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Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 11 Dec 2018, 09:05
by Cav
My manager brought in Somosas and Spring rolls with a glorious sweet chilli sauce (still had a bit of heat to it which was great) to celebrate his birthday.. what a treat that was !!

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 11 Dec 2018, 13:30
by D41
Ohh, that sounds good!! Gotta love Asian food.

Had a semi-passable steak & fries last night. Not feeling 100% at the moment, so my appetite seems to have gone AWOL.

It'll be poached eggs & toast for breakfast this morning, I think.

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 11 Dec 2018, 14:20
by Kwacky
Been out to TGIs for someone's leaving lunch. I had some chicken strip things. It was ok.

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 11 Dec 2018, 14:20
by Blade
Tool my mum out for meal last night. Had a piri piri calmari starter and a nice lamb rump.

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 11 Dec 2018, 14:59
by Rossgo
Kwacky wrote:Been out to TGIs for someone's leaving lunch. I had some chicken strip things. It was ok.
Yep couldnt agree more. 'It was OK' springs to my mind for the last time I ate there. I personally think its gone down hill, haven't been there for maybe 2 years or so but last time it all tasted like frozen food, not want you would expect when you are paying a fair amount for a simple dish.

Also Frankie and Bennies, in my opinion that all must just be all in bags in a freezer and cooked there. Haven't been there for maybe 5+ years

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Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 11 Dec 2018, 15:08
by Kwacky
I hate Frankie and Bennies. The kids used to love it when they were small. Thankfully they've grown out of it.

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 11 Dec 2018, 15:19
by D41
TGI's is more about glitz than good food, IMHO.

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 11 Dec 2018, 20:36
by Deegee
Stopped going to F&B’s because of the incessant “Congratulations” playing, first time it was a novelty, second time was annoying, third time was “Never coming here again”. The food was very meh as well.

Locally we use a decent Mexican style restaurant and a family owned Italian, both with excellent food and no Cliff Richard.

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 11 Dec 2018, 20:42
by Blade
Nandos. Kids choice but I enjoyed it tbh.

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 11 Dec 2018, 20:47
by D41
No Cliff Richard??

Whenever I hear his name I just think of The Young Ones......

Q. "What's good for a hangover??"

A. "Drinking heavily the night before."

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 12 Dec 2018, 16:01
by Blade
3 course steak dinner in Gaucho Grill with the missus. Bottle of Port for the train to work (blush)

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 12 Dec 2018, 21:36
by Itchy
My diet has always been shit.
From a very early age and a traumatic incident with a Brussel Sprout one Christmas, eating fruit or veg has been a no-fly zone for me.
Couple that with the quite frankly ludicrous portion sizes I help myself to, and sprinkle on top my metabolism appears to be slowing the older I get, and the result when all of this is applied to someone who finds running offensive is that quite frankly, I'm a f****ng mess!

So, with some bold fitness plans in the offing, it would be foolish not to take steps to address my diet.

And tonight, for the first time in many years, something green has touched my plate, and I wad the one to put it there!
Okay, okay, it was only a handful of pea shoots, but make no mistake, this is a big deal for me!!!

Also note the jacket potato (singular) instead of a wheelbarrow full of chips.

Alright, the peri-peri chicken would have fed 2 people, but the missus didn't want any, and I'm still not ready to waste food!

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 12 Dec 2018, 22:43
by Kwacky
I had a Chinese take away.

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 15 Dec 2018, 23:48
by D6Nutz
Ribeye steak and triple cooked chips followed by s chocolate brownie.

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 16 Dec 2018, 00:56
by Itchy
A 20oz T-bone steak.

Made it disappear all too easily. The first proper steak I've had in probably half a year, the first bite was like a little party in my mouth!

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 16 Dec 2018, 00:58
by D41
Pizza, pizza!!!!

(pizza) (pizza)

I'm going out to Watsen's Drugstore for dinner later's called a 'drugstore' but it's actually a restaurant you'll have seen in a few movies. Pretty cool place.....has very much a 1950-60s vibe to it.

Prices are defo 21st century vibe.

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 16 Dec 2018, 00:59
by D41
What is that on top of the steak??

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 16 Dec 2018, 01:02
by Itchy
Garlic butter.

It came off pretty quickly.

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 16 Dec 2018, 10:45
by Deegee
Steak looks v good :P , but I’ve been trying to work out wtf the thing in the wooden bowl is though?

P.S. I’m guessing the one piece of tomato is part of the new healthy eating regime?

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 16 Dec 2018, 11:01
by Itchy
Deegee wrote:Steak looks v good :P , but I’ve been trying to work out wtf the thing in the wooden bowl is though?
The waitress asked me what wedge dressing I would like. She caught me off guard so I panicked and went for the bacon and honey mustard, because I like bacon and I like honey. (We'll ignore the fact that I don't like mustard for now!)
So it turns out that a wedge dressing is, perhaps unsurprisingly, a wedge of lettuce with a salad dressing. I had a couple of bits of the bacon and then left it.
Deegee wrote:P.S. I’m guessing the one piece of tomato is part of the new healthy eating regime?
No, my wife took that. And I didn't eat the onion loaf either.
But I did eat all the leaves though! All 7 of them! :D