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Stupid things you sometimes do on a bike...

Posted: 18 Sep 2014, 21:34
by D6
I am in no way reccomending it..... but when riding along (a straight and safe road) has anyone looked directly up into the sky? I mean straight up.

It's kind of surreal. You get this still picture of the sky, but in periphal vision (especially if trees or hedges line the road) you get a unreal sense of speed.

Just be careful of doing it at over 80 as the wind gets under the chin and lists the lid.

Stupid eh?

Only on private roads naturally.

Re: Stupid things you sometimes do on a bike...

Posted: 18 Sep 2014, 21:41
by Kwacky
You're special, aren't you?

Re: Stupid things you sometimes do on a bike...

Posted: 18 Sep 2014, 21:45
by D6
There's only one of me. Apart from my evil twin. But he's locked away in the basement. Or was it the good one in there? After all locking someone in a basement is pretty evil.... Ah I forget now.

Re: Stupid things you sometimes do on a bike...

Posted: 18 Sep 2014, 22:14
by D6Nutz
I've never done it on the bike.

I used to have a convertible car, and looking up on a clear starry sky was quite cool.

Re: Stupid things you sometimes do on a bike...

Posted: 19 Sep 2014, 01:04
by kiwikrasher
When I was loads younger, I used to do big trips on my RZ250, which resulted on a lot of numbness in feet and hands. One day while trying to get blood flow back in my hands, decided to use my left hand to work the throttle while I worked some life into my right hand. Was fine on the straight but in a gentle bend hit a irregularity in the road and came very close to arsing off...

I also tried the standing up on the seat on that bike, not as easy as it looks on TV!

Re: Stupid things you sometimes do on a bike...

Posted: 19 Sep 2014, 08:18
by Frankie
Ha ha standing on the seat, yes..
Also riding very fast when nobody is looking, and popping wheelies in, well inappropriate places.

Re: Stupid things you sometimes do on a bike...

Posted: 19 Sep 2014, 08:25
by kiwikrasher
Frankie wrote: Also riding very fast when nobody is looking, and popping wheelies in, well inappropriate places.

Stupid? Sounds like the required behaviour to me (rock)

Re: Stupid things you sometimes do on a bike...

Posted: 19 Sep 2014, 08:28
by Deegee
D6Nutz wrote:I used to have a convertible car, and looking up on a clear starry sky was quite cool.
Yep, have absolutely done this. Very cool.

Stupidest thing I've done on a bike was to find some quiet (private) country roads to ride my old 750 around with no lid on just to see how it was for my old man and Grandad on their bikes. Made even more stupid by the fact Dad fractured his skull in a bike accident - due to no lids in the 1940's. (facepalm)

Oh and fwiw, it's just like sticking your head out of a car window as any dog will tell you.

Re: Stupid things you sometimes do on a bike...

Posted: 19 Sep 2014, 08:56
by Blade
Stupidest thing is ride 2800 miles on a sports bike in 7 and half days and needed lifting of it at the end of most days due to the total numbness, multiple bilsters, sores and rigiditis, lol

Re: Stupid things you sometimes do on a bike...

Posted: 19 Sep 2014, 09:17
by Si.
I know a dude that has exactly the same bike as me, leathers and lid. He leaves for work half an hour earlier on a sat to practice his wheelies on a good stretch of road. ;-D

Re: Stupid things you sometimes do on a bike...

Posted: 19 Sep 2014, 09:29
by Kwacky
You have to admire his dedication :)

Re: Stupid things you sometimes do on a bike...

Posted: 19 Sep 2014, 17:46
by Frankie
kiwikrasher wrote:
Frankie wrote: Also riding very fast when nobody is looking, and popping wheelies in, well inappropriate places.

Stupid? Sounds like the required behaviour to me (rock)
True (giggle)