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Re: Is biking in the blood?

Posted: 03 Jun 2014, 10:00
by Cavetroll87
Oh and of course I have the unfortunate luck be to be related to Alan W who is on here and his brother Dave rides too, so it is quite big on my mums side of the family

Re: Is biking in the blood?

Posted: 03 Jun 2014, 10:10
by C00kiemonster
Dad always commuted to work on his bikes when I was a kid. He had a few big offs in the winters too. His dad rode bikes in the war and had a bike and sidecar at times which he used all the time. Dad had a good friend he spent a lot of time with who raced at the TT on sidecars many years ago, until his brother was killed doing it and that stopped that.

They were proper biker, not some soft lad who rides his at weekends occasionally, but I did get my desire to ride bikes from them.

Is it in the blood? I think genetically we have a predisposition to do things and be more adventurous than others, it's more than just experience I think. More the desire to be a bit different and non conformist, which is difficult these days.

I haven't ridden for many months now (no opportunity yet, the longest I've ever not ridden) but I do miss it a lot. I will be back doing it in the summer once the house is more comfy.

Re: Is biking in the blood?

Posted: 18 Jun 2014, 02:04
by kiwikrasher
My dad has had at least one bike in the garage since he was 15. I was riding with him from about 8. My sister (from his second marrigae) lives in the States now and owns her own bike. I've had a bike since 16, excpet for a 4 yr break. But took a big break from road bikes and did a lot of trail riding (green lane riding I think you call it). My My wife spent 6 yrs on the back of a bike in a previous relationship, but refuses to get on with me because she doesn't want to risk leaving the kids parentless. My 7 yr old son is shit scared of my bike (but thats got more to do with his autism than anything) and my 5 yr old daughter loves it, giggles when I let her rev it (thats a good sign right there!) and has had a couple of runs around the yard and down the driveway on it. She is hanging to turn 8 which is the legal age for a pillon in Aus.

I think it's a bit of both, genetic make up and environment.

Re: Is biking in the blood?

Posted: 18 Jun 2014, 12:01
by Norfolknchance
I would say no. Whilst 2 of my 3 sisters ride the third sister and my brother do not and don't have much of an interest in them (my brother has said he quite likes Harleys, so no, he has no interest at all).
Also my mum and dad were absolutely dead set against them, mum was a nurse and dad a doctor (pathologist to be precise). Don't think any of my cousins ride bikes or have ever had any inclination to ride them.