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Kwacky's Mallory report

Posted: 08 Aug 2014, 18:55
by Kwacky
Watching the weather forecast all week I thought we were in for at least a damp afternoon, so I packed spare gloves and my 2 piece oversuit. When Perky arrived at mine it was grey and far from summery. The weather hardly changed on the ride up.

We got to the circuit just after 8 and found Rocket parked up in his. The briefing was, well brief. Inters out first so we had some time to check tyre pressures and do what all track dayers do - talk shit :)

Jack showed up. Thanks again mate, we all love having you there.

My aim for the day was to sort out my body position, so I was taking it easy throughout the day. Input from Perky, Rocket and Jack all helped but it's clear that it's going to be difficult for me to get out of the habit of riding like I'm commuting to work. I also think that the track isn't the place to spend the entire day trying to ride differently unless I've got some instruction, so I'll be looking into that for next year.

On the other hand Perkles and Rocket soon found their trackday form and were flying around the track, knee down, overtaking pretty much everyone in each session. In all honestly all 3 of us should have been in inters but it was Rocket's first visit there and Perkles obviously didn't know he would get his mojo back to that extent.

One of the sessions Perkles kindly followed me and we swapped places a few times. It would have looked good on video. He's quicker into Gerrards than I am but I was soon catching then overtaking him towards the exit.

It wasn't all bad news. After lunch I decided to stop working on my body position and go for it. Apart from a rear end slide out of Edwinas and locking the front once into the hairpin it was a trouble free day. Another bonus is that the Hairpin no longer troubles me. I'm not race speed but I'm not dreading it as I used to.

Roadrace wasn't on the track but he made the effort to come from South Wales to pay us a visit. It's always good to catch up with old biker mates.

Rocket's face after each session was something else. Imagine a kid waking up on Christmas morning and finding that Santa had been and delivered all of the presents on that kid's list. That was Rocket after each session.



Kwacky's Mallory report

Posted: 08 Aug 2014, 19:29
by Jimmy Mc
Great report Kwacky, sounds like you all had a good day! Glad the weather held out for you. Nice pics too.

Re: Kwacky's Mallory report

Posted: 08 Aug 2014, 19:35
by Blade
What Jimmy Mc said. Nice work boys and glad you had a good day. I'm itching to get on track myself.

Re: Kwacky's Mallory report

Posted: 08 Aug 2014, 19:38
by duke63
Good pics, Kwacky. Well worth going on a knee down course to learn the skill and improve the body position. It struck me just what a big change of position it takes when I eventually managed it it was easy to keep repeating it.

Re: Kwacky's Mallory report

Posted: 08 Aug 2014, 20:39
by rocket
i have no idea What you mean


Re: Kwacky's Mallory report

Posted: 09 Aug 2014, 10:02
by Kwacky
I think I've got vibration white finger. My left hand is aching today.

Re: Kwacky's Mallory report

Posted: 09 Aug 2014, 10:31
by Perkles
Kwacky wrote:I think I've got vibration white finger. My left hand is aching today.
Honestly my whole body is aching ,I was knackered when I got home

Re: Kwacky's Mallory report

Posted: 09 Aug 2014, 10:48
by Kwacky
I was shattered as well. And hungry. I couldn't stop eating when I got in.

Re: Kwacky's Mallory report

Posted: 09 Aug 2014, 13:19
by Jack
Jack showed up. Thanks again mate, we all love having you there.
sometimes I don't feel as though I'm quite as appreciated as you say :D



Re: Kwacky's Mallory report

Posted: 09 Aug 2014, 13:32
by Roadrace
Now that's a quality pic!!!

Kwacky's Mallory report

Posted: 09 Aug 2014, 13:34
by Roadrace
ImageRich, you have the famous Ket "Where does the track go next?" look :-)

Re: Kwacky's Mallory report

Posted: 09 Aug 2014, 21:27
by Pitty
Great report kwacky, sounds like you all had a mega day, cant beat a day riding your bike as quick as you like on track :)

Re: Kwacky's Mallory report

Posted: 09 Aug 2014, 21:41
by Kwacky
Yeah, shame I can't do it more often.

Re: Kwacky's Mallory report

Posted: 10 Aug 2014, 12:41
by Perkles
its took me ages to sort this out im crap with IT but heres a short video of the second session :)" onclick=";return false;

Re: Kwacky's Mallory report

Posted: 10 Aug 2014, 13:04
by C00kiemonster
Good vid! You were smashing Gerard's!

You can see how good the brakes are on an RC too :)

Needs more RC8 sound :)

Re: Kwacky's Mallory report

Posted: 10 Aug 2014, 13:15
by Kwacky
Good vid.

No idea why I was being such a pussy with Gerrards, I normally hammer it into there. Having so many slower riders with weird lines didn't help.

Inters next time.

Re: Kwacky's Mallory report

Posted: 10 Aug 2014, 13:56
by Perkles
C00kiemonster wrote:Good vid! You were smashing Gerard's!

You can see how good the brakes are on an RC too :)

Needs more RC8 sound :)
the front end and brakes on the rc8 are stupendous you can brake late and it just holds its line even when the back end was locking up
its a shame the engine noise doesnt come through on the video ,im not sure how to change that ? it was mounted on the side fairing

Re: Kwacky's Mallory report

Posted: 10 Aug 2014, 17:07
by Deegee
Good vid Perkles, see what you mean about the sound, was the mic facing toward the bike or the offside?

Re: Kwacky's Mallory report

Posted: 10 Aug 2014, 17:11
by rocket
Nice video sweet riding

Re: Kwacky's Mallory report

Posted: 10 Aug 2014, 18:01
by Perkles
Deegee wrote:Good vid Perkles, see what you mean about the sound, was the mic facing toward the bike or the offside?
The mics built in so not sure why it didn't pick up the engine noise