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Re: The Daily Post Election Politics Thread

Posted: 17 Dec 2020, 18:03
by Monty
To be frank, what did we expect really? We've elevated the most talentless bunch of psychotic gobshites to the entire cabinet. There's not one of them in there that shouldn't have resigned already. More than half of them have been sacked previously, one of them for actual treason! They literally are the nastiest bunch of talentless, self-obsessed wasters in the history of UK politics. So non of their failings should come as a surprise to anyone.

I've never agreed politically with any Tory, elected or other, but at the very least I could respect Tories like Dominic Grieve for their intelligence, honour and integrity.

Re: The Daily Post Election Politics Thread

Posted: 17 Dec 2020, 18:48
by Kwacky
I've had time for a lot of Tory MPs over the years. I wont list them, I'm sure Monty has got better things to do with his time than to tell me why I'm wrong with each one, but this lot are special. I can't think of any who have something to redeem them. ReesMogg telling UNICEF off for politicising starving British kids should evoke outrage. Sadly it's just one small example of the depths they've sunk to, so no one bats an eyelid.

Re: The Daily Post Election Politics Thread

Posted: 17 Dec 2020, 19:06
by D41
Kwacky wrote:I've had time for a lot of Tory MPs over the years. I wont list them, I'm sure Monty has got better things to do with his time than to tell me why I'm wrong with each one,


That was sublime. (rolf)

Re: The Daily Post Election Politics Thread

Posted: 17 Dec 2020, 19:57
by Monty
Can’t argue with that

Re: The Daily Post Election Politics Thread

Posted: 17 Dec 2020, 21:13
by duke63
A good MP is good because of the work he does in his constituency or he does for his country.

Once they become 'Party' MPs that is usually when they turn into a prick.

Re: The Daily Post Election Politics Thread

Posted: 17 Dec 2020, 21:29
by Kwacky
Even the Americans know

Re: The Daily Post Election Politics Thread

Posted: 17 Dec 2020, 21:49
by Frankie
Its a bloody crime that does not get addressed. Corruption all over the bloody place, makes me sick. I could add this to the moany thread, but I have already ranted there..... ha ha been one of those days were I am ready to burst....

Re: The Daily Post Election Politics Thread

Posted: 17 Dec 2020, 22:04
by Monty
Kwacky wrote:Even the Americans know
Guessing now might be a good time to compliment you on your intelligence, honour and integrity.

Re: The Daily Post Election Politics Thread

Posted: 17 Dec 2020, 22:12
by Kwacky
Monty wrote:
Guessing now might be a good time to compliment you on your intelligence, honour and integrity.

You're too kind

Re: The Daily Post Election Politics Thread

Posted: 17 Dec 2020, 22:29
by Monty
Kwacky wrote:
Monty wrote:
Guessing now might be a good time to compliment you on your intelligence, honour and integrity.

You're too kind
When I read that back it sounded sarcastic, but it wasn't meant to be. I disagree with you on many levels but I don't doubt your intelligence, honour or integrity.

Re: The Daily Post Election Politics Thread

Posted: 17 Dec 2020, 22:30
by D41
Kwacky wrote:Even the Americans know

When I read the whole article that goes with that segment it makes sense to me - or it at least explains a lot.
They went with companies that they had prior experience with, companies that had the best chance of delivering the masks, medical supplies, & other ancillary stuff they needed, and they did it at a time when EVERYBODY was scrambling to get the same gear.
They acquired @ 50% of what was needed that way, and for the rest, the other half, they went elsewhere.
I really don't see too much of an issue with that....but everyone would have had an issue if they hadn't gone down that route.
It's a rock and a hard place.

Re: The Daily Post Election Politics Thread

Posted: 17 Dec 2020, 22:41
by Kwacky
Thanks Monty, that's appreciated. And likewise. We don't have to agree on everything to get along. That would be boring.

Re: The Daily Post Election Politics Thread

Posted: 17 Dec 2020, 22:43
by Kwacky
@D41. Most of the companies who won the PPE contracts were just a few weeks old.

And we're run by Tory party friends, donors and sponsors.

And the companies who had been providing PPE for years were losing their contracts. Then being contacted by the new companies asking them for details if the suppliers they use.

Re: The Daily Post Election Politics Thread

Posted: 17 Dec 2020, 23:09
by duke63
And a lot of that same PPE is now blocking up Felixstowe port as those same 'new' companies obviously have nowhere to store it.

Re: The Daily Post Election Politics Thread

Posted: 17 Dec 2020, 23:13
by D41
Kwacky wrote:@D41. Most of the companies who won the PPE contracts were just a few weeks old.

And we're run by Tory party friends, donors and sponsors.

Yeah...I could see that happening. A lot of opportunists, fly-by-nights, etc. coming out of the woodwork.

Re: The Daily Post Election Politics Thread

Posted: 17 Dec 2020, 23:21
by Kwacky
One company got a £25m contract. The company was two weeks old and set up by a pub landlord. The pub just happens to be the local of a Tory cabinet minster.

Re: The Daily Post Election Politics Thread

Posted: 18 Dec 2020, 09:11
by Kwacky ... -uk-waters" onclick=";return false;

Russia obviously knows that our navy has more important things to worry about, like migrants in dinghies and French fishermen.

Re: The Daily Post Election Politics Thread

Posted: 18 Dec 2020, 09:37
by duke63
I'm surprised we have 8 working ships TBH.

From what i have been told, they seem to spend more time in the repair dock than anywhere else.

Re: The Daily Post Election Politics Thread

Posted: 18 Dec 2020, 09:46
by StMarks
Kwacky wrote: ... -uk-waters

Russia obviously knows that our navy has more important things to worry about, like migrants in dinghies and French fishermen.

That seems a little premature? Surely it's going to be a year or two (at least :S ) before our country's deteriorated to the point that the Russian peace keeping forces can viably step in.?

Re: The Daily Post Election Politics Thread

Posted: 18 Dec 2020, 09:56
by StMarks
:? Perhaps not...

Vlad's possibly "getting his foot in that door", by having some ships ready to intervene in any stand-offs between our Navy & EU fishing vessels.

He will thereby be setting a precedence, whilst also subtly gaining acceptance of his intervention from the EU. If his navy does a smart job of it, they may well be able to accelerate the level of conflict whilst appearing to be earnest in their self-appointed peacekeeping role.