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Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 21 Sep 2022, 09:33
by Perkles
Frankie wrote:Spanked it in the dust on Sunday :)



awesome Frankie !

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 21 Sep 2022, 17:57
by Frankie
StMarks wrote:(shocked) You running on Hydrogen in that fuel tank Fkkr1s ? (clap)
And Helium in the hoops :D

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 21 Sep 2022, 19:44
by D6Nutz
Frankie wrote:
StMarks wrote:(shocked) You running on Hydrogen in that fuel tank Fkkr1s ? (clap)
And Helium in the hoops :D
Don't forget the redbull too Image

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 25 Sep 2022, 18:50
by Kwacky
I went out this afternoon for a couple of hours on the MV. I went looking for roads I've not used before. Found some good ones, found some crap ones. But it was time on the bike which was long overdue.

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 25 Sep 2022, 19:19
by D6Nutz
I've been doing the same recently on the speed. Popped out yesterday evening for a couple of hours, 50/50 between fast A roads and single track lanes.

Did manage to find a bit where the road drops away, quite quickly... Especially at a slightly naughty speed... Both wheels airborne for a few seconds

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 25 Sep 2022, 19:24
by duke63
It's a good thing to do now and again. I did it coming back from the Triumph factory yesterday, just following my nose rather than a map.

Same thing I found some good roads and some not so interesting.

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 25 Sep 2022, 19:30
by D6Nutz
I do it quite a bit.

My favourite parts are either the slow ride past a junction trying to read the ride signs, or just bring stopped at a junction looking at the signs. Either way it's the same result, you have no idea where any of the places are so end up picking a random direction.

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 25 Sep 2022, 21:29
by duke63
There are some great roads around Mallory Park..B roads are generally the best.

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 03 Oct 2022, 11:02
by Kwacky
Took the SX in to work.

It was a bit fresh this morning

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 04 Oct 2022, 11:20
by Stonesie
It's a day of new boots.
Just received a new pair of SIDI Performer Goretex boots for myself and about to take the wheels off the XR for a trip up to see Cyril at Bike Tyres Leeds for a pair of Continental Road Attack 4's. I had the RA3 on the Superduke GT and they were fantastic with all that power to deal with so the new version with better wet grip and longer life should be ok on a 105hp bike, about 70 less than the SDGT. Cheapest I could find them online was £297 then I would have to get them fitted, they quoted £301 fitted to loose wheels, £340 Ride in/out.

I may be strange in that I don't trust Michelin, the last 2 bikes I have used them on have both worn the front into a wedge and got dangerous with odd handling and unexpected front end slides, PR4 and 5 have done it.
But most of my riding buddies won't use anything else. One has discovered the used tyre rack at Cyril's, £20 fitted for a nearly new rear Metzeler tourance next with no repairs, it's a V-strom not a GSXR so he couldn't resist. 8)



Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 06 Oct 2022, 17:11
by Stonesie
More bike tinkering, took the chain guard, exhaust after the catalyst and screen off, even unbolted the horn at one point to get the engine and underside as clean as possible ready for it's ACF-50 coating.


My car is off for some welding around the rear wheel arch for it's MOT, nothing else to do today so I passed a few hours cleaning, spraying, polishing and reassembling all whilst dodging the showers and cursing the weather forecast for telling me it was going to be a bright/sunny/warm day :D
All done and the bike is away with it's battery charger on, the garage smells like ACF-50 and it's after 5pm with no call so far about progress on the cage :^

I almost hope they've burned the thing to the ground, except it would be a shame to waste the 45 litres of Diesel in it's tank.

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 09 Oct 2022, 17:43
by D6Nutz
Took the cover off the bike and noticed it was a bit damp from condensation, so took out for a 4 hour ride to dry it off..

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Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 16 Oct 2022, 23:35
by kiwikrasher
Over the weekend racked up a few kms on the Multi.

Jess is up at Tamworth 5 hours away doing a regional placement so had friends watch the kids and rode up Saturday morning and back Sunday afternoon. Weather gods definitely smiled on me. Had our first fine day Friday and that lasted till about 2 hours after I got back on Sunday when the heavens opened up again. Unbelievable luck.

My other bit of good luck was more close call rather than disaster. And so stereotypical Aussie (lol). Early into the trip up on Saturday (left 6am) as I entered into the 150km windy road that cuts through a National Park, came around a tight corner to be met with two kangaroos on the road. One on the left edge of my lane and one mid lane of the other side. Mate to the right hops off to the right away from me. Mate on the left, turns to go left, spots his buddy bounding the other way, and decides to follow, and leaps straight into my path. Just as I’m about to inevitability collide, despite heavy braking and ABS engaging, he does an about face and my left handle bar passes over his head (he was a smaller one) and my boot cops his tail. I looked back and he happily bounded off into the bush. I feel like a proper Aussie now (lol)

About an hour later I saw a huge red kangaroo on the edge of the road. This guy was as tall as me on the bike, muscle bound, just staring at me. Once again I was in a committed corner and just willed him to not move. Luckily he didn’t. Rest of trip was uneventful thankfully!

Regardless of the near miss and freezing cold for the first two hours of the early start, I really enjoyed putting some decent kms on a bike again. The Multi still runs like a dream and eats the miles like a trooper.

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 27 Oct 2022, 09:53
by kiwikrasher
Took my daughter Jorja for her first bike ride today.

It’s definitely in the genes, she was cheering the further we tipped it over (rock)

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 29 Oct 2022, 19:30
by Frankie
Went to a new track, and very close ! however not open very often by all accounts. really muddy, = I am bloody knackered, but how much fun can you have for £35.00 !!

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 29 Oct 2022, 22:29
by D41
It looks like you're taking most of the track home with you.

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 30 Oct 2022, 08:52
by Frankie
I did!!! I could build a whole new MX track with the mud on my bike, boots, lid, kit! lol....

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 04 Nov 2022, 13:05
by kiwikrasher
Took Jorja out for a blast again.

She came home quite upset as she thinks she did badly in an end of year exam. After a cuddle and a few tears, she asked if we could ride again. There was scattered rain but she didn’t care. Came back in a much better mood.

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 04 Nov 2022, 13:12
by Cav
Oh man that's the best! I hope I get a more suitable road bike when my Son shows an interest :) She's going to be hooked for sure, a motorcycle ride does so much good for mental health

Re: What did you do to your bike today ??

Posted: 04 Nov 2022, 19:10
by Stonesie
Took my bike out for a quick hour but took the baffle out first.

6 hours later I'm home and ideas of trading the little XR for a GS might be fading, Sergio was confused by the noise of a Ducati with the sight of my XR... That's one bad thing about the GS, boxer's don't sound like a V-twin.

Also the baffle is so restrictive the bike is noticeably more grunty without it... But, f'in-ell she's loud (raaar) (rock)