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Re: SOUTHERN FEB RIDE OUT 22nd (depends on weather)

Posted: 17 Feb 2015, 22:40
by Rossgo
Ok Ro talk later in week

Re: SOUTHERN FEB RIDE OUT 22nd (depends on weather)

Posted: 17 Feb 2015, 22:42
by Rossgo
I remeber that ride Frankie, ace day out!! You know how to plan a bloody good route mate!!

Re: SOUTHERN FEB RIDE OUT 22nd (depends on weather)

Posted: 18 Feb 2015, 15:01
by Blade
Can't make it guys as working all weekend but have fun and enjoy the cake (^)

Oh and don't forget some photos. Frankie your man for this task and always produce some crackers (y)

Re: SOUTHERN FEB RIDE OUT 22nd (depends on weather)

Posted: 18 Feb 2015, 22:32
by D6Nutz
Kwacky wrote:Even if you pull it unless it's raining heavily I'll still ride down to Stow for some brekkie or cake.
Erm... Brekkie OR cake ???? don't forget frankie will be present, so it's likely to be both (giggle)

Re: SOUTHERN FEB RIDE OUT 22nd (depends on weather)

Posted: 18 Feb 2015, 22:36
by D6Nutz
Frankie wrote:If its all the same to you guys I will meet you at H's then, for me its a swift run into and out of Henley, don't fancy going all the way into Reading first too much of a detour.
No worries mate, I don't blame you.. nice lanes vs the shite roads of reading, I know which I would choose..

@rossgo and @ro - I could meet up with you guys at TGI if you let me know what time your meeting.

Re: SOUTHERN FEB RIDE OUT 22nd (depends on weather)

Posted: 18 Feb 2015, 22:41
by Kwacky
Don't you remember the last time we met up? Frankie wouldn't have any cake after breakfast and I wasn't having any my own. So I went cakeless :(

Re: SOUTHERN FEB RIDE OUT 22nd (depends on weather)

Posted: 18 Feb 2015, 22:44
by D6Nutz
Humm, thats true.. I reckon he wasn't feeling well and will be back on form this weekend.

Failing that, the amount of training I've been doing recently I'm going to need the extra calories to get me through the ride home... (^) (^) (^)

Re: SOUTHERN FEB RIDE OUT 22nd (depends on weather)

Posted: 18 Feb 2015, 23:25
by Rossgo
Nutz no worries can PM you when it's been decided. Prob be Sat if that's ok

Re: SOUTHERN FEB RIDE OUT 22nd (depends on weather)

Posted: 19 Feb 2015, 12:18
by sepossivel
hello everyone

This looks confuse ..

How many are we already?
I am a newbie.
hopefully wont rain .. no fun if it rains ..

I might pop up Sunday..
how many miles ? start and estimated finish time?

Re: SOUTHERN FEB RIDE OUT 22nd (depends on weather)

Posted: 19 Feb 2015, 13:18
by Kwacky
Times - PLEASE NOTE: These are All depart times
H Cafe - 9.30am Depart. OX10 7LY
Little chef - Burford. 10.45am. OX18 4JF
Then we will be taking a run south via some nice roads, A and B roads, with a chance to give your baby a good chance to clear it's throat lol.

Lunch stop - Hopefully will be at Middle Wallop SO20 8DY

From there I have plotted out a new set of roads, which will again have us on A & B roads, I have tried to pick roads without loads of crap on them, so we will from time to time have to potter through a few villages and built up area's (But worth it) to get to the next section of the track.... err I mean route ;).

I hope to be around a tea shop / cafe / Cake supplier for afternoon cup of splosh and cake :roll: :D

Hopefully that's a bit clearer. Hard to say how many miles.

Where you travelling from?

Re: SOUTHERN FEB RIDE OUT 22nd (depends on weather)

Posted: 19 Feb 2015, 15:13
by Kwacky
The current forecast is for sleet in Birmingham on Sunday :D

Re: SOUTHERN FEB RIDE OUT 22nd (depends on weather)

Posted: 19 Feb 2015, 16:12
by sepossivel
I am coming From London Area
sounds good .
But i guess will have to skip for the moment .. is to cold for more then 100 miles ride :D

Re: SOUTHERN FEB RIDE OUT 22nd (depends on weather)

Posted: 19 Feb 2015, 16:15
by Kwacky
That's understandable. It's a long way in the cold.

We'll see you at the next one when it's warmer.

Re: SOUTHERN FEB RIDE OUT 22nd (depends on weather)

Posted: 19 Feb 2015, 20:13
by Frankie
The way the weather is looking it may get postponed :(. Its the gamble you take when setting things up weeks in advance, at this time of year to boot.
I am still holding out until the last min... :)

Re: SOUTHERN FEB RIDE OUT 22nd (depends on weather)

Posted: 19 Feb 2015, 20:55
by Rossgo
Weather sucks!!

Re: SOUTHERN FEB RIDE OUT 22nd (depends on weather)

Posted: 19 Feb 2015, 21:02
by D6Nutz
(nod) just had a look..

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will blow over quicker and hit saturday evening rather than sunday

Re: SOUTHERN FEB RIDE OUT 22nd (depends on weather)

Posted: 19 Feb 2015, 21:34
by kingfixer
Just had a look on the BBC weather site, it looks quite ni......shit !! (rain)

Re: SOUTHERN FEB RIDE OUT 22nd (depends on weather)

Posted: 19 Feb 2015, 21:37
by Kwacky
They're predicting snow in Brum this sunday

Re: SOUTHERN FEB RIDE OUT 22nd (depends on weather)

Posted: 20 Feb 2015, 09:14
by Rossgo
This is such a bummer. I've taken a quick look and it's saying rain as well. Just need a ride!!
Think I might just go out anyway screw the rain!!

Re: SOUTHERN FEB RIDE OUT 22nd (depends on weather)

Posted: 20 Feb 2015, 10:34
by R1ckster
Ah shame...I'm not about that weekend.. As usual... Grrrr otherwise would definitely have joined you guys

Rode up from London to Stoke in full torrential rain most the wsy... Wearing my heated jacket.... Thankfully not electrocuted..