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Re: Motorcycle Valeting

Posted: 07 Oct 2015, 19:39
by TonyB
I hate cleaning my bike. I don't even do a normal clean. That's what Eastern European run car washes are for

Re: Motorcycle Valeting

Posted: 07 Oct 2015, 19:43
by Blade
They scratch your care and bike not clean it.

They are rubbing the grit of the car in front into your paint work. These boys don't give a shit if there sponge is clean or not and have never heard of the two bucket method.

Part of bike ownership for me is taking care of it. That way I not only feel proud of my bike and it's condition but also know it is maintain to perfection with no hidden faults developing un noticed in the back ground.

Re: Motorcycle Valeting

Posted: 07 Oct 2015, 20:37
by D6
Blade wrote:Well I think your all mad. Paying some one else £60 to clean your bike. That could be spent on bling and just thing of the satisfaction your missing out on knowing you did the job and how amazing it looks.
It's the year long treatment as well I'm interested in and as I never clean my bike it sounds a bargain :P

Motorcycle Valeting

Posted: 07 Oct 2015, 20:42
by R1ckster
Hmm I have to say the bloke I bought my tiger off had it washed twice a year by a pro (if there is such a thing lol) £130! And despite it having 12000 miles on boy it looked like it just left Hinckley ! I'm kinda thinking an annual or biannual treat too. Much better if done by a trusted service than pissing about on it at home. A good guy will want repeat service so should so an A1 Job

So Kwaky your not alone on this line of though :)

Re: Motorcycle Valeting

Posted: 07 Oct 2015, 20:44
by C00kiemonster
Blade wrote:Well I think your all mad. Paying some one else £60 to clean your bike. That could be spent on bling and just thing of the satisfaction your missing out on knowing you did the job and how amazing it looks.
I have to say I agree. I've got better things to spend money on.

Re: Motorcycle Valeting

Posted: 07 Oct 2015, 21:04
by Kwacky
Blade wrote:Well I think your all mad. Paying some one else £60 to clean your bike. That could be spent on bling and just thing of the satisfaction your missing out on knowing you did the job and how amazing it looks.
I don't like cleaning my bike.

I have no problem getting a professional to do his job professionally for an agreed fee.

My bikes don't go without bling.

I really can't see the problem. These people have the tools, the knowledge, the expertise and the practice. If I tried to do the same job it would take me twice as long with half the effect.

I like cake. I could bake my own, but it's more enjoyable to eat one made for me.

Re: Motorcycle Valeting

Posted: 07 Oct 2015, 21:09
by Kwacky
Another thing to bear in mind, is people like me, D6. R1ckster etc use our bikes all year round. We're out early and home late. These aren't toys were using, it's an effective tool for getting into work. We can't pamper our bikes each time we take them out. That's not a pop at those who can and do wash their bikes after a ride out but I've neither got the time nor the inclination to do so.

Re: Motorcycle Valeting

Posted: 07 Oct 2015, 21:14
by D6
Hit the nail on the head for me. When I clean my bike, its that way for maybe 2 days before being covered in crud again. And especially in winter when you come home freezing and wet and its dark, then cleaning the bike is the last thing on my mind.

I am hoping a professional will do a more thorough job and also the protective acf50 barrier will be applied much better than I can achieve.

Re: Motorcycle Valeting

Posted: 07 Oct 2015, 21:14
by Jack
I have used the allyearbiker guy from Hinckley - no complaints .

Re: Motorcycle Valeting

Posted: 07 Oct 2015, 21:27
by Perkles
I am a fair weather biker only and love my bike to bits but can't be arsed to clean it ,I'd rather ride it to be honest.
I've put it on the optimate ready for winter and it's still covered in bugs from the summer,one day I might even check the tyre pressures

Re: Motorcycle Valeting

Posted: 07 Oct 2015, 22:00
by Blade
We're all different and it's just not for me but repsect others are different in their opinion and that's obviously fine.

Cleaning my bike allows me to find problems that I can rectify immediately before getting big and expensive. I like to look after all my items nit just my bike so perhaps that's just me.

Re: Motorcycle Valeting

Posted: 07 Oct 2015, 22:07
by Blade
Prevention is better than cure and whilst a annual deep clean cannot be knocked a weekly wash would be much better.

I road all year round when I was a kid, commuting to work in the snow or gails but always managed a 30 minute wash at the weekend. Doesn't have to be anything too serious but a bucket of soapy water and a hose can quickly clean a bike and ensure corrosion is never given a chance to get a foot hold.

Re: Motorcycle Valeting

Posted: 07 Oct 2015, 22:33
by Kwacky
If I had a garage and didn't have a wife and two kids and a dog and didn't have work to do when I got home and people asking for help and advice in my spare time then I'm sure I could spend more time washing it. But it's not even on my list of priorities, let alone something I reckon I should do to prevent a part from failing.

Re: Motorcycle Valeting

Posted: 08 Oct 2015, 07:45
by R34PER
If it dies weigh it in and move on to the next bike. Someone will always buy it for scrap once I'm finished with it.
I usually try to wash mine occasionally but I do a terrible job of it so getting a pro in would be a far better option.

Re: Motorcycle Valeting

Posted: 08 Oct 2015, 07:51
by D6Nutz
When I'm in the mood I don't mind washing mine. But I have also ridden mine in all conditions and was astounded at the amount of crud that came off, what I thought was a relatively clean bike.

Which reminds me, I need to get mine done again.

Re: Motorcycle Valeting

Posted: 08 Oct 2015, 08:59
by Kwacky
Does he do Saturdays? I might bite the bullet and ride it to him.

Re: Motorcycle Valeting

Posted: 08 Oct 2015, 11:42
by Rossgo
Yes he does Saturdays as I had mine on Saturday the 31st Jan.

Re: Motorcycle Valeting

Posted: 08 Oct 2015, 11:43
by Kwacky
Cheers Rossgo

Re: Motorcycle Valeting

Posted: 08 Oct 2015, 11:45
by Rossgo
No worries let us know how you get on with it all

Re: Motorcycle Valeting

Posted: 08 Oct 2015, 12:15
by Kwacky
The earliest Saturday he's got is in the middle of November.