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Biker in distress

Posted: 01 May 2014, 21:18
by duke63
I stopped to ask a biker if he was OK on the way home tonight. He was wobbling along at about 20mph on his Multistrada about 1 mile from my home.

I stopped to ask if i could help but he said he was only a mile from home too, ironically on the housing estate opposite ours.

Turned out he had a rear puncture and despite using a plug and a can of tyre sealant, the hole was too big to plug.

I offered to go and get a tyre pump and/or follow him home but he said he would be OK.

I think he was just happy that someone had stopped and tried to assist but I had made a promise to the guy who helped me out about two years ago when the same thing happened to me that I would stop and help if i saw another biker in distress.

So make sure you stop if you see a biker in trouble, it might be you next time needing some help.

Re: Biker in distress

Posted: 01 May 2014, 21:22
by Kwacky
I always pull over if I can. I've been helped in the past and it's nice to keep that going.

I hope you gave him a TS card :D

Re: Biker in distress

Posted: 01 May 2014, 21:28
by D6
Or pinched mods off it

Re: Biker in distress

Posted: 01 May 2014, 21:32
by Kwacky
Dukes not like that.

He followed him home go get his address, clocked the security and is currently drawing up a plan to nick it (hi)

Re: Biker in distress

Posted: 01 May 2014, 21:33
by duke63
It did have some nice Ohlins suspension. ;)

Re: Biker in distress

Posted: 01 May 2014, 21:42
by Deegee
Pass it forward, best way. Hopefully when and if I need help there'll be a queue lining up to help me. Sadly it'll probably be as Kwacky said someone sizing it up to feature it on Crimewatch.

Re: Biker in distress

Posted: 01 May 2014, 21:45
by Kwacky
Deegee wrote: Sadly it'll probably be as Kwacky said someone sizing it up to feature it on Crimewatch.
Nah, you'll be fine. You've got Triumphs. No one nicks triumphs :D

Re: Biker in distress

Posted: 01 May 2014, 21:53
by Deegee
I might end up paying someone to nick the Tiger at the current rate. |(

Re: Biker in distress

Posted: 02 May 2014, 00:30
by Spudda
About a year ago, whilst in the car I saw someone in Derby on a 999 Ducati, pulled up on the side of the road, with him kneeling by the bike pulling and messing with the electrics. I did a Uturn to offer help
By the time I'd got back to where he was, he'd gone :^

A had a letter from Derbyshire Police a week later, for doing 37 in a 30 for my act of good faith.
Never again !!


Joking apart, when I had my Stator / Rectifier issue and the bike conked out in the middle of Mid Wales, someone within the group I was riding with offered me his breakdown recovery, where the person is covered rather than the vehicle and whilst I was waiting for the AA, about 6 of the 50 odd bikes that buzzed passed me, stopped to see if they could help

Thats the biking community for you (y)

Re: Biker in distress

Posted: 02 May 2014, 08:49
by Cavetroll87
Ive stopped a couple of times before, once I was coming round a blind bend and there was a car pulled up in the middle of the road with hazards on and a little further up a guy on a cbr6 pulled over so I stopped to see if the guy on the bike was ok thinking something must have happened between him and the car, turns out as he came round the corner there was a complete car muffler in the road, he managed to swerve round it but the car couldnt and it had become wedged underneath so me and the other biker helped the guy and got it out and moved it.

I think ive stopped about 4 or 5 times for bikes broken down for various reasons, when I had my off no one stopped to check apart from one guy in a car. I had a police car (the same one) drive past twice and just look at me with complete disgust but not bother stopping

Re: Biker in distress

Posted: 02 May 2014, 08:55
by Blade
Made the same promise many many years ago to someone who helped me ironically 1 mile from home with a puncture, how weird is that.

Anyway he helped me get home so I bought him a box of beers and have stopped to help everyone I have seen in distress every since and always pass the promise on.

Re: Biker in distress

Posted: 02 May 2014, 09:42
by Stew
I woud always stop to help even if its just a bit of company until a breakdown wagon appears, but about 5 yrs ago I was coming home from work on my old ZZR 600 when it broke down on a dual carriageway, it was one of those with loads of roundabouts on it, couple of mins later a biker on the opposite side slowed down to have a look over and sure enough 2 or 3 mins later he arrived, slowed down, looked at me then and at the bike and then just carried on and left me there ! I mean I didn't ask him to help or anything, it was just like he was checking me out to see if I was worth helping, clearly I wasn't :) never wave at cruiser riders now ;)

Re: Biker in distress

Posted: 02 May 2014, 09:47
by Cavetroll87
I felt really bad once coz I was in the outside lane of the M25 and flew past a biker on the hard shoulder which had been previously hidden by a truck in the slow lane, and I saw him and he saw me but it was just way too late to stop and he must have been thinking "what a p****" as I flew past staring at him, If I had seen him in more time and it was safe to pull over I would have but just one of them things (PS if your on here dont hate me ;))

Re: Biker in distress

Posted: 02 May 2014, 10:11
by D6
I think stopping on a motorway is not a good idea anyway.

Re: Biker in distress

Posted: 02 May 2014, 10:19
by Cavetroll87
No hence why I didnt even really try but still felt bad that I couldnt help

Re: Biker in distress

Posted: 02 May 2014, 10:22
by Rossgo
I joined a dual carriage way and I saw a GSXR pulled over on the hard shoulder. It had polish plates on the bike. I pulled over walked oover to this fella and I asked him if he was ok. He blanked me. So I asked again he tried not to look at me, I was thinking maybe he doesn't speak English so I took off my lid and slower my English right down, he looked at me took his lid off and said that he spoke very little English but he wanted to get to Watford...I said he was a little way off from where he was...he showed me Google maps and showed me where he had come from...he had traveled the wrong way for a fair few miles...he lived basically right next to Watford haha!!

Re: Biker in distress

Posted: 02 May 2014, 12:58
by Monty
I stopped for a Landrover Discovery on the Cat and Fiddle a few months ago. Rear wheel had come off and he was suck blocking the road on a really tight blind bend.

Called the cops and started directing traffic while the owner fecked off to a near by house to call the AA.

A few near misses later the cops turn up and set off to the house to find the owner leaving me to sort the traffic.

Half an hour later the b@stard turned up drinking a coffee!

Re: Biker in distress

Posted: 02 May 2014, 13:39
by D6
Hahaha. Sucker. That is crap.

Re: Biker in distress

Posted: 03 May 2014, 15:35
by kiwikrasher
Going up the 1000 ft climb of a hill to my place about a year back, this old lady had broken down on a blind corner but luckily a double lane section and was too scared to get out of the car. I had a quick go at the car but couldn't get it started, so I towed her home, was was only around the corner from my place. Found out her husband had died 6 months earlier and she was living alone. I left an hour later after making sure she got hold of her son to help her out with the car, and been feed bikkies and coffee and heard all about her family.

But the bit that pissed me off was she said she has sat there for 20 min and I was the first to stop!

If I don't have the kids with me I stop everytime I see someone broken down, for purely selfish reasons, it makes me feel good!

Re: Biker in distress

Posted: 03 May 2014, 21:57
by DaytonAndy
I always stop if it doesn't put me in too much danger or I'm massively late already. I've pushed a few cars off roundabouts, junctions etc and changed a few tyres. I always think what if it was my nan/mum etc