of the clubs I ended up in.

I'm not a fan.

Re: Stella Artois

Posted: 19 Oct 2015, 22:51
by duke63
Stella is guaranteed to give me a headache. Not a drink I would choose.

Re: Stella Artois

Posted: 19 Oct 2015, 23:14
by D6
Drinking a lot of cider recently

Re: Stella Artois

Posted: 20 Oct 2015, 02:20
by kiwikrasher
I've gone off beer almost entirely.

Empty bottles of gin keep appearing in my rubbish bin for some weird reason though.

Re: Stella Artois

Posted: 20 Oct 2015, 08:37
by Kwacky
Gin is for women.

Everyone knows that.

Re: Stella Artois

Posted: 20 Oct 2015, 08:55
by StMarks
Kwacky wrote:Gin is for women.

Everyone knows that.
Apparently Gin is the drink of choice for those who are using drink as a remedy for huge underlying stresses Kwacky (which is why it is associated with women).
If you drink for anything other than enjoying the drink, then perhaps you need to take a step back & evaluate things IMHO (before it can take a hold). :S

Can't remember the last time I drank a Stella, I'll have one next time I'm at a pub just to compare. All larger tastes very similar to my pallet, & a thirst quenching ice cold one on a summers afternoon can be spot on, but other than that..

Re: Stella Artois

Posted: 20 Oct 2015, 09:06
by Blade
Not a fan of wife beater (shake)

I drink bottled beer mainly at home tbh but also when out and about. That way at least you can guarantee consistency of the product when drinking bottled beer.

Re: Stella Artois

Posted: 20 Oct 2015, 09:07
by Kwacky
I can't stand gin. I don't like the smell, let alone the taste.

As for drinking I can take it or leave it. It's very very rare for me to drink in the house.

Re: Stella Artois

Posted: 20 Oct 2015, 11:47
by Si.
Gin is nectar of the gods, especially Sloe Gin. Im a red wine man mostly though,

Stella sends me loopy, and i get pissed on a pint of it.

Re: Stella Artois

Posted: 20 Oct 2015, 14:25
by D6
I thought gin was what old women drink? There was even an Aldi avert with it. :p

Re: Stella Artois

Posted: 20 Oct 2015, 14:58
by TonyB
I love a g&t or 6. I'd take it over any other alcoholic drink. My uncle makes sloe gin every autumn ready for Christmas. Lovely stuff.

Re: Stella Artois

Posted: 22 Oct 2015, 20:05
by StMarks
StMarks wrote:....Can't remember the last time I drank a Stella, I'll have one next time I'm at a pub just to compare. All larger tastes very similar to my pallet, & a thirst quenching ice cold one on a summers afternoon can be spot on, but other than that..
Just back from the Red Squark, couple of glasses of Stella (much to the surprise of everyone else). It was a little different from the Fosters & the Carling, but not definitively better IMHO, just different.