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Hi again

Posted: 06 Dec 2015, 15:12
by Itchy
Hi all,

Sorry I have been around to bless you all with my ramblings recently. I've been busy moving house, and once I'd got that mainly sorted I had to go on a training course. Luckily it was in the same place that I'm working, but unluckily there was around 4-5 hours of homework every night in order to get an A-Level equivalent qualification done in 2 weeks!!!

Coupling that with being thrown into my first lessons with trainees straight afterwards, and the subsequent release of Star Wars: Battlefront on the PS4, means that Tankslap has taken a back seat.

I haven't biked since I moved here, in fact it's still at the mother in laws because I haven't cleared the garage of moving boxes yet!
I have all good intentions of clearing it though, and maybe giving it a big clean during the winter, but I think we're all aware of my good intentions!

Good to see you all again.

Re: Hi again

Posted: 06 Dec 2015, 15:15
by D6
Welcome back. I'm hoping for a ps4 and star wars battlefront for chrimbo.

Re: Hi again

Posted: 06 Dec 2015, 15:29
by Kwacky
My son is going to be treated to watching his dad play star wars on his PS4 on Christmas day.

Re: Hi again

Posted: 06 Dec 2015, 20:05
by StMarks
Good to hear from you Itchy, trust the house move went through without too much trouble mate.?

Re: Hi again

Posted: 06 Dec 2015, 22:17
by Blade
Hi Itchy mate. Sounds like you've been a very busy chappy recently. Hope things slow down a bit and catch up with you on some rideouts in 2016 (y)

Re: Hi again

Posted: 06 Dec 2015, 22:21
by Itchy
Not too bad really. We told the movers to put the furniture in the house, and everything else in the garage so that we could unpack a box at a time without having to trip over ourselves.

Which is great, but now we're unpacked we still have all the boxes flat-packed right where my bike should be sitting!

Kids have settled well, we've only had a couple of "I want to go home" moments. Missus loves it as mum-in-law is 14 minutes down the road.
And me? Well, compared to Norfolk the Internet is fan-frickin-tastic, I get 10Mb/s on regular broadband, not to mention super quick 4G mobile data, I have a garage, I'm doing a job I've wanted to do since I joined the Air Force and to top it all off, I'm now in a great central position to join Tankslap ride rideouts on a whim(as opposed to 7 weeks notice and riding to the other side of the country)!

So at the moment, we're all happy bunnies!

Re: Hi again

Posted: 07 Dec 2015, 00:16
by kiwikrasher
Win win all around mate!

You move and unpack exactly the same as I do, must be a by product of the transient military life!

Glad you are settling in well mate. Enjoy running dress parades rather than being in them (lol)

Re: Hi again

Posted: 11 Dec 2015, 11:24
by Rossgo
Nice to see you back Itchy. Glad the job is going well. Hope you grt settled soon and 2016 means you get out on the bike more!

Re: Hi again

Posted: 12 Dec 2015, 08:50
by Frankie
Nice one mate, welcome back....