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Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 01 May 2014, 21:12
by Itchy
No probs mate, happy to be able to help for a change.

Keep the Boosts for your normal running, if they suit you then that's what you need. Don't, if you can help it, use them on the mudder. Get a pair of Trail trainers for it, just to give yourself that extra grip. There were quite a few sections where it was helpful, so for 40 quid it was definitely worth it!

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 07 May 2014, 12:39
by Kwacky
I did legs on Sunday. It must have been good as I'm still aching. No wonder people skip leg day.

Back and shoulders tonight.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 08 May 2014, 21:26
by Kwacky
I had a headache so didn't train until tonight. The headaches seem to be creeping back on a more regular basis.

Did back and shoulders tonight with some more deadlifts. I've started picking up some decent weight (for me). My deadlift drop set now is what was my max 6 weeks ago.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 08 May 2014, 21:37
by duke63
Got to dust off my footie boots off for a charity 5 a side competition this Sunday.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 09 May 2014, 20:49
by D6Nutz
Damn personal trainer was on a mission tonight ..

Started on the Jacobs Ladder for 4 mins as a warm up. That thing is deceptive, this was followed up by a strength circuit:
12 x pullups
12 x dropdowns
12 x weighted squats (30kg)
12 x deadlifts (didn't catch the weight)

60 second break between exercises with 4 circuits... First time in a long time I felt like I was going to throw up and pass out..

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 09 May 2014, 20:56
by Kwacky
That sounds very nasty.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 13 May 2014, 22:00
by Kwacky
Chest and arms

I went later to avoid the dickheads, which worked, but those who were there were serious trainers so I couldn't get to half the equipment. Still had a decent workout though.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 14 May 2014, 18:46
by Itchy
We had circuits yesterday, turned out to be a sweatbox. (Exercises in the middle, partner doing laps around the outside of us.)

For the first time in a while I found it not too bad. I don't know if it was the fact that I hadn't done a weights session beforehand like I normally do, or if it was anything to do with this no-rest weights programme I've been doing the last few weeks or what, but I found that instead of dragging myself around and doing minimal effort I was actually pushing myself around and actually giving a bit of effort.

Maybe I was pushing myself in order to be better prepared for what's coming on Friday. More on that later...

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 14 May 2014, 20:36
by Kwacky
Up another 20kg on deadlifts. That said, it was a struggle. I could feel my triceps being pulled.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 14 May 2014, 20:48
by Itchy
It was a strange turn of events that brought me to this stage of my fitness regime.

It started with me going upstairs to get the missus up from her lie-in. As I gave her a kick and she groggily stirred I stood on the TV remote, turning the TV on the last channel it had been on. As it was Film Four this meant that it was showing the Teleshopping infomercials.

The thing on offer at that precise moment was the Insanity Workout... ..." onclick=";return false;

I'd heard of this and know a couple of people that have tried it. It's pretty hardcore. (sweat)

So jokingly I gave her arse a nudge and said "You could do with having a go at that, tubs". I was expecting a punch at the least, but she agreed with me. And the more the advert went on, the more I was transfixed by the bold claims, sculpted bodies, before & after shots and fit birds in tiny gym wear. This also concided with the missus asking questions. She's been saying since Finn was born she should get out and do something, but somehow over the lastfour years it just hasn't happened.

So we agreed. I, erm...sourced it from official channels (bandit) and took a look.

We start on Friday.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 14 May 2014, 20:53
by Kwacky
I've heard good things about it. Let me know how it goes.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 14 May 2014, 21:08
by Perkles
Squats tonight ,lots of them my legs will be very sore tomorrow

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 14 May 2014, 21:16
by Kwacky
Erm, why you doing legs so close to a track day? :D

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 18 May 2014, 18:24
by Itchy
Day 3 of the Insanity workout today.
You certainly get a sweat on. Me and the missus are both being reminded of the workout every time we tackle the stairs!

I didn't mention how I got on with the Lean Mass 15 thing.

It turns out that I'm not the sculpted adonis that the article suggested!
Lol, tbh I didn't expect it to do much, if anything.
But I have noticed a couple of things...
My brute strength has gone down a little, but not by as much as I thought.
My endurance has gone up, but with such high rep work that would be expected.
I've noticed that whilst I was doing a circuit I wasn't quite as knackered as I normally am. Whether it was a light circuit or the programme with it's active rest had helped I don't know. I suppose I do feel a bit fitter.
But the biggest changehas to be seeing the tiniest hint of a vein coming through on a tensed bicep.
According to Stewie from Family Guy, if there's one thing women love it's a vascular man!

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 18 May 2014, 20:04
by Perkles
I did arms and some shoulders tonight,I'm still sore from Fridays track shananigans

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 25 May 2014, 07:56
by Itchy
Riding over to the Midlands on Friday straight after work left us with little time to get an Insanity workout in.
So to catch up, we did two yesterday.
One in the morning, one in the afternoon.


Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 25 May 2014, 10:24
by rocket
trying 10x10 German volume training at the moment as i need to change from push pull routine as I've been doing it for 6 months and my body needs a change.

Did my first routine on Thursday chest and back it was hard but good. Trained yesterday morning and it was squatting which i love but i Nearly puked 3 times as i was rushing and trained to close to eating.

Today will be arms looking forward to not being able to eat properly later on (devil)

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 25 May 2014, 10:29
by Perkles
I bought a new curling bar and some 5kgs plates so smashed my arms up last night,very sore this morning

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 25 May 2014, 10:33
by Kwacky
Had a session on Friday. I hadn't trained for over a week. I'm still feeling it. I'm battered all over.

Chins up seem to batter my abs more than any other exercise.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 25 May 2014, 11:57
by Itchy
Kwacky wrote: Chins up seem to batter my abs more than any other exercise.
Freudian slip or intentional?