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Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 11 Sep 2018, 11:34
by duke63
Yes he has ridden mine.

I might be getting old, but he's not getting it for free. :P

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 11 Sep 2018, 11:41
by Kwacky
kiwikrasher wrote:
Have you ridden one yet? You might not like it.. but I’d be keen to see a review from you on one.
I've had a couple of goes on Dukes.

Good bikes, very accomplished. Easy to wheelie as well (devil)

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 11 Sep 2018, 11:44
by kiwikrasher
Kwacky wrote:
kiwikrasher wrote:
Have you ridden one yet? You might not like it.. but I’d be keen to see a review from you on one.
I've had a couple of goes on Dukes.

Good bikes, very accomplished. Easy to wheelie as well (devil)
For someone that can’t wheelie for peanuts I find that too, but I always blame Jess being on the back (lol)

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 11 Sep 2018, 11:54
by Kwacky
You calling your other half fat?

That'll go down well.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 11 Sep 2018, 11:57
by kiwikrasher
Kwacky wrote:You calling your other half fat?

That'll go down well.
Not at all, just the repositioning of the C of G helps facilitate front wheel lifting dispite my lack of talent.

But if YOU are calling her fat you’re going to stop getting Pokémon gifts (lol)

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 11 Sep 2018, 12:06
by Kwacky
I can only say complimentary things about your dearest.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 11 Sep 2018, 20:35
by C00kiemonster
kiwikrasher wrote:So on the weekend I ripped up to Brisbane and saw Uncle Rog, the super dooper Physio.

He did a fully analysis on me, as you’d expect for a clumsy accident prone middle aged muppet, he found a fair bit wrong. But specifically to my current issue he confirmed I have nerve traction in my right arm. Nerves are not very stretchy, greater than 7% and you start having issues. So he’s certain I’m tugging on my spinal cord with that arm nerve and highly suspects the mass showing up in my MRI is actually scar tissue from the trauma from that. He said obviously he can’t totally discount a tumour, but said it would be highly coincidental to have one at the exact point of the stress on my spinal cord from the traction.

He did a bunch of work on me and taught me a bunch of self rehab exercises and movements. I got about 20% reduction in symptoms just over those two days. He said I’d probably still need a op for the canal stenosis but that’s a lot better option than spinal cord surgery.

He’s writing a bunch of clinical notes for the neurosurgeons review next week.

Regardless of what is going on with it all, I feeling a ton more positive about it all after the weekend and it was great to reconnect with Rog and hear some crazy stories of high profile athletes he’s treated over the years (lol)
This... is excellent news.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 11 Sep 2018, 20:40
by Kwacky
duke63 wrote:Yes he has ridden mine.

I might be getting old, but he's not getting it for free. :P

We'll see......

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 11 Sep 2018, 21:13
by D6Nutz
Kwacky wrote:Easy to wheelie as well (devil)
Can't say I noticed that when I rode dukes bike on the IoM (wasntme)

KK, really great to hear positive news mate.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 11 Sep 2018, 22:36
by duke63
Next time, You should try it with the wheelie control switched off. :D

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 19 Sep 2018, 07:16
by kiwikrasher
Saw the neurosurgeon today.

Nothing’s much changed in the MRI and they are still in the mind that it doesn’t present like a typical tumour but still a chance it is.

Ruled out MS at this point.

The disc bulge seems to have got slightly worse and pushing more on my cord.

So she’s going to confer with a neuro radiologist again and decide which way to go.

Looking likely she’ll want to remove the disc and fuse, then when I’ve recovered from that do another MRI and with the swelling and stenosis removed should be much clearer if there is a lesion or not.

She’s going to call me in 2-3 days once she’s consulted with the other boffins

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 19 Sep 2018, 08:19
by Kwacky
Keep us all posted mate.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 19 Sep 2018, 08:28
by StMarks
As with Kwacky's post.

From a positive perspective Kk, another "we're not really sure yet" must be considered far better news than a nasty diagnosis like you got before.?

Good that they've ruled out MS for you too.!

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 19 Sep 2018, 08:38
by Kwacky
TBH I think he just posts to tell us about his impressive bulge.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 19 Sep 2018, 21:11
by C00kiemonster
Positive vibes to you fella. Have they said when they will do it?

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 19 Sep 2018, 22:25
by kiwikrasher
Kwacky wrote:TBH I think he just posts to tell us about his impressive bulge.

My bulge impresses no one mate :D

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 19 Sep 2018, 22:50
by kiwikrasher
C00kiemonster wrote:Positive vibes to you fella. Have they said when they will do it?
I have to wait till she gets back to me to find about her proposed plan. Still in limbo atm.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 20 Sep 2018, 08:46
by Kwacky
That's a nice pinch point.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 20 Sep 2018, 10:03
by C00kiemonster
kiwikrasher wrote:
Kwacky wrote:TBH I think he just posts to tell us about his impressive bulge.

My bulge impresses no one mate :D
Wow - it's pretty obvious that.

I love these scans as it's fascinating to see how complex a machine we really are.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 25 Sep 2018, 09:28
by Cavetroll87
Whole night of explosive vomiting last night, at one point I woke up on the floor of my bathroom not completley dressed so guessing I passed out after being sick, feeling awful today. Hoping the wife doesn't come down with it as we be booked tickets to take little dude go Chessington on Friday