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Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 16 Mar 2019, 18:21
by Deegee
Food poisoning, was up most of last night squirting from one end or the other, today I feel like every single joint in my body is in pain.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 11 Apr 2019, 15:22
by Cav
Tears and/or ruptures of my PCL, ACL and LCL in my knee.

I've just managed to walk on crutches for the first time which is quick initial progress but bloody exhausting!

I'm doing my own physio every couple of hours by exercising the knee through as much motion as possible then resting the leg in an elevated position. It's the gradual straightening of the knee which allowed me to use the crutches just now

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 11 Apr 2019, 17:53
by Deegee
I’m not entirely sure that playing football and yourself have any future together tbh Cav. I’d be sticking to Trackdays, tightrope walking and skydiving and other safe sports if I were you.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 11 Apr 2019, 18:15
by Cav
My thoughts exactly !!

Running doesn't suit me either as I've had 2 injuries from that already. Not going to be able to do dog walking either.

I thought I was able to get my leg quite straight, looked in the mirror and it looks closer to 90 degrees than 45

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 17 Apr 2019, 08:27
by Kwacky
I've got tendonitis in my left bicep tendon. It's really weird. Some movements are fine both others are really painful. I've had it for a couple of weeks. I might have to get it looked at or seek some acupuncture.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 18 Apr 2019, 14:44
by Cav
Emotional instability from a 2 year series of injuries - the latest one being suspected rupture of ACL/PCL and possible tear to MCL in my left knee.

It's 8 days since the injury and besides an emotional breakdown the first night I've been pretty good. The last two days have been bloody tough and I'm seeing the negative effect it's having on my fiancé. I'm trying so hard to do what I can do but it's exhausting and I get sh!tty with her when things aren't her fault.

I know this passes, I've been here before, but my god it's tough.

I'm seeing deadlines approach and I'm making no headway into anything because the tutor is a d!ck and cannot explain his subject. I'm just trying to get this moping out of the way to be honest and once that's done I hope I can make some real progress !!

I'm sorry for this rant, sometimes it's just best to get it out even if no one ever reads it.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 18 Apr 2019, 14:49
by Kwacky
We do read it. Kiwi has to read it, his OCD forces him to :D

Rant away mate, it's good to air these things.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 18 Apr 2019, 14:53
by D41
Chin up & best wishes. I had no idea things were that bad.

Sore throat. REALLY sore.
I've lost my voice.....bad enough that I can't actually say/whisper "I've lost my voice".

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 25 Apr 2019, 16:06
by Cav
A visit to the hopsital today to see my consultant. I've been referred for an urgent MRI and he's booked me in to see him in the next 2 weeks.

The alarm bells for him were the fact my knee locks and that I can't straighten it or bend it. I was honest about how significant the progress is that I made but he clearly wasn't happy with it's current condition.

He strongly suspects damage to the meniscus (cartilage) and MCL (inside knee ligament) and wasn't able to confirm or deny the ACL/PCL. Despite my best efforts I couldn't relax my leg enough for him to do those tests - I know the amount of pain that follows their testsand I suppose I just couldn't relax to let it happen.

So.. 2 weeks and I should have a review of an MRI

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 01 May 2019, 07:35
by kiwikrasher
So saw the Neurosurgeon today about the latest MRI and progress.

Mainly good news. Tumour 100% ruled out. The shape in my cord is definitely oedema/scar tissue and I do have some myelopathy (cord softening) but because this is from trauma and not degenerative conditions it is recoverable. Side by side with my previous scans there is a significant improvement. She said I had a big step change in symptoms from surgery and recovery from the trauma of surgery, but now as the remaining symptoms are all from the oedema and myelopathy, recovery has slowed down but should still get better slowly. I have another appointment in 2 months and a med cert till then.

So not out to work in June as planned but still should be out there this year sometime.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 01 May 2019, 08:21
by Kwacky
You know the other day when I said leave the prognosis to the experts?

Can I get a "I told ya so"?

That sounds like good news to me mate.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 01 May 2019, 09:04
by Itchy
Awesome stuff.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 01 May 2019, 09:05
by Itchy

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 01 May 2019, 09:14
by StMarks
Yep, sounds like the exact news you would want given the circumstances doesn't it Kiwi.?

Cav, the fact that you're so aware of your own mind is (imho) one of your greatest strengths in coping with all the stresses you're juggling with.
I suspect that writing it down is a good way for you to externalise it, and therefore part of your route to that comprehension.?
So fwiw I say keep on keeping on, and I don't believe any of us on here would see such posts as a "rant to be ignored"...

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 01 May 2019, 10:03
by kiwikrasher
Kwacky wrote:You know the other day when I said leave the prognosis to the experts?

Can I get a "I told ya so"?

That sounds like good news to me mate.
Yes you can (happy)

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 01 May 2019, 10:06
by kiwikrasher
StMarks wrote:Yep, sounds like the exact news you would want given the circumstances doesn't it Kiwi.?
Pretty much St Marks.

It might sound a bit loopy but I was looking forward to getting out to work in the first half of the year, you think you’d love not going to work, but when you don’t and it’s not your choice you have a different view point. Staying at home full time is not what it’s cracked up to be.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 01 May 2019, 10:13
by C00kiemonster
kiwikrasher wrote:So saw the Neurosurgeon today about the latest MRI and progress.

Mainly good news. Tumour 100% ruled out. The shape in my cord is definitely oedema/scar tissue and I do have some myelopathy (cord softening) but because this is from trauma and not degenerative conditions it is recoverable. Side by side with my previous scans there is a significant improvement. She said I had a big step change in symptoms from surgery and recovery from the trauma of surgery, but now as the remaining symptoms are all from the oedema and myelopathy, recovery has slowed down but should still get better slowly. I have another appointment in 2 months and a med cert till then.

So not out to work in June as planned but still should be out there this year sometime.
(y) not much more i can say but (y)

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 01 May 2019, 10:43
by Cav
What did I tell you, Kiwi !!! This is brilliant news !!! I can tell how much it was getting you despite compartmentalising it so this news is very welcome indeed :)

@StMarks - thank you mate.. It's difficult not to be in tune with your mental state after going through CBT and counselling. There are a few actions I notice myself doing which are triggers to me thinking about my mental state. That's when I try to change my future actions in the hope of my mood, emotions and thoughts following the actions (you can't change your emotions or thoughts).

Such a great group of people here and the support for everyone is great - except for Blade who shut his thumb in a door..... how do you manage that?! ;) :D

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 01 May 2019, 12:08
by Deegee
Sounds as if there's light at the end your particular tunnel Kiwi, it may not be moving as fast as you'd like - but at least things are moving in the right direction and I'm sure you'll be complaining about having to leave Jess and the kids for another stint offshore before too much longer. (y)

I can sympathise with your enforced stay at home, I was in a similar position in 2013/14, where following redundancy, I spent the larger part of a year going through two operations and recuperation. It wasn't my favourite year by a long way, and I'm sure you'll look back on 2018/19 with similar dislike.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 14 May 2019, 13:25
by Cav
Update on my knee.

MRI results showed a rupture of the ACL and a partially torn MCL. Technically I have 2 ACLs at the moment!

Good news is my cartilage is undamaged which is the biggest relief. Cartilage doesn't repair and often requires repeat surgery later in life and a high likelihood of arthritis.

I have to do "pre-hab" to gain full mobility of my knee prior to surgery in 8 months. If my mobility isn't sufficient prior to the surgery, the surgeon can refuse to operate as there is a very high likelihood of having a stiff knee for the rest of my life.

I'm hoping to be walking in 4 months in time for my wedding but I'm well aware I'm going to get to around 80% recovered then have surgery and start from scratch again